Poems Of A Musical Flavour: Volume 3

By Tiara King also writes as L.J. Diva and T.K. Wrathbone

This book features lyrics I wrote in 1992 when I was 18 years old. 1992 was a good year musically. Indecent Obsession came out with their second album, Indio, and I was still crazy for the keyboardist. I watched them on every show I could and even won a prize pack from a radio station. I wrote 133 songs, so beat my record from the year before. But there was more to come.

The book also contains some witty one liners and anecdotes about what was happening, who I wanted to be, or who I had a crush on.

They are not perfect, nor meant to be, they’re just the musings of a young teenage girl with crushes and dreams.

