Rosalind Minett

ALLi Author Member

Location: United Kingdom (the)

Genres: Psychology, Crime, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Womens Fiction, Children's general

Rosalind Minett (writing name) trained as a dancer, gained a place at RADA, but academic life took over (B.A, Cert.Ed. Ph.D AFBPsS C. Psychol). She enjoyed her career as a psychologist, then on retirement began writing short stories and novels. Predictably, the inner life of her characters determines their fate in her stories, whether humorous, historical or criminal. She relishes quirkiness, and creating complex characters whether these are in their prime, older or very very young.
She uses an ironic avatar - Girl Before Word Processor - (with thanks to Picasso). Its two faces suggest her two selves, the serious and the irreverent, also the watcher and the seen, the inner and the outer person.
Rosalind's collection of short stories, ( “Intriguing and quirky” - Katie Fforde) is Me-Time Tales:Tea breaks for mature women and curious men - an ironic stab at women of all ages with differing obsessions. Its companion volume, Curious Men. He-time tales, is a chance for the men to get their say. "...Highly recommended." San Francisco Review of Books.
Her WW2 trilogy, A Relative Invasion, in its first draft gained Highly Commended in the Yeovil Prize, and won a full critique from Harper Collins on their writers' site, Authonomy. “—a powerful and compelling narrative with strong and relatable characters… " The plot explores a boyhood rivalry from 1937 to 1951.
Currently, Rosalind is writing the 4th book in her contemporary psychological suspense series: Uncommon Relations,
Forthcoming is a stand alone novel and a short story crime collection
Rosalind lives in the West Country and loves scenery, sculpture, theatre and fine art, all of which can be found in and around Bath.
Website: and she blogs at

Rosalind Minett's books


Historical fiction. A Relative Invasion is a coming-of-age trilogy set in WW2.

Book One, Intrusion. A fateful rivalry begins . . .

1937 South London. Under threat of war, the parents are blind to the jeopardy their small boy will face on meeting his frail and artistic cousin. The idolised Kenneth is darkly manipulative. Now the same emotions that enable Hitler's rise - envy over strength, desire for new territory - ferment at home. Bullied by uncle and psychologically invaded by cousin, Billy turns for emotional support to a secret icon of power, a Cossack sabre with a fearful history ' and possibly, future.

Intrusion is a tale of resilience and the truth of a child's observation of the troublesome adult world.

Me-Time Tales:tea breaks for mature women and curious men

Ironic short stories with a dark edge.
All kinds of women unlocked.

Oyster: a boy with potential

Crime Shorts, no. 1.

When 10 year-old Jake finds a dead body in the deserted church, he can't tell police anything about the murder, although the Children's Home say he's the cleverest boy there. What does he really know? Is his destructive past a threat to Jake's future?


E-book. Crime Shorts no. 2

Someone's settling into a new home. Or are they? Is a crime about to happen, or has one already been committed?
Who is guilty: child or adult?

A Ghostly Assignment . . . and its lasting heritage

E book, short story.

When journalist students, Jake and Sara, investigate reports of a ghost, they don't expect more than village myths and fancies. Their weird experiences shock them to the core and they could never have predicted the lasting effect of this, their first assignment.


September 1940. Relentless bombing in London makes Billy's father arrange a hasty second evacuation for his family and this time, sinister cousin Kenneth comes too. While the anxieties of war rage in the background, Kenneth busies himself with further invasion of Billy's psychological territory. He isn't aware of Billy protecting himself with imaginary power from the precious Cossack sabre. Or is he?
Just as Billy is settling into the cosy support of his foster setting, a family catastrophe brings a new threat from Kenneth. This one will affect both their futures permanently.
"A delight to read" - Historical Novel Society
". . . the stark and simple times of wartime Britain superbly evoked with just the simplest of brush strokes . . .gets so well into the mind of a small boy ....truly impressive." Frank Kusy, Rupee Millionaires
"Historically authentic and psychologically insightful. A future classic." G.Polley, Japan


1945-1951. Book Three of the trilogy, A RELATIVE INVASION, IMPACT, begins in July, with VE Day celebrations fading into memory.Who could predict the explosive climax within the quiet Wilson family? With evacuation over, Bill must face the austerity of home in post-war London, heart-rending miles from his loving foster billet. Worse, invasive cousin Kenneth will live with him. Adolescent tensions simmer as the two develop different talents. Everything Bill has, Kenneth grasps... until one reach too far into Bill's psychological territory. There's a fearful climax with dreadful consequences for everyone around them. Reaching adulthood, can Bill find an honourable resolution, or will Kenneth always be a threat?
