R.C. Vielee

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative

Skills: Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Press/Media Interview

Robert is an award-winning author of epic fantasy adventures. He grew up in a small town in northern New Jersey. He is married with four children and now lives with his family in Pennsylvania. Before turning his attention to writing, Robert’s creative drive took him across North America as a freelance nature photographer—while holding down a day job. He loves nature, reading epic fantasy, photography, and of course, his family.

R.C. Vielee's books

Utopia Falling: A Drakness Rises

Utopia once created, cannot long endure the onslaught of human nature.

The Great Destruction brought Earth to its knees. As centuries passed, humanity grew into the near-utopian realm of Tartica, founded on free love, dedicated to living off nature, and committed to repopulating civilization. Living the dream, Reyne’s only desire is to marry Mithany, raise a family, and reap the promise of a simple life.

But Reyne’s hopes are shattered when assassins from the parallel domain of Evidar, a brutal world condemned to exist forever in darkness, arrive on Tartica just days before his wedding… and mark him for death. Elsewhere, benevolent leaders guiding Tartica’s ideal society succumb to dark ambitions based on tainted promises and spark events that threaten to set millennia of cultural harmony ablaze.

As Reyne refuses to accept that he alone can pass through to a parallel realm—that he doesn’t believe exists—to kill its leader, secrets are revealed, lies are laid bare, and what cannot be real… is.

Driving everything towards chaos, the Devil’s Blacksmith, Evidar’s master manipulator, has secrets of his own and will stop at nothing to secure salvation for his world and freedom from its perpetual darkness at the expense of Reyne’s life and Tartica’s existence.

Utopia Falling: A Darkness Rises begins the dark epic fantasy trilogy, The Utopia Falling Saga.

Chaos Ascending: A Feast of Betrayal

Utopia is slipping away. Teth is burning. Rebellion is exploding across the realm. Tartica is in chaos… all but for the Kingdom of Adelle under the tight grip of Chancellor Tomelai’s secret police—Druin Derr’s KCG. Governmental and religious leaders struggle to retain their hold on power while the Devil’s Blacksmith inches closer to Tartica’s ruination and Evidar’s salvation.
As civilization crumbles all around him, Reyne’s soul mirrors Tartica’s downfall; forced to abandon his bride-to-be; his brother ripped from his life; sent on a quest he neither believes in nor wants any part of; and alone, joined only by a mysterious man he doesn’t trust.
As Reyne prepares for an impossible transition through the Void to enter the dark realm of Evidar, he plots his own deception. But Evidar assassins are on his trail. They know he’s alive and they’re not only getting close, they’ve found him!
With betrayal lurking in the shadows, Tartica’s future, Evidar’s salvation, and Reyne’s life, all hang in the balance.
Reyne’s journey in the adult themed, dark, epic fantasy trilogy, The Utopia Falling Saga, continues in second book, Chaos Ascending: A Feast of Betrayal.
