Tracy Howlett

ALLi Author Member

Location: United Kingdom (the)

Genres: Mind Body Spirit, Self-Help/Personal Development, Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Young Adult (YA), Romance

Skills: Performance/Spoken Word, Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

Growing up in the south of England I spent my younger years lost in imaginary worlds, writing and ‘publishing’ my own books using a glue stick and paper fasteners. Early inspirations for me were Jo March (Little Women), Anne of Green Gables, Beatrix Potter and the Bronte sisters and I dreamed of one day being a published author.

In later years, I took well-meaning advice to get my head out of the clouds, and swapped story writing for a 26-year career in the UK Police force. During those years I experienced both the best and the worst of humanity; I met people from every walk of life and from the bravest to the most damaged and depraved individuals, they all added to my life experience and brought me to where I am today. Throughout my service though, my expertise was always my writing and every statement, every case file, report and operation order, had to be a work of perfection.

Institutional bullying, along with unmanageable work levels took their toll on my stress levels and mental health, and in 2022 I was medically discharged from the force. During that incredibly stressful and difficult time my escape was writing. For many years a story had been milling around and building itself in my mind, and during that time I finally wrote it. That story became my first published book, a fantasy, sci-fi novel called Darkness Rising; and book one in the series 'Children Of The Light'.

Since becoming a published author I have been asked many times how I did it. The answer? I kept going; one step at a time, allowing the right words to flow when they were ready to, taking time to get to know my characters and exploring their world in my mind. When I finally wrote those two little words ‘The End’ it felt surreal … I had done it, I had written my first book!

After that, the question of “what next” was an overwhelming and frankly terrifying prospect! The one thing which made it easier for me though was ALLi, their information, advice and guidance, particularly with vetting publishing industry providers; knowing what agents, editors and publishers to approach.

So when I’m asked for my best advice?
Firstly join ALLi!
Secondly, if you have ever doubted yourself and your abilities, the moral of my personal story has been to never give in and never quit; because one step beyond the point when you want to give up ... might be everything you have ever dreamed of.

Tracy Howlett's books

Darkness Rising - Book 1 in series Children of the Light

Beyond Earth a new world is coming - the greatest battle of all time.

Aurora, Aaron and Cal are among the new generation born to the Lightworkers. With the power of the Universe in their souls, these Children of Light are the most advanced beings on Earth. Summoned to the ancient realm of Valhandra, they prepare to defeat the rising Darkness and bring forth the new world.

Catapulted to dimensions beyond the boundaries of physical reality, Aurora, Aaron and Cal navigate their own challenges as they come to terms with their destinies, learn to use their powers, and discover the mysteries of life, space, the Universe, and time itself.

But time is running out.

A deadly plague is sweeping across the Earth. Darkness is creeping into the minds and bodies of humanity. Secrets and betrayals are surfacing within the Lightworkers, threatening to destroy Valhandra.

As the future of the world hangs in the balance, can the Children of Light stop the Darkness rising?
