Miss Darcy's Passion

By Wendy Soliman

When Dominic Sanford's parents die in a carriage accident, he is packed off to Scotland to be brought up in his uncle's household. Twelve years later, a member of the London Company of Surgeons, he returns to his dilapidated estate that borders Pemberley. He plans to settle in Derbyshire and continue with his medical research, but has other pressing reasons for his return. His father's journals have recently come into his possession and throw up questions about the accident that killed his parents. Perhaps it wasn't an accident at all, and they were murdered. Dominic will not rest until he discovers the truth.

Georgiana Darcy sees Dominic for the first time at Colonel Fitzwilliam�s wedding and feels an immediate attraction towards her brother�s engaging friend. Determined to be of service to her neighbour, Georgiana scours her own father�s journals and discovers disquieting information about illegal activities at the time of the Sanfords� demise.

As Dominic and Georgiana delve deeper, they uncover a fiendish web of organised criminality fuelled by thirst for revenge against Dominic. Georgiana unwittingly plays a major role in the miscreants� plans and by involving her, Dominic has placed her directly in danger�s path. Can he find a way to fight back, save the woman whom he has come to admire, and find justice for his parents�
