This We Know

By Tom Evans

Age Groups: 12-18, 18+

This is a book about knowing and what it means to know. We don't give our knowledge a second thought yet some of us would bet considerable amounts of money on what we know.
We are proud of our retention of facts. Pub quizzes and TV quiz shows thrive on this seemingly basic desire. We would swear on a bible that the Sun will set and rise each day. In fact, the Sun stays relatively static as the Earth rotates on its axis giving the illusion of sunset and sunrise.
We know, for a fact, that we know more things than our predecessors. By inference, our descendants will know more than us yet again. In a hundred years time, they may even smile lovingly at our innocence and naivety.
Knowing there is an infinity of things yet to know is one of the key tenets of our knowledge.
This book is a purposely short exploration into what we know, what we don't know and how to open up the floodgates to acquiring even more knowledge. In this way, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater, humanity can evolve from its current state into a very Bright Future indeed. This We Know.


