Thomas Watson

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, General Fiction, Writing & Publishing, Memoir

Skills: Writing Workshop, Reading/Literary Event, Press/Media Interview

I've always been a storyteller, and very early in my life found the written word to be my preferred method for telling tales. I grew up enjoying words for their own sake, with some of my earliest memories being of family members reading to me and teaching me to both read and write. Most of my childhood was spent in houses full of books, and reading inspired writing. The experience of reading stories, of having feelings and images conjured from my imagination merely by reading carefully arranged words, fascinated me. Somewhere, in a time lost to memory, reading inspired me to try writing my own stories - and that truly was a long time ago. Then as now, I wanted to see if my words could evoke emotions and images in the minds of other people. Have I succeeded in doing so? I have a certain amount of confidence in what I do but, really, success or failure in this regard is a call only readers can make.

Thomas Watson's books

Mr. Olcott's Skies: An Old Book and a Youthful Obsession

A passion for star-gazing often starts in a modest way, with a small telescope. For some, that modest beginning becomes a theme that resonates through a lifetime. Mr. Olcott’s Skies is the story of one such beginning, and of how a small telescope and an old book set the author on a long and often indirect road to the stars. It’s the tale of a journey that has only just begun, and of the discovery that you really do need to look back the way you’ve come, to understand where you are.

The Luck of Han'anga (War of the Second Iteration Book 1)

Book One of Five.
An age of peaceful exploration has ended.

The centuries old dream of meeting an intelligent, nonhuman species has finally come true, in the form of the people known as the Leyra'an. But the dream soon becomes something darker when the Leyra'an prove to be more than just humanoid. They are like us to a degree that cannot be explained by chance alone. The search for the answer to this mystery will reveal a universe stranger and more dangerous than the crew of the probeship William Bartram could have imagined, and expose both Humanity and the Leyra'an to the threat of extinction.

For better or worse, that search has begun.

Founders' Effect (War of the Second Iteration Book 2)

Book Two of Five.
While Robert and Alicia MacGregor, survivors of the ill-fated probeship William Bartram, work to rebuild their lives, the Commonwealth seeks a way to end the long, bitter conflict between the Republic and the Leyra’an. But the leaders of the Republic, suspicious of the motives that drive their long-sundered kin and faced with unrest among their own people, resist the changes that must come for peace to exist. And all the while, forces unseen by either side are at work, determined to force Humanity and the Leyra’an to walk the path of war.

The Plight of the Eli'ahtna (War of the Second Iteration Book 3)

Book Three of Five.
On a mission to bring aid to a beleaguered star system, John Knowles and Eb'shra Wirolen have been hurled by a freak accident across countless light years, and are marooned in uncharted space. As they work to repair their damaged ship, the Eli'ahtna, and the friends they've left behind launch a desperate rescue mission to bring them home, the castaways discover that although they are truly lost, they are not alone.

The Courage to Accept (War of the Second Iteration Book 4)

Book Four of Five.
Four years of research, using the combined resources of five species of sentient beings, have brought the Commonwealth and its allies no closer to understanding how Humanity’s sibling species came into existence. Who was responsible for redirecting the natural course of evolution on four living worlds? Why did they do it? And can they find the answer before the Faceless render all such questions moot? For the Faceless are back with a vengeance, and as implacable as ever.

The Commonwealth has known nothing but peace for almost four hundred years. Now, war is upon them. How do you prepare for something no one alive has ever seen?

Setha'im Prosh (War of the Second Iteration Book 5)

Book Five of Five.

The Faceless have come, waging total war against the Republic and the Confederation of Clans. As star systems fall and a desperate effort is made to find out who and what the Faceless really are, foes must become allies against the common threat. If their defenses do not hold, nothing will prevent the Faceless from invading the Commonwealth. And with the resources of the Commonwealth under their control, no power in the galaxy, not even the strange and alien T'lack, will be able to stop the Faceless from exterminating Humanity and its allies.

Robert MacGregor and his family prepare for the worst, both hoping and fearing that this will be the end of the madness. Hoping and fearing, for all wars eventually end - one way or another.

Where A Demon Hides: War of the Second Iteration - Coda

The war is over and Humanity has prevailed, but victory came at a terrible price. The weapon used to bring down the enemy killed or injured as many people as it saved. One of the unintended casualties, Alicia MacGregor, has existed in a medically induced coma for two years while her neurological injuries were repaired.

At last, to the relief of family and friends, the time has come for her to awaken and rejoin the world. She is healed physically, but the trauma she endured in that final battle left deep scars in her heart and mind. As she copes with the burden of horror and grief left by the war, Alicia discovers that she is haunted by something far worse than bad memories. Something that first threatens her sanity, and then her life.

All That Bedevils Us: A Tale of the Second Iteration

If not for the intervention of the insectoid beings called the T’lack, the Faceless War would have ended with the extinction of Humanity and its Sibling Species. That intervention came at a great cost for the T’lack. No one knows or understands Humanity’s debt to the T’lack better than Jan Costa, who paid his own terrible price at the end of that war.

Now the T’lack are themselves in grave danger, facing a devastating civil war between rival factions and threatened by a mysterious race of beings on the far side of T’lack space.

Jan Costa leads a multi-species expeditionary force into the unknown, seeking to save his alien friends both from themselves and the new threat they have aroused. What he discovers out beyond the frontier will change everything, with the very existence of the T’lack hanging in the balance.

Tales of a Three-legged Newt: Essays and Anecdotes for Amateur Astronomers

In his book Mr. Olcott's Skies: An Old Book and a Youthful Obsession, author Thomas Watson explored the origins of his love for the night sky, and how after a nearly thirty year hiatus he returned to the pursuit of amateur astronomy. Tales of a Three-legged Newt is in part the rest of that story, recounting the acquisition of the telescope of boyhood dreams and sharing some of the experiences it brought in the years that followed. It's also a collection of ideas and opinions written for the entertainment of those who share a love for the night sky. This is not a book about how to observe the stars and planets. It's a book about why people do so, from the perspective one amateur star gazer.

The Gryphon Stone

Of all the worlds in the multiverse, Adrathea is the last David Render would willingly revisit. What happened there broke his heart and drove him to retire from the UN Multiverse Survey. To hang up his sword forever.

Then Treyvar of the Alvehn brings disturbing news. Adrathea is in peril, and David’s old comrade needs his help to stop a rogue Alvehn from usurping the throne and ruling the planet forever as an immortal tyrant. To set things right, David must return to the one place he never wants to see again.

But Adrathea is a world to which David’s fate is bound by the most intimate of ties. He has no choice. Adrathea calls, and he must answer.

The Lesson of Almiraya Bay

Sequel to The Gryphon Stone. David Render’s travels through the multiverse have come to an end. Married to Sidraytha of the Isles, he is now the father of two children. The Isles of Wulde are his home, and the Islanders have adopted him as one of their own. His life in the service of the Alvehn, in their endless war against the barbaric Moj, is a thing of the past. That Edren the Rogue Alvehn remains at large on Adrathea is a problem for the Alvehn to solve – without him. On a night of celebration, that past proves closer to him than he ever dared imagine. A light appears in the sky; a lost starship in a universe where space travel is impossible. When the survivors of this impossible ship find themselves in the care of the Islanders, they stir up David’s worst nightmares, and draw the attention of the Rogue Alvehn to the Isles. To protect those he loves most, David must face his greatest enemy yet again, and he must conquer a darkness that dwells deep in his own heart. But he will not fight alone. For the gryphons have come to the Isles of Wulde.

Variation on a Theme: A Fantasy in Four Moments

On a bitterly cold night under the stars, an old man willingly embraces the end of his life. Illness and a revelation of betrayal have convinced him that the time has come. But in dying, Gregory Williamson discovers that time is not what he believes it to be, and neither are life and death. Granted a new awareness of the true complexity of existence, he is offered the chance to live another life. A life that will show him the powerful truth of love. A life that could make the world a better place.

Better, that is, from a certain point of view.


Paul Ford is a man on the road, seeking to put distance and time between himself and events that turned his life inside out – and not for the better. Toby is a big dog, lost and far from home. A chance encounter brings them together and sends them on a journey to reunite the dog with his family, a trip that just might help Paul find his own way home as well. But this will be no ordinary road trip, and when it’s done, Paul’s life will never be the same.

The Godsend Incident: Children of Rost'aht, Book One

The entity known as the Faceless nearly destroyed Humanity. Only at the last moment, and at tremendous cost, did we prevail. That victory left a mystery in its wake. What was the source of the enemy’s terrifying and destructive power? The answer may be hidden in a star system called Godsend, from which the Faceless launched its war of extermination. But Godsend was lost to the rest of the galaxy, its links to other systems severed when the Faceless disrupted space and time in its final assault on Humankind and its allies.

Now, twenty years later, the way to Godsend has finally opened. Two expeditions will be sent to investigate. One seeks answers to questions, the other to exploit anything the Faceless left behind.

But the Faceless left more than secrets in that star system, and both expeditions will be lucky to leave Godsend alive.
