Tom Evans

ALLi Author Member

Location: United Kingdom (the)

Genres: Self-Help/Personal Development, Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, General Nonfiction, Philosophy, Advice & How To, Other Poetry, Writing & Publishing, Mind Body Spirit, Science Fiction (Sci-Fi), Speculative Fiction, Spiritual Poetry

Skills: Performance/Spoken Word, Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

I am an author of many non-fiction books, two books of short stories and now my 1st novel too.

Along the way, the meditations that I gave away free with many of my books ended up with me becoming one of the most popular meditation guides on the free Insight Timer app. I also use the app as my preferred platform for my audiobooks, meditales as I call them.

I’ve rejoined ALLi as I have been asked by some fellow meditation teachers if I can help them write and publish their books. So after a gap of around ten years, I am resurrecting my authors’ mentor persona, TheBookwright.

Tom Evans' books


Blocks is an easy to follow guide to unlocking your true creative potential.

This practical and comprehensive book takes you on a journey of the mind to help you banish your blocks forever and tap into an abundant flow of inspiration and creativity.

This book is for anyone who writes regularly, whether professionally or for pleasure. Nearly everyone will at some point have found themselves unable to get into their creative flow and achieve the literary results they are looking for.

‘Blocks’ explains why we get stuck and how to get unblocked.

The Art and Science of Light Bulb Moments

This book is an interactive, educational and entertaining guide on how to have ideas on demand. In it I explain how the mind works (and doesn’t work) so that you can experience inspirations about anything pretty much any time you like.

Light bulb moments don’t have to be random.

You will learn the secrets to Whole Brain and Whole Mind Thinking, the importance of the breath and how to reconnect with your vestigial minds and the superconsciousness. Find out where ideas come from and why most thoughts aren’t necessarily your own.

The Zone

Have you ever been in The Zone but not known how you got there?
Have you ever been out of The Zone and wondered how to get back in it?
Have you ever wondered where this somewhat mythical Zone actually was?
Well this book is a map of how to find your way around it and how to stay in it.

New Magic for a New Era

This is a book of magic.
If you want to know how to bring money, love, good health and luck into your life, it explains how.

It is full of practical, real world advice and is brimming with insight and erudition.

If you’ve ever experienced anything out of the ordinary that you can’t readily explain, you may well find answers here.

Many personal development books recount how some enlightenment can be gained by encountering and overcoming some adversity or setbacks. By going to the edge and coming back, we can often help others in similar predicaments by sharing our experiences.This book takes a different approach by exploring the notion that life doesn’t have to be intrinsically tough, unless we want it to be.

Just imagine all that your heart desires just turning up.
Just imagine having as much time as you need.
Just imagine a life without dis-ease and one full of joy and ease.

Mindful Timeful Kindful

This book is an introduction to mindfulness and to mindfulness meditation. In addition to exploring the benefits to our health and well being, as a practical ex-BBC TV engineer, I explain how we can use the practice of mindfulness meditation to get real world results.
Just imagine then by meditating for just 10 minutes every day that you could improve not just your health but your increase your wealth too.
Just imagine if you could generate more time and give both your creativity and productivity a boost.
Just imagine being luckier in life and in luck.
Just imagine stepping into a new way of being in just 21 days.

Mindful Timeful Kindful is the intentionally short and inexpensive book in a new series that will show you how to do this and more.

It shows how by being mindful we can generate more time and therefore become time-full as a result. When we then have more time on our hands, this opens the doors to us being kind-full. This kindfulness starts with us first and then puts us in a great position to be kind to others – and the planet.

Managing Time Mindfully

Managing Time Mindfully explores the use of mindfulness meditation as a practical tool for improved time management. When we take control of our Personal Time Machine—our mind—we can take the passage of time under our control.

Mindfulness meditation techniques can be used to get more done in less time, and with less effort. When we are mindful about how we spend and invest our time, we free ourselves from a self-imposed enslavement to time.

“This book is a temporal tour de force. It is ahead of its time and takes the reader back in time to its roots and first tickings. My relationship with time has now changed forever.”

The Authority Guide to Practical Mindfulness

It is becoming well accepted and understood how our well-being benefits from the regular practice of mindfulness meditation.

This book explores how even more tangible benefits can be delivered from just treating yourself to 10 minutes of ‘me time’ each day.

Just imagine having more time in each day and clients and opportunities finding you. Just imagine being able to tap into unlimited inspiration.

It's more than a book too as each of the 10 chapters comes with a free 10 minute meditation so you can practice and experience what you are reading or listening to (as also an audiobook)

The Big Ü

The Big Ü is a clarion call for people to step up to become the biggest and best version of themselves possible.

If you harbour a suspicion that there is a better world out there waiting for you to find it, then this book is for you.

If you are seeking a quality of freedom to follow your wildest of wild dreams, then this book is for you.

If you feel a sense of purpose and want to make a difference, then this book is for you too.

Soulwaves : A Future History

This is my 1st full novel and took me 15 years and 15 other books to write.

It is a metaphysical and cosmological adventure across space and time.

If you’ve ever wondered where we are heading, this book explores a possible near-future for humanity, and the Earth.

If you’ve ever wondered where we came from, be prepared to turn your thinking on its head.

If you’ve ever wondered if anyone is pulling your strings, this book will make you think again about chances encounters or serendipities in your life.

If you’ve every suspected you are part of something bigger than you can imagine, this book is for you.

Soulwaves : Insertions

Soulwaves: Insertions is both the prequel and sequel to the novel Soulwaves: A Future History. comprising of 12 short stories. They are wild rides of imagination.

The stories straddle the present day and stretch from the beginning to the end of time in this particular Universe. Like the novel that inspired them, they are of course completely fictitious, laced with threads of universal truths. They are complete conjecture and wild rides of the imagination.

They can be savoured and enjoyed if you have not listened to the novel but will make more sense when both audiobooks have been consumed. The order in which you listen to them is not important. Soulwaves themselves will pull you in the direction which is right for you.

Discover how life may have started and might end on Earth. Learn how humans got the word and became self-aware. Find out how affairs on planet Earth, and in the Density, are influenced by benevolent intelligences that sit in the Void.

Insertions describe 12 different ways this intelligence enters the Density when the course of history, and humanity, requires a nudge and a redirection. If you have ever felt your strings were being pulled, these short stories will open your mind to new possibilities and new thinking.

The author, Tom Evans, is a modern day mystic and channel who is able to tap into possible future events and alternate past histories. He is a meditation guide who teaches people how to tap into the collective consciousness.

Nothing in this audiobook, or the novel Soulwaves: A Future History, is true. Neither is it necessarily false.

The Germinatrix

This book contains 22 short stories that don’t take long to read but that will stay with you for a long time.

They explore aspects of our consciousness and awareness and are inspired by the Major Arcana of the Tarot. Naturally there is much magic in this book’s pages.

This We Know

This is a book about knowing and what it means to know. We don't give our knowledge a second thought yet some of us would bet considerable amounts of money on what we know.
We are proud of our retention of facts. Pub quizzes and TV quiz shows thrive on this seemingly basic desire. We would swear on a bible that the Sun will set and rise each day. In fact, the Sun stays relatively static as the Earth rotates on its axis giving the illusion of sunset and sunrise.
We know, for a fact, that we know more things than our predecessors. By inference, our descendants will know more than us yet again. In a hundred years time, they may even smile lovingly at our innocence and naivety.
Knowing there is an infinity of things yet to know is one of the key tenets of our knowledge.
This book is a purposely short exploration into what we know, what we don't know and how to open up the floodgates to acquiring even more knowledge. In this way, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater, humanity can evolve from its current state into a very Bright Future indeed. This We Know.

This We Are

This We Are is the sequel to This We Know
Like This We Know, I didn’t plan to write it, it just paid a visit one day unexpectedly.
In the same way that This We Know explores what we know, what we don’t know and what we could know, This We Are challenges the status quo of what we are.
Perhaps unlike any other species on the planet, we have the ability and ‘smarts’ to influence our own evolution and future. This doesn’t require manipulation of DNA either. Merely by thinking and using our imagination, we can change our course.
Naturally, if you want to live in a world at war, with hunger and poverty matched with obesity and greed, that’s permitted too!
