Quistavera The Edge of Nowhere

By Robert Day

The Quistavera.

In the endless night that is space, a ghost ship lays the seeds for destruction.
From the many beginnings to the one final end, it will begin again new.
For the Archana, the Hum’ahns aboard the Quistavera, and even the ancient enemy, the Krek’Na.
Hurtling across the galactic plain, destroying all in her path.

An oblivion of horror that can have no end.
Passengers trapped with no escape.
A piratical crew of half machine, half men.
The mysterious Galindos that lurk in the dark.
The ravenous Krek'Na intent on destroying all.

Welcome to the Quistavera.

"Science Fiction Horror with something else. If this doesn't keep you up a night, then perhaps you are already dead."
