Robert M. Kerns

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Mystery

Skills: Writing Workshop, Self-publishing Workshop/Training

Robert M. Kerns (or Rob if you ever meet him in person) is a geek, and he claims that label proudly. Most of his geekiness revolves around Information Technology (IT), having over fifteen years in the industry; within IT, he especially prefers Servers and Networks, and he often makes the claim that his residence has a better data infrastructure than some businesses.

Beyond IT, Rob enjoys Science Fiction and Fantasy of (almost) all stripes. He is a voracious reader, with his favorite books too numerous to list.

Rob has been writing for over 20 years, and he has no intention of stopping anytime soon.

Robert M. Kerns' books

Awakening (Histories of Drakmoor, Volume I)

Gavin Cross is a young man in an unfamiliar city with no knowledge of how he came to be there. A desperate choice awakens a power he must learn to control, or it will kill him.

Marcus is an ancient master, possessing countless secrets of forgotten lore. He trivializes workings of magic anyone else would say is impossible.

Gavin becomes Marcus's first apprentice in uncounted years and must thread his way through a society where people who've never met him regard him with unease at best or outright fear at worst. But when he discovers a plot to destabilize and overthrow that society, Gavin must make another choice.

Option One: a society's leadership who would prefer Gavin dead. Option Two: a traitor who actively seeks Gavin's death. Hmmm, looks like it's time to make Option Three...

Into Vushaar (Histories of Drakmoor, Volume II)

Help his friend go home.

Just because Gavin's goal is simple, doesn't mean it's easy!

His friend's home is Vushaar, the world's oldest monarchy and a land fractured by civil war. Slaver parties roam the countryside at will, claiming any they desire for their vile trade, and a great army lays siege to the capital.

Many question if Vushaar will survive, so what does that mean for Gavin and his friends?

Ties of friendship from two directions compel Gavin to enter this war-torn land, but will he succeed in returning his friend home safe and sound?

It Ain't Over... (Cole & Srexx, Book 1)

Buy a planet and disappear...

That's all Cole wanted.

He spent thirteen years hiding on the fringes of society, piloting freighters for criminals and building a stash to do just that.

But life happens when you're busy making plans.

When Cole chooses to save an ejected castaway and stumbles into a crew of his own, he starts down a path that forces a choice.

Will Cole protect those who have become his people? Or will he slip away quietly in the night?

...Till It's Over! (Cole & Srexx, Book 2)

Claim an inheritance.

It's a simple goal, right?

Nothing is simple when Cole returns to Centauri, the seat of Coleson Interstellar Engineering.  Challenges at every turn, with no idea who he can trust.  And then...the Solar Republic gets involved.

Will Cole find the people working against him in time?  Or will they succeed in ending the Coleson line once and for all?

Haven Ascendant (Cole & Srexx, Book 3)

Nothing is ever easy...

Tensions rise as the Coalition pursues its war of conquest.  Who will be their next target?

The Provisional Parliament in the old Commonwealth sinks deeper into fascism as people flee their worlds in droves.  Those fleeing head straight for Beta Magellan.

Only time will tell when Cole must face the next major choice: get involved in the war or let it pass him and Beta Magellan by.

Which will he choose?
