Richard Del Connor, Buddha Zhen, Buddha Z

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Mental Health, Mind Body Spirit, Commercial Fiction, Self-Help/Personal Development, General Nonfiction, Literary Fiction, Young Adult (YA), Biography, Philosophy, General Fiction, Multimedia, Narrative Nonfiction, Health & Fitness, Religion, Other, Illustrated/Photography, Advice & How To, Other Poetry, Psychology, Historical Fiction, Memoir, Romance

Skills: Performance/Spoken Word, Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture

I've been publishing my poetry since I was 8 years old in 1964. I published 22 books in 2023 after being homeless for 6 years. Check out some of my homeless poetry for a view of that world.

I graduated UCLA in 1987 while making music videos for REO Speedwagon, commercials and special EFX for movies.
I'm the founder of Shaolin Records where my band AMERICAN ZEN has released a dozen albums.

Now I'm recording a batch of albums under my "grown-up" name: KUNG FU COWBOY. In 2023 I shot the 2-hour film: KUNG FU COWBOY AT CLUB COYOTE CONCERT MOVIE. I’m posting Clips of these performances on my

I publish my books under my legal name of Richard Del Connor after being a Freemason for a decade. This resulted in the novel, MASONIC KUNG FU. I just released the audiobook, Entered Apprentice: Masonic Kung Fu.

I raised my two kids until they were 18 as a full-time Mr. Mom (which is why I became homeless). I’m FREE now and starting my life over as a California Blues Rock Hippy with a new guitar. Yippeee!

I graduated Shaolin Kung Fu in 1984 and was certified by Grandmaster Wong Jack Man. (He’s the guy who fought Bruce Lee back in 1964.

I founded Shaolin Chi Mantis teaching in a maximum security prison and was paid by the Governor of Utah. I founded the TAI CHI YOUTH nonprofit in 1996 rehabilitating drug addiction and reducing the recidivism rate of ex-convicts.

I publish books on Taoism, Confucianism, Original Buddhism, and Shaolin Zen Buddhism.

I write novels about my counterculture life in the 1960s and have produced the ten American Zen albums. My next album is “SCORPION RESURRECTION” by Kung Fu Cowboy.

I performed as “Richard Del Connor - Philosopher Poet” for a few years before the Covid Lockdown. I ended each poetry reading with a solo flute performance. As half my poetry became “Buddhist Rap” I started also performing as “Buddhist Z.”

Now I’m divided between becoming a blues-rock star and a book publisher. I founded Shaolin Communications in 1984.

Buddha Kung Fu
Jing Mo Federation
Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional
Tai Chi Youth nonprofit
Tai Mantis Federation

Richard Del Connor, Buddha Zhen, Buddha Z's books

4 Decades of Love - The Many Loves of Me: Guitar Songbook

Sheesh. I've had a long lovelife and many lovers and many wives.

For a fundraiser I created this book for auction and ended up publishing it with love songs from FOUR DECADES of LOVERS.

I write dozens of songs each year, so I chose one song for each of...

4 Noble Truths Explained

This is the first of eight books designed to teach a thorough understanding of Buddhism and how to use it in one's life. Book one was written in 2018 and 2019 while Buddha Z was a homeless Shaolin monk in North Hollywood, but very active performing his poetry live and ending each reading with a song performed solo on his flute. This first book is comprised of the poetry that transformed Richard Del Connor from being the "Richard Del Connor the Philosopher Poet" into "Buddha Z the Buddhist Rapper." These poems represent the Four Noble Truths, and will hopefully provide entertainment with enlightenment. Written during the Trump Presidency, these poems include commentaries on Washington, D.C.'s American swamp. Bruce Lee fans will also be surprised to know the truth.

During these years, Richard Del Connor discovered the Five Soul Theory, which became three books explaining a new perspective of spirituality and psychology. Some of these poems will mention how people are born with soul identities that determine their lifelong abilities and inabilities. Although anyone can learn to play piano, only some people are born with a musician soul. Some people are born to be workers, and others to be managers.

This book is a poetic introduction to the Original Buddhism of the Original Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, over 2,000 years ago. The next four books of this series will analyze each of these four nobel truths. The last three will provide useful ways to integrate the four noble truths into your personal life, business, politics, and marriage. Richard Del Connor is a "Buddhist Scientist" who has been studying the effects of Buddhism on his Shaolin Kung Fu and Yang Tai Chi Chuan students since 1984. Everyone should know and use the four noble truths to be happier, healthier, and more successful.

Buddhism is not a religion. Buddhism is psychology.

5 Souls of God: Everyone is ONE of FIVE. (5 Soul Theory) Book 1 of 3

Richard Del Connor has created or discovered the most useful way to determine who a person really is. The "5 Soul Theory" explains that every person has 3 souls stacked on top of each other. The top "primary soul" can be the most significant but not always even though it is "driving the car." The second soul can be the copilot or boss, telling the driver soul where to go or merely awaiting a question. The third soul is like a child in the backseat who has the last word in all decisions or tells the two parent souls what it wants to do. So once you can determine the order of the person’s souls you can then determine how they interact with each other.


40% of all people have a WORKER soul on top. Half of these are female.

40% of all people have a WOMAN soul on top. Half of these are male.

10% have a MANAGER soul on top. Half of these are female.

5% have a WARRIOR soul on top. These are reckless and danger seeking.

5% have a MUSICIAN soul on top. These include all creative minds: scientists, authors, musicians and artists.

Half of most people are WORKER / WOMAN/ WORKER making them wage earners wanting a job.

The other half of most people are WOMAN / WORKER / WOMAN making them want to reproduce and have a family.

The MANAGER soul creates business owners and salesmen. It will be influential even when it’s not in the top position.

The WARRIOR soul creates athletes and thrill seekers. This will influence people towards sports and adventure.

The MUSICIANS should not try to have steady jobs and strive for their artistic integrity. Any soul can learn to play an instrument, but only a MUSICIAN soul will speak, create and live through their instrument.

A female with a WORKER soul on top may prefer a career over breeding. Knowing this might eliminate many divorces.

A male with a WOMAN soul on top will be emotional and prone to drug addiction. Knowing this might enable many men to have self-esteem without guilt for not desiring sports or traditional marriage.

By knowing your souls you can know yourself and know your strengths and weaknesses. This will eliminate the frustrations and insecurities of battling your inner nature to enable better life planning and less guilt for not being able to conform to gender expectations.

7 Days in NoHo: Diary of a Homeless Person

When I moved to Los Angeles in 2013 to make my movie, Kung Fu Cowboy: Rock & Roll Movie 1, I had a new black card table, four chairs, my Fender Stratocaster and Marshall amp in the back shell of my 1996 Toyota Tacoma truck. I was a mobile office and ready to perform as a solo artist whenever possible in nightclubs or rehearsal rooms. I figured I’d be a movie producer-actor and in less than a year I’d upgrade to a Winnebago or an apartment in L.A. making my movie.

I wrote a memoir that year and published it in the NoHo Park Library. Supersoul 13 was the story of trying to make my movie… that I thought I was going to make.

I am always writing songs and decided to release an album of songs I had written in 2013 and 2014 for the soundtrack of my movie. I recorded most of the album inside my truck which I referred to as, “Tacoma Studios.” I released the album on July 4, 2014 and couldn’t sell more than a dozen records which could be downloaded for free at with hope people would pay for it… but they didn’t.

The Freemasons I had joined in 2007 were not the brotherhood I had read of them to be in books in novels. They called me, “A drain on the Lodge,” as I begged for a free dinner at each week’s meeting which everyone else paid $10 for. They suggested I quit freemasonry. So I resigned in 2015.

Then I published a paperback book from the NoHo Park Library, Masonic Kung Fu, about a pair of teenagers in China as the Japanese invaded to begin WWII. It’s based on a true story and rather exciting. I couldn’t get the Freemasons to buy my books or take my Kung Fu classes the book was based upon.

In 2016, I was losing my faith and my co-writer / co-producer had given up to take a day job. I put the card table and chairs in storage, pawned my amplifier and realized I was abandoned by my dream to make a movie.

I was teaching Shaolin Kung Fu classes in the park and studying comedy books to become a stand-up comedian because it seemed like the cheapest way to fame and stardom. One of my students wanted to be my manager and was excitedly telling people how he was going to spend his 15% commission making me famous. I’m glad he believed in me, but he was from El Salvador and had no connections and couldn’t afford to pay our 2-drink minimum in the comedy clubs I performed in.

I tried to throw a Push Hands Tournament in the park and pursued volunteers and Trustees for my nonprofit organization I founded in 1996, Tai Chi Youth. Non of these 65 people I interviewed would volunteer for my nonprofit or work for less than $75,000 which I had never made during any year of my entire life.

My dreams were being shot, pummeled, beat up and stomped on. I was trying to be hopeful and started teaching Yoga lessons… but homelessness was like a web inside a trash can—and I couldn’t climb out.

I was in denial that I was a homeless person, but decided that maybe, just maybe… if I tell this story… I could sell enough books to escape Homeless life.

So here it is: 7 Days in NoHo - Diary of a Homeless Person.

12 Laws of Life: To Achieve Your Full Capability

Richard read the book by Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life, and realized this inspirational book from a psychologist was missing a healthy and heroic Shaolin Kung Fu lifestyle. Jordan wasn’t familiar with an athletic eating, exercising, patriarchal lifestyle. So Richard Del Connor is providing this warrior information writing this book, 12 Laws of Life.

Richard was exiled to Newfoundland at age 16 for his LSD lifestyle from San Diego, California in 1970. He learned to hunt, fish, and survive in the wilderness. He solo hitchhiked across Canada several times. Then he graduated the 4-year apprentice program of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters to become a Journeyman Carpenter in 1978. He was a musician recording with his own bands, worked with Frank Zappa, and performed with dozens of Los Angeles rock groups as a session bassist. He graduated the UCLA Motion Picture Program in 1987 as a professional concert photographer in a cowboy hat publishing his “Rocktography by Coyote” as a photojournalist and designed recording studios for MCA, RCA, Village Recorder, Soundlabs, and worked movie special EFX, Apogee commercials, Cinesong music videos, and MTV as a lighting director.

Then he decided to establish his Shaolin Records independent record label while being a Mr. Mom and establishing his Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu and Taoist Tai Chi school. As “Buddha Zhen” he taught his Shaolin Kung Fu in prisons, rehabs, schools, churches… and founded the Tai Chi Youth nonprofit for “troubled youth” in 1996.

Act Zen to Be Zen: Created for actors to achieve their best performance and return to their best self.

This book was written in 2003 for his daughter who said she wanted to be an actress. Richard Del Connor also publishes books under the author name, Zhen Shen-Lang, Buddha Zhen, and Buddha Z. This book has been available for free since 2005 as webpages at Hopefully many actors have been enlightened and suicides avoided by using this online book now being published in 2022 in paperbacks and hardcover with some updated comments referring to his new psychology behavior system the “5 Soul Theory” of 2018.

This Act Zen to Be Zen book combines the “Director's Notebook” developed during his “Master Acting” and “Master Directing” classes at UCLA. This movie director system that Richard Del Connor uses for each project includes many of the questions used in his Tai Chi Chuan and Shaolin Kung Fu classes for character and spiritual development of his students. These questions are pulled from the Chinese Zen Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism taught in his Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan schools.

Life is acting.

What you think is natural is your unnatural programming. So all things are unnatural—unless you give up all control. Fortunately, we control even the most natural of our body functions. So we live unnaturally. This is natural—to us.

Decide what your programming is. Be unnatural on purpose. Then, decide this is natural.

Now, what is natural to you, is what you unnaturally decided—so let's REDEFINE NATURAL. This way, everything you do, whether it's normal, weird, flamboyant, or conservative—is natural—because you decided what natural is.

Join me, Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang, founder of the Buddhist CyberTemple as I help you redefine what your reality is.

The AntiChrist: An Epic Poem by Richard Del Connor

I wrote this epic poem, The AntiChrist, in 2011.

Considering the possible controversy and loss of privacy, I decided not to publish this book until after my children were no longer under my care as their "Mr. Mom" stay at home dad. I was cooking their meals, taking them to school...

So now, in 2023, I am publishing this book, The AntiChrist, for release primarily as an AUDIOBOOK.

My life has been an amazing adventure. But I hoped for more artistic and creative success. I worked for more financial success in selling my books and albums of music. I planned for more popularity and customer enthusiasm for my products.

In 2011 I knew I was at the end of my line keeping my family together. In the next two years, my ex-wife and son would become homeless after I left to create a Kung Fu school in Las Vegas.

My daughter would get into a car accident and injure her brain. We've never spent a day together since then. She's forgotten her memories of me and didn't return my calls or call me once during my year of cancer chemotherapy when I hoped we might finally rebuild our friendship.

How did I lose the family of my dreams? The family I WANTED TO BE IN. The family I wish I'd BEEN RAISED IN. The family I sacrificed my Carpentry Union career for. The family I gave up Hollywood movie making and record production for. The family I gave up my life on stage and my photography career for. What went wrong? I asked everyone. No one had the slightest idea why my family, my kids, and my ex-wife divorced me.

So I wrote this book. Was I cursed? Was God preventing my success?

I traveled through all the phases of my life and relatives and relationships looking for my mistakes.

See what I found.

Autumn Flavours: First of Four Seasons (Season of Fours). Book 1 of 5: Season of Fours

Autumn Flavours is The Hippy Coyote's adolescent walk on the dark side of humanity. After returning to California from his teen years in exile on the island of Newfoundland, Richard Del Connor had no parents to guide him during his coming of age as a union carpenter and recording engineer of Bonita Recording Studio. It was the 1970s and Richard felt the full brunt of the Women’s Movement and Sexual Revolution. Richard participated in marches for “Equal Rights,” and “Labor Rights,” and also crossed a Union picket line of the Teamsters on his Triumph chopper before becoming a Union Carpenter. Richard’s life includes many views of life from many perspectives and a variety of environments. Where most people hold a job or career for several decades, Richard has never held a job for more than a few years. By changing careers, lovers, and friends Richard lives a lifetime every decade.

Richard Del Connor performed his first rock band gig as a Blues-Rock Guitarist in 1967 for $15 in San Diego where he was born and raised. During the 80s Richard worked with many bands as a bassist, guitarist, singer and studio designer. Richard started training in Shaolin Kung Fu under Sifu Wong Jack Man in 1980 so he limited his coke and booze to a minimal social level which limited his friendships with Fleetwood Mac, Motley Crue, and REO Speedwagon to professional relationships as he worked for them as a photographer or making music videos.

In Newfoundland exile Richard performed with Lukey’s Boat, and Dogmeat. During the 1970s Richard was performing and recording with his California rock band, Lotus, Richard Del Connor wrote and produced all the songs on his first album, Bonita. Then he became The Rich in 1978 performing his rock opera, The Pauper. Then he became Rich Connor, Coyote in a Graveyard, Coyote Graveyard, while also performing and recording with a dozen other bands as a session bass player during the 1980s.

During his exile in Newfoundland, Richard worked with his Uncle for the the World Health Organization WHO studying ocean currents carrying pollution from pulp mills and personally caring for over 600 wildfowl on the Oxen Pond Game Reserve. As a young environmental biologist, Richard Del Connor realized that science and Catholicism could not coexist. Studying philosophy, enzymes, biology and Omni Magazine, Richard sought a personal path and view of life in the void of where Christianity had dominated his childhood. Marcus Aurelius became his step-father. Richard kept The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius on the front seat of his car until 2020.

Autumn Flavours is the first of four seasons of Richard’s life. In 1974 Richard theorized that humans matured in seasons of mental and emotional development that could be related the seasons of Nature. Autumn Flavours is the decay of old beliefs and lifestyles. Winter Flowers is the birth of love and ideas that may not be capable of survival in the cold winter of life’s harshness and apathy. Spring Fevers is portrayed in abundance, passion, and growth of new ideas. Summer Forevers is the final maturity of a person’s current ideology, desires and morality. Richard completed a book for each of these seasons which were several years each between 1970 and 1980. Many of the poems in the first book, Autumn Flavours, were written for his San Diego State University POETRY CLASS. Richard was a straight-A student in elementary school, and debated teachers on the Regis Philbin Show to prove how “gifted” he is. This poetry class is the only class in Richard’s entire lifetime that he earned a grade of “D” in. Richard vowed to prove that his poetry teacher was wrong and that Richard is a poet. Hopefully, you agree.

Bat Cave Gold Mine: Plus: 1977 Rock Opera The Pauper

Richard and his friends discover an ancient Spanish Gold Mine while in the California desert shooting guns.

The partnership ends in a gunfight. A murder?

What is our destiny?

What if things had gone differently?

Should Richard Del Connor have been a wealthy person in this lifetime instead of a starving artist (Pauper).

During the 1970s, Richard was performing his rock opera, The Pauper.

The rock opera story and some song lyrics are included in this book.

For the release of this book a half-dozen MUSIC NFTs were created by Richard Del Connor of the rock opera songs recorded in 1977. These MUSIC NFTs include photos of Richard performing his rock opera in 1978.

Black Hole Bubble Theory

Richard Del Connor has a theory that solves many of the problems modern physicists are confronting.
"Black Hole Bubble Theory" of Richard Del Connor: Our entire universe started with the "Big Bang." This explosion was not in a void. The "Big Bang" happened in an ocean of black oil of "Black Hole" density. We humans are inside this bubble from the explosion. Eventually, the pressure of the tar outside our universe will reverse our expansion.
Hope? Our bubble may be rising in this tar pit. This will reduce pressure on our "Bubble."

Buddha Kung Fu Student Manual

Buddha Kung Fu is the traditional Northern Shaolin Kung Fu school teaching the ancient forms of the Chinese Shaolin Temple that are not taught there any more.
"Doable for Americans" is our SCHOOL SLOGAN. This is the least you should ever learn to be a real traditional Shaolin Kung Fu MASTER.

Coyote Graveyard NoHo: Homeless Shelter Epic Poem Memoir

This is an epic poem.  As soon as I find all the accumulated pages from many months of my one year stay at the North Hollywood Homeless Shelter I’ll do a word count.  I need at least 10,000 words to call it, “an epic poem.”

NOTE:  Just did a work count: It’s over 17,000 words which includes some descriptions and photograph captions.  So it’s EPIC!

This poem represents my bewilderment of being trapped in the Coyote In A Graveyard rock opera I performed in 1984 and 1985 in Los Angeles night clubs.  Inspired by a failed romance and the book One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey, this 1984 rock opera became a hit show and was heralded by Stephen Spielberg and Michael J. Fox who performed onstage with us. 

The original Coyote In A Graveyard rock opera story was written when I was homeless in 1984 on purpose.  I was working at LAX as a Union Carpenter and saved my money to launch my independent record label that year in September 1984 with the vinyl album titled "Temptation" by Richard O'Connor & The Rich. 

During those years from 1985 to 1987 I was a student in the UCLA film school and this rock opera became a screenplay for New World Pictures.  In the screenplay they asked me to rewrite the ending from a tragedy into a happier ending in which the drugged up hospital patients escape.

Then in 2018 I was hospitalized in the Martin Luther King Hospital in Compton, California and after 5 months of recuperation there was transferred to the NoHo Homeless Shelter of this Epic Poem story. 

I was supposed to only be in the shelter for "three weeks" and get my Section 8 housing subsidy but just like my 1984 rock opera it became apparent I was a captive because they were making a huge profit by keeping me there.  So eventually, I decided to be homeless and escape this shelter.

During the year I lived in the NoHo Homeless Shelter I was performing in nightclubs as the "Kung Fu Cowboy" playing my rock 'n' roll flute style that sounds similar to Jethro Tull. 

I was also performing libraries, book stores, coffee shops and theaters as "Richard Del Connor Philosopher Poet" in which I would perform a couple poems then conclude with a solo song on my flute.  This book includes some of the other poems I wrote and performed in 2018 and 2019.

So this book Coyote in a Graveyard NoHo Skid Row -- A Rock Opera Epic Poem Memoir documents my homeless life in a homeless shelter and performing two or three days a week trying to become a POET STAR WHO PLAYS FLUTE. 

Then in October 2019 I got a Section 8 apartment and the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown ended my performance career. 

But now I've got a computer and here's my book.  

I hope you enjoy this view of homeless life and are inspired or enlightened by my insights and poetic criticisms.  I read at least 20 books per year and write a couple books each year... so now my goal is to publish these first 74 books I've written, then go back to performing as the Kung Fu Cowboy again.  I've released a few songs under my artist name, "Kung Fu Cowboy."  Check me out.  Buy my books.  Buy my albums. Cheer me on.  My next goal is to live in a house that I own.

Evolution of a Shaolin Monk: March 2018 to Father's Day

I wrote these poems while recuperating from a colon abscess surgery at The Martin Luther King Hospital in Compton, California.

During these months at the Martin Luther King Hospital I used the computers to launch my SHAOLIN CHI MANTIS ONLINE KWOON.  This online Kung Fu school used Learning Management Software like UCLA and USC use for their online school programs. 

In 2018 I was also performing at book fairs, libraries and coffee shop poetry readings as "RICHARD DEL CONNOR -- PHILOSOPHER POET."  I would end each performance with a solo flute performance of an original song of mine.

In 2018 I was also performing night clubs and small concert venues as the KUNG FU COWBOY of Shaolin Records.  A screenplay titled KUNG FU COWBOY: ROCK & ROLL MOVIE 1 had been written about me and won first place award in the Action On Film Movie Festival.  So I was performing solo sets on my Fender Stratocaster and Marshall amplifier to promote the movie and my upcoming debut album as the "Kung Fu Cowboy" blues-rock music artist.

So this book EVOLUTION OF A SHAOLIN MONK was written while recuperating in a hospital and meditating on my future as the disciple of Grandmaster Wong Jack Man (who fought Bruce Lee in 1964) and my owning the book publishing company, Shaolin Communications.  I also own Shaolin Records and wanted to have a successful music career as the Kung Fu Cowboy.  Plus I was building my online schools for Shaolin Chi Mantis and Tai Chi Youth.

This book EVOLUTION OF A SHAOLIN MONK will detail what I was thinking during those "Crossroads" in my life.  I hope you find this enjoyable, entertaining and inspirational.  It was all three for me.

Fistula of Fury: Rectal Ruin Phase 2

I was mishandled by Physician Assistant Lindt. She made several mistakes that caused me three years of intense agony, and two surgeries to fix her bad advice as my doctor. These books never portray the constant agony and hours of consistent pain I suffered. How could they? I was writing these books to distract myself from the pain.

All day long — what annoys me the most
Is what I keep private — not one single Facebook post.
Very few people have been informed of my plight.
Talking about my sphincter — just doesn’t seem right.
Of other people’s colons — I don’t want to know;
Or hear about their toilet pains — every time they go.
So I figure no one wants to know about my anus.
How it feels to burn, sting, stab, and swell so heinous.
With a mixture of suffering my descriptions can’t share;
Without describing burning cigarettes, bee stings, and pulled out hair..

This book ends with my second surgery to fix the first bad surgery that was to fix an infection caused by my doctor when I was homeless 2016 to 2018.

History of Zen from A to Z: As told by Saten to Richard Del Connor

A new view of history. Did Saten tell the truth?

Did Saten rescue Richard Del Connor from Heaven?

Did other people witness Saten talking to Richard?

Is Saten the “Burning Bush?”

Did God assign Saten the job of tutoring humans?

Is this the true story of Adam and Eve?

Is this how the Tower of Babel was destroyed?

Did Saten choose the location of the Shaolin Temple?

Did Saten rescue Bodhidharma from the Chinese Emperor?

Is God pleased with the work of Saten?

Saten never returned after spending two days with Richard.

Here’s a clear view of the founder of Zen Buddhism also being the founder of Shaolin Kung Fu.

To be Zen you must be Shaolin.

Human Values for Success in Family and Business: Book #1 of 4 of the self-development series. (Year #1 of 4)

By considering these concepts in relation to any marital or business partner--the outcome of the relationship can be planned in advance.  By utilizing the concepts of this book to evaluate any existing relationship--the successes, failures and difficulties can be easily understood. When people treat each other like family members, in any relationship, the world is a better place.  Of course, this book explains how to treat family members.

Table of Contents
• Jan       Fortitude and Ambition
• Feb      Have Faith in Your Shifu
• Mar      Confucian Family
• Apr      Honor Your Father
• May     The Superior Man
• Jun      Help Your Mother
• Jul       Filial Piety
• Aug     Obey Your Big Brother
• Sep     True Gentleman
• Oct      Protect Your Sisters
• Nov     Humility and Pride
• Dec     Practice with Younger Brother

• Jan     Good King
• Feb     Prepare for Success
• Mar    Righteousness
• Apr     Plan for Success
• May    Philosophy
• Jun     Marriage
• Jul      Share with Parents
• Aug    Work for Elders (or Father)
• Sep     Ritual and Ceremony
• Oct      Ancestral Worship
• Nov     Funeral Dec Government

• Jan      Warrior Athlete
• Feb      Fathers Arrange Marriage
• Mar      Scholar Warrior
• Apr      Death of Father
• May     The Superior Man
• Jun      Mother Rules Home
• Jul       Father = Grave at Home
• Aug     Discipleship
• Sep     True Gentleman
• Oct      Protect Your Wife
• Nov     Dignity of Gentleman
• Dec     Oversee Younger Brother

• YEAR 4
• Jan       Spiritual Warrior
• Feb      Your Religious Faith
• Mar      Confucian Family - Mandate of Heaven
• Apr       Father at Work
• May      Social Order
• Jun       Mother-in-Laws
• Jul        Father's Castle
• Aug      Father's Dreams and Ambitions
• Sep      Rituals and Ceremonies Now
• Oct       Self-defense and Kung Fu
• Nov      God Lives
• Dec      Community = Family

Each chapter contains quotations, philosophy, self-help, how-tos, and stories that illustrate these concepts: how they work, and how they don't work.

The concepts of this book teach how to plan for certain results, avoid certain problems, and understand the underlying power structure of families and business.  

This book will provide the characteristics required to create a balance of power, based upon the people actually involved.

It's A Woman's World: Putting Men in their Proper Place

What would a world without men be like?

This book asks that question -- then asks, "What are you going to do about it?"

In a world without men, women must be everything.  Would women be different?  Would women make different laws?  Would women change politics? Would women be more successful than men? Would women stop all wars, end famine, and save the world?  

Rachel says, "Yes we can.  Let's get it done."  Then she details the steps and starts asking the tough questions that men can't answer, or have refused to answer for the past 200 years.

Men's new world?  The home of course.  This book is about a world of men at home raising the children professionally -- and it's a better world than what we have now.  Government studies have proven that men are better at child raising than women.

Rachel Connor has bravely theorized that women can run the world better than men.  Utilizing science and history, she points out that men have fulfilled their role to conquer the planet and make it safe for women to prosper in.  Now women can for the first time in human history, support the family, and not be required to stay home and raise the kids.  

Women are finally free of their biology.  This is a new world we have evolved to. This book will at least inspire people to consider their futures, roles and potentials in a new world -- run by women.  

What would you do differently?

Rachel is a professional biographer who states that the evolution has already begun and she wants to know your stories that are shaping this new future for men and women of the planet Earth.  Now's your chance: This book will be updated periodically to reveal the worldwide efforts, results, rewards and difficulties of women.  

Contact Rachel with your stories for her updated editions of this book, It's A Woman's World - Putting men in their proper place.

This book also presents the American 3-Party Environmentalist political system of Land Party, Sky Party, and Sea Party in which members of each political party represent the interests of the future of this planet and all life upon it.  Instead of Democrats versus Republicans, the government would compete to protect and develop the land, the sea, and sky above us for our mutual interests.  

Currently our governments represent the financial interests of those not concerned with our planet's future.  These financial interests will still remain, but they will be counter-balanced by party members who are environmentalists and humanists.  If the Land Party versus the Sky Party versus the Water Party were competing, the winners would still be representing our best interests, not purely financial beneficiaries.  

Let's create a government that actually supports a better future for everyone.

Kung Fu Cowboy at Club Coyote: Making the Solo Coyote Music Concert Movie

Richard Del Connor graduated UCLA film school in 1987 making music videos for REO Speedwagon, Stanley Clarke, and Smokey Robinson. He shot commercials for 7-Up and special EFX for movies like Alien.

In from 1984 to 1999 Richard also shot rock concerts under the name "The Coyote" for magazines and newspapers then: QUIT due to the end of 35 mm photography.

Watch Richard (after cancer chemotherapy a year ago) put his life back together as THE "Kung Fu Cowboy" with a new guitar and a new Nikon video camera. And a new drum set.

Masonic Kung Fu

Richard Del Connor discovered the “Masonic Kung Fu” on June 9, 2009 while practicing his Kung Fu and studying for his Freemason 3rd Degree test. Richard noticed that one of his Chinese Kung Fu forms (“Ling Po” martial art dance) contained the secret hand signs and signals he’d been learning as an Entered Apprentice Mason. A little further into the form Richard noticed the secret hand signs of the 2nd Degree in Masonry… then the 3rd Degree secrets… Richard excitedly took this dance to his Masonic Lodge and performed it for the 3rd Degree Master Masons. They took a vote and unanimously voted that this Kung Fu dance had been created to contain the secrets of Freemasonry.

During the research of this “Masonic Kung Fu” form, Richard found information that traced this Masonic information being passed between Kung Fu systems and even his own Grandmaster, Gu Ru Zhong at the Jing Mo school. The Beijing WuShu Team also performs “Ling Po.”

Based upon true stories, Richard’s novel is of two Chinese teenagers rescuing a British Freemason secret agent who is trapped on the Chinese coast as the Japanese Army invades China in 1937, beginning WWII.

Philosopher Poet in a Field of Dreams

Philosopher Poet in a Field of Dreams began on 9/11/2018 with the poem, “Dreams and Ambitions of a Gentleman.” He wrote this poem in the homeless shelter cafeteria after performing in a nightclub, jamming the blues on his silver plated flute. The final poem, “Without Supportive Backing,” was written 12/6/2018, contemplating the ups and downs of his life plagued with poverty his entire life. As Richard hand-wrote the entire poetry book on the same day – he was reminded of his teenage poetic role model, Jim Morrison of The Doors. Originally inspired by Jim Morrison during the 1960s when he was also dropping acid, but never drinking booze, Richard imagined himself attaining Jim’s life goal of wanting to be a poet. As a fellow songwriter, Richard’s poetry is very lyrical, includes a variety of rhyming rhythms, is often comical and sometimes thought provoking or philosophical.

Mistakenly thinking that the poetry book's completion was on Jim's birthday – Richard dedicated the book to Jim Morrison, thinking of him all the day he hand-wrote the final draft of his poetry book. With rain creating smooth drum patterns on the roof of his Tacoma truck, and his cat occasionally leaving paw prints across his notebook, Richard used his unique calligraphy style to hand write the entire book with expressive flairs and lettering styles.

Using the library computers, Richard then typeset the entire book also. Combining each typeset page, with JPG scans of his calligraphy poems on the opposing page, Philosopher Poet in a Field of Dreams is a work of art and love. All the poems were performed at poetry readings in various libraries, book fairs and coffee shops, sometimes on the same day the poems were written.

Most compliments come from people who say they open the Philosopher Poet in a Field of Dreams poetry book to random pages and always discover a unique insight that helps them with a current problem or a poem that inspires them to enjoy that day a little more.

The Potatoe Valentine & Other Love Poems

The end of a family. The end of a marriage. The end of love?

In 2011 Richard Del Connor was searching for answers. Searching for blame. Searching for hope. So he remembered what love was.

Bouncing between what he’d had, what was, what is and what could be... these are the romantic thoughts of a man who had given up his Hollywood career to raise his children as a Mr. Mom. He’d given up his music performance career. He’d given up his photography career. Now he was 57 years old and he was stranded far from his dreams.

So our romantic pup looked within for answers and wisdom to learn from his twenty years of raising his kids and trying to hold his family together.
What did he learn?

In the absence of a lover or love affair, Richard's creativity and romantic nature explored their farthest limits of imagination and remembrance.

After purging himself in his Rainbow In The Shade poetry book, Richard discovered some romantic memories hidden for decades. These unanswerable questions drove our heart broken Zen Pup into a poetic odyssey of self-discovery. These poems are the intellectual and spiritual journey of Coyote's submission to his memories. Follow his poetic soul's quest for love with willingness to take the blame for his lost love relationships. Searching for answers from his past to unlock the success of his future, Coyote dug out his memories of past lovers and the women he'd lived with in the 1970s.  Wanting to improve his possibilities and avoid repeating any past mistakes, he uncovered a wealth of romantic feelings.  Unable to discover any guilt or blame he may have earned, Coyote emerged in a newborn passion for life, and a confidence in his abilities and compassion.  

Mormons, Christians, menage-a-trois, and harbored runaways fill the pages of this romantic journal of love by the happy hippie, The Hippy Coyote of American Zen. In 2010 Richard wrote most of the Human Values for Success in Family and Business. He was proud to announce it's completion on his birthday of 2011.      Then he wrote the following:      
Poetry Books of 2011:          
BOOK 1: Rainbow In The Shade          
BOOK 2: The Potatoe Valentine & Other Love Poems          
BOOK 3: The AntiChrist          
BOOK 4: The Holocaust of Man      
Novels of 2011:          
BOOK 5: Masonic Kung Fu Book 1          
BOOK 6: History of Zen from A to Z      
Science Book of 2011:          
BOOK 7: Connor Black Hole Bubble Theory                                    

By viewing the above list of Coyote's writings in 2011, you can see how this book, The Potatoe Valentine summed up his personal quest for guilt, but opened the door to many other aspects and events of his life.  These forgotten romantic events, and family secrets were explored in his controversial subsequent book, The AntiChrist.  This is the book that bridged the gap between Coyote's romantic memories and the unknown possibilities due to the secrets and deceptions he was a victim of.

Sadly, I became homeless, Christmas 2011.  So my creative productivity was hampered by living in my car until 2019.  Today, in 2023, I have published 22 books in 2022 that I wrote this past decade but could not complete because of my homelessness.  I'm anxious to clean up my past so I can move into my future.  I just purchased my first digital camera yesterday.  Because of 35mm film ending in 1999, and my poverty, I have not been a photographer for 22 years.  My life is just beginning again after a year of cancer chemotherapy and radiation in 2021.

Rainbow In The Shade: An antiwar poetic autobiography of the happy hippie, The Hippy Coyote

I’m one of the last living California Hippy War Protestors of the 1960s. Although I was only 16 years old, I was arrested and exiled to Newfoundland, unable to return to the USA without being imprisoned.
Despite my living a life of “PEACE AND LOVE” the world has become more violent and hostile.
Despite my music and songs of love and happiness, people prefer rap music of violence and hatred.
Despite my poetry of clever stories about loss of life and the destruction of war… people are entertained by real wars without commenting or protesting or even trying to stop these wars.
Despite raising my children to be AMBASSADORS OF PEACE: they play video games every day and murder over 20,000 creatures each year in these games they love and adore.
Perhaps the planet Earth is actually HELL and Satan is laughing at us killing each other.
Can we stop wars?
Yes. If we want to.
Contact me if you’d like to help me reduce violence and “End All Wars™.”
Please do your part to end all wars. In case you hadn’t noticed we are friends with Germany now. We are friends with Japan now. We are friends with Vietnam now. Did we need a war to be friends now? NO.
“Together, we can end all wars.™”

Season of Fours: Four Seasons of Life 1970 to 1980

I was correct in my hypothesis: Humans age in seasons, not just years. A newborn may mature through all four seasons in their first year of life. Then all four seasons as a toddler. Then all four seasons in elementary school. Then all four seasons as a teenager. Then all four seasons during their twenties as they develop independence. Then all four seasons in a marriage raising their children. Then all four seasons in middle age. It would appear that as one ages the seasons each become longer.
In the last 40 years, since I invented this concept, I have lived a few lives and matured through all four seasons several times.
It turns out there are several ways that we mature:

Each of these can have their own seasons that may not match up with other developments. Most of my knowledge is from observation. I would enjoy having friends who would discuss this with me throughout their lives so we can enlighten each other and the rest of the world.
Overall though, it does seem that our overall life, lifestyle, or attitude about life, will be a blending of all our characteristics. Hopefully each characteristic improves or matures, inspiring the other attributes to improve also. If any of these human qualities is stagnant or stopped, the other qualities of life will be restricted or stopped also. Some people are dumb.
This is another reason I am so proud to have founded Tai Chi Youth nonprofit organization. This Tai Chi school inspires and motivates improvement in people of all ages. Because the program involves developing ALL the human qualities of body development, mental development, intellectual development, emotional stability, social skills, creative inspiration, and spiritual concepts -- people can now develop their abilities and talents faster and farther than ever before in human history. Visit, attend, or donate to Tai Chi Youth at:
I’m building a DAO at I’d like to get some help and students and management in the blockchain world. Contact me there also and join our DAO.
As for these first four seasons of my life -- these were my rise to adulthood. These first four seasons represent my life from age 16 to 26. This book was really interesting for me to edit this month. Although I've learned a lot since then, I appreciate my having peered into many places I wouldn't be interested now. This book contains, death, suicide, incest, rape, murder, vengeance, and a few guesses about spiritual existence.
Most important was my interest in these topics. I had to put them behind me or disregard them, but first, I needed to understand what these concepts / mistakes / actions were. This meant having to look at some of these concepts from the first person POV So don't think I was interested in some of these topics, I just had to experience them, vicariously.
There's also a lot of love, compassion, and romance in this book. Oh yeah, and in Spring Fevers, a lot of nasty stuff...
Thanks for taking an interest in my life journey. I hope that I inspire, motivate, educate, and entertain you.
Richard Del Connor
October 2011, and currently updating this book in December 2022.
I didn’t finish editing and publishing the book in 2011. That’s the year I became homeless until 2019.
