Closet Confidential: How To Audit Your Wardrobe And Update Your Style

By Tiara King also writes as L.J. Diva and T.K. Wrathbone

Closet Confidential: How To Audit Your Wardrobe And Update Your Style is a quick and simple guide for men, women and children to help clear out the clutter and become the master of their wardrobes.

Ever wondered what style of clothing suits your personality or lifestyle? Confused as to which colours combine best, where to find the right style of clothing, what storage ideas are most appropriate, or how to start clearing out your closet?

This book is broken down into quick and easy steps such as: Preparation and Storage Ideas, Magazines, Catalogues and Celebrities, Clothing Personalities, Colour Combining, Audit Time, Organizing Space and Storage, Refill Your Wardrobe, Wardrobe Essentials and Be the Master of Your Wardrobe.

Tiara gets personal about her style journey through the last four decades and offers helpful tips she has come across and uses everyday such as: When and How I Audit, My Journey: Purifying My Closet and My Life, My Personal Storage Ideas, My Wardrobe and Me: The Glamourisation of My Closet and My Ever Changing Fashion Style.

Closet Confidential also has the easy to use Style Files note section where you can write down all of the items you have and what you need to add to your wardrobe.

If you’re passionate about clothes and want quick and easy steps to auditing your wardrobe and updating your style then Closet Confidential: How To Audit Your Wardrobe And Update Your Style is the book for you.

Tiara King has been creating jewellery since 1990 and set up her own jewellery company Jewel Divas with its matching style blog Jewel Divas Style. She’s a qualified wardrobe stylist, plus an author and publisher. She lives in Australia where she blogs about life, style and sparkle.
