5 Souls of God: Everyone is ONE of FIVE. (5 Soul Theory) Book 1 of 3

By Richard Del Connor, Buddha Zhen, Buddha Z

Richard Del Connor has created or discovered the most useful way to determine who a person really is. The "5 Soul Theory" explains that every person has 3 souls stacked on top of each other. The top "primary soul" can be the most significant but not always even though it is "driving the car." The second soul can be the copilot or boss, telling the driver soul where to go or merely awaiting a question. The third soul is like a child in the backseat who has the last word in all decisions or tells the two parent souls what it wants to do. So once you can determine the order of the person’s souls you can then determine how they interact with each other.


40% of all people have a WORKER soul on top. Half of these are female.

40% of all people have a WOMAN soul on top. Half of these are male.

10% have a MANAGER soul on top. Half of these are female.

5% have a WARRIOR soul on top. These are reckless and danger seeking.

5% have a MUSICIAN soul on top. These include all creative minds: scientists, authors, musicians and artists.

Half of most people are WORKER / WOMAN/ WORKER making them wage earners wanting a job.

The other half of most people are WOMAN / WORKER / WOMAN making them want to reproduce and have a family.

The MANAGER soul creates business owners and salesmen. It will be influential even when it’s not in the top position.

The WARRIOR soul creates athletes and thrill seekers. This will influence people towards sports and adventure.

The MUSICIANS should not try to have steady jobs and strive for their artistic integrity. Any soul can learn to play an instrument, but only a MUSICIAN soul will speak, create and live through their instrument.

A female with a WORKER soul on top may prefer a career over breeding. Knowing this might eliminate many divorces.

A male with a WOMAN soul on top will be emotional and prone to drug addiction. Knowing this might enable many men to have self-esteem without guilt for not desiring sports or traditional marriage.

By knowing your souls you can know yourself and know your strengths and weaknesses. This will eliminate the frustrations and insecurities of battling your inner nature to enable better life planning and less guilt for not being able to conform to gender expectations.
