Transport Unfriendly Skies

By Robert Day

Ivan Volkov - pilot of the Avem Vecto.
Originally owned one of the megalithic corporations. Ivan flew her for many years until the world turned to shit. He escaped with Avem Vecto before she could be scrapped. Later he came across Taros Crosse, and they chose to work together. Partners, they transport whatever and whoever that will pay.

Taros Crosse, Ivan’s partner, and gunner of the Avem Vecto. A giant bull of a minotaur biped. If there’s a fight to be had, that’s where you’ll find him.

The Avem Vecto. A large armed heavy transport, orbit and intersystem capable, flying the unfriendly skies of planet X037.54501 otherwise known as the White Desert.

Ivan and Taros take a contract that gets them neck deep in the fight for Sabulo Megalopolis.
The Ambulans, crashlanding just outside of Sabulo, begin an avalanche of events that escalates the conflict in ways that no one could have expected. The Viridis Manus (Green Hands) have a secret that threatens to erupt the conflict into an even greater war. Their machinations threaten everyone with a breath in their lungs. Human resistance, only fifteen million souls left in Sabulo Megalopolis. Sixty-five million nonhuman alien inhabitants surround them, controlling large areas of Sabulo. A brutal war that could find them all gone.
Ivan coughed, then stubbed out his cigarette. “I guess you’re right Taros, sometimes violence is the answer.”
Taros snorted. “No Ivan, violence is always the answer.”

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