Sarah Chayer

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Mental Health, Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Young Adult (YA), General Fiction, Illustrated/Photography, Other Poetry, Short/Flash Fiction Collection

Skills: Reading/Literary Event, Press/Media Interview

Sarah Chayer spent nearly twenty years writing and rewriting her first novel, Incandescent: Magic Unknown. She also recently released of her second book, Moon Rise, featuring a collection of original poems and illustrations expressing her journey to mental health improvement. Sarah’s other works-in-progress include future young-adult, urban fantasy books for the Incandescent series, as well as a second, separate series.

She graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts Degree for Communication emphasis in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay and has won awards for her work in fiction, poetry, and English.

Sarah Chayer's books

Incandescent: Magic Unknown

They live among us.

Witcans: a magical race of beings with powers we can’t understand. Fear has led to the formation of the NWDA, a branch of government responsible for the arrests and, in many cases, the deaths of Witcans.

Meet Kris: a 17-year-old runaway who has just discovered that she is a Witcan with a particularly unique gift. She finds herself in the crosshairs of a dangerous Witcan Cult searching for a powerful, ancient ring to destroy the NWDA and anyone who stands in their path to supremacy.

With the help of a mysterious stranger named Kurt, Kris sets out to locate the ancient Witcan ring first, stop the cult, and unlock the secrets behind her own magical abilities.

Moon Rise

"Moon Rise" is a collection of original poems and illustrations expressing one author's journey to overcome depression, anxiety, and poor self-esteem. It is all about finding hope in the darkest of times, making changes and difficult decisions, in order to rise to the better life you deserve.

As the day comes to an end
And the sun begins to sink
You feel the dark
Creeping in
Absorbing you
The blackness is suffocating
But above the fading ember sky
A new light rises
A celestial symbol
A crescent reminder
That even in the darkest of times
There is hope.
