Stephanie Caye

ALLi Author Member

Location: Canada

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative

Skills: Writing Workshop, Reading/Literary Event

Stephanie Caye grew up in Michigan wanting to be a famed, reclusive novelist. Then she moved to Texas, got a job in tech, started volunteering with shelter cats and dropped both “famed” and “reclusive” from her childhood dream. She now lives in Montreal, still working in tech, still volunteering with cats, and still writing. A former recipient of the University of Michigan Hopwood award, she self-published her first novel, The Flaws of Gravity, in April of 2022.

Stephanie Caye's books

The Flaws of Gravity

Faeries lie.

That’s what the Consilium told Jude when they recruited her into a supernatural cold war against the Court. It’s what her friend Aubrie said too, convincing her to search for illicit magic under their noses.

But he’s half-Faerie like her. And since honesty’s never exactly been Jude’s strong suit either, she probably should have listened. Might have saved her the pain of his betrayal, not to mention a trip to the ICU.

When a shady group of Faeries co-opts her to help them stop Aubrie from taking control of both the human and Faerie worlds, Jude’s tentatively game. Ruining the man who double-crossed her sounds good in theory. Problem is, joining up with these alleged otherworldly allies could condemn humanity to life under a curly-toed boot instead.

Everybody wants to rule the world. Jude just wants some premium tequila shots on a warm, sandy beach in the vicinity of “The Hell Away from This Mess.”

That’s a lie—she’d settle for the cheap stuff.

A Trick of the Shade

You can’t put ‘Just saved the world (you’re welcome)’ on a resume. Ask me how I know.

Jude’s drifting in Montreal, low on both funds and purpose. Eking out a normal life is surprisingly difficult for someone whose strongest marketable skill is her ability to manipulate gravity. Who knew landing a steady job would be a bigger challenge than hunting supernatural creatures?

Then her scant few acquaintances begin turning up dead around the city, their hearts missing. All signs point to a vicious shade—a Faerie cursed to live forever in a ghoulish fate worse than death—as the culprit. But Jude’s never even heard of shades before now, so why do these killings seem designed to bait her?

Racing to find the answer and stop the murders brings her to old friends, new enemies and every shifty variation in-between. While risking life and limb battling a sinister Faerie monster may not be ‘normal,’ it’s a routine Jude knows by heart.

And it beats working retail.
