Peter Mulraney

ALLi Author Member

Location: Australia & New Zealand

Genres: Mind Body Spirit, Self-Help/Personal Development, General Fiction, Crime, Mystery, Writing & Publishing

I’m Australia’s crime writing mystic but I don’t restrict myself to writing crime fiction and exploring the deep and meaningful.

I’m one of those country boys that went to the city to study, met an Italian girl on campus and decided to stay. These days, we have two grown sons and a daughter-in-law, and spend our family time on Skype. Some kids move to another city. Ours are a bit more adventurous – they moved to other countries.

When I was young and enthusiastic, I taught Science, Maths and Italian in High Schools. Hopefully, I inspired a few kids and entertained the rest.

I spent my last fifteen years in the workforce with the Australian Taxation Office, where, although I was employed as a tax auditor, I spent most of my time writing procedures and doing project work to support auditors in the field. Now I get to do what I love doing: writing.

After schools, I explored the world of banking and finance, where I got myself an accounting degree – not much call for Biological Sciences in the world of money. I share some of what I learnt in the world of work in the Everyday Business Skills series.

My writing as a mystic is inspired by my life long interests in spirituality, current affairs, and social justice. I am what is called a modern or urban mystic, one with a call to engage with the world and not hide away in a monastery or ashram as ancient mystics did.

The crime stories come from a lifetime of reading and observing human behaviour, and an active imagination. Fortunately, the only place I kill people is within the pages of a story but, to be honest, I’ve amassed quite a total over the years since I published After, the first book in the Inspector West series.

Peter Mulraney's books

The New Girlfriend

For reasons known only to science, there are men who believe they can’t live without a woman in their lives. Dave Chambers is one of them. Unfortunately for Dave, the woman in his life dies on him.
The New Girlfriend is Dave’s story of how he copes with that unexpected and poorly timed death, and meets ‘the new girlfriend’.
As any man can tell you, finding a new girlfriend is not as easy as it sounds when his friends, usually in a pub somewhere, are encouraging him to get out and meet someone new.
Like most love stories, Dave’s experience of ‘the new girlfriend’ is not all smooth sailing. It has some heartache, some funny moments, and a promising ending.
If you enjoy a light hearted look at life, even at some of its darker moments, you’ll enjoy The New Girlfriend.

My Life is My Responsibility: Insights for Conscious Living

Words of wisdom from a modern-day mystic in a language you can understand.
Conscious living involves being aware of what’s going on in your life and, more importantly, what’s going on in your mind.
How you experience life depends on what you choose to believe.
If you never take the time to examine your beliefs, or to question your assumptions, you end up living unconsciously.
When you live unconsciously, you live your life according to somebody else’s beliefs. You end up trying to meet somebody else’s expectations and not your own.

The insights in this book flow from a sense of being aware that you can change the world, but not in the way most of us think about doing that.

Real change happens when you accept that there is only one thing that can be changed: how you choose to see things.

Everyday Project Management

Projects involving billions of dollars require serious project management by highly qualified and experienced project managers.
You probably won’t be doing any of that if you’re looking at this book, but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from applying the principles of project management to your everyday work or personal projects.
In Everyday Project Management, author Peter Mulraney uses a conversational style to demystify project management for untrained project managers, and gives you access to tools the professional use – without having to read hundreds of pages or take a test.
Everyday Project Management is informed by Peter’s twenty years of playing in the project space in banking and government, and his application of project management principles to writing and publishing numerous books.

Living Alone

Information for men who find themselves on their own.
In Living Alone, you’ll find all the content from the three books in the Living Alone series:
After She’s Gone
Sanity Savers
Living alone following the end of a long-term relationship? This book is for you.
Living on your own, after having shared your life with someone else for a long time, can be challenging. Not only do you have to look after yourself physically, you also need to face the demons of boredom and loneliness.
After reading Living Alone, you’ll have all the information you need to look after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.
Not only will you find out how easy it is to cook for yourself, you’ll also discover seven boredom-busting strategies for using your alone time, each illustrated with numerous tips.
You will also find two strategies for avoiding loneliness, which highlight the value of committing to personal growth and engaging with others.
Living Alone is a reminder that being on your own does not mean you have to stay home alone.

The Identity Thief

Murder, mystery, and a little intrigue.
Detective Sergeant Stella Bruno investigates the murder of ‘nice guy’ Bob Cunningham and discovers he wasn’t who he claimed to be.
To solve this one, Stella not only has to work out who the victim was, she also needs to find out why he was pretending to be someone else.
And, there’s the distraction of Shaun Porter, the new man from Public Prosecutions, who walks into her life.
If you enjoy a good murder mystery with a little intrigue, you’ll love this quick read from Peter Mulraney’s new series.

Mystical Journey: A Handbook for Modern Mystics

Modern tools for modern mystics.

Modern mystics don’t get to hide away in monasteries and ashrams or a cave in the mountains like the holy men and women of the past. In these secular times, modern mystics are ordinary people called to the mystical journey in the everyday world. Perhaps you’ve heard the call to the mystical journey but you’re not quite sure what to do next. Maybe you’re wondering what this mystical journey stuff is all about. You’re in the right place.

In Mystical Journey, you’ll find a clear description of the mystical journey, inspiring insights, and a helpful set of tools for navigating your way. This is a handbook for those ready to start the mystical journey – and for those who have set out on their own.

Making Space For The Divine: Insights Of A Modern Mystic

Peter Mulraney is a modern day or urban mystic. Unlike ancient mystics, he’s not secluded in a monastery or ashram but lives an everyday life much like yours.

Making Space For The Divine invites you to join Peter in reflecting on some of the insights he’s received from making space for the divine in his busy life.

Peter sees himself as a mystic and not a guru, so this is a book of insights to contemplate, not a set of teachings you will be asked to believe.

Hopefully, while you’re reflecting on Peter’s insights, you’ll receive a few of your own.

Field Notes For Writers: Tips for Independent Authors

Field notes from the experience of self-publishing 25 books
Are you thinking about writing a book but you’re not sure how to go about it? Not sure if you have the time?

Maybe you’ve written one. Now you want to know what to do next. Field Notes for Writers will help you take that next step or decide to write that book.


Murder Mystery

When an unseasonal downpour uncovers the skeletal remains of two missing teenagers in a national park, jaded cold case investigator Detective Sergeant Pat Travers finds himself in the mid-north town of Burra with his new partner, Detective Constable Lina Palumbo, trying to unravel a thirty year mystery. It’s a big ask and Pat’s not confident of an outcome. In fact, he suspects he’s expected to fail.

A lot of things have happened in the intervening thirty years since the teenagers disappeared. People have aged and moved on from the trauma, and they’re reluctant to re-examine the details of an old story they believe will never be resolved. But, confidences are betrayed with devastating results.

If you like a murder mystery with a subtle twist, you’ll enjoy Desolation.


Distraction: a thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.

Travers and Palumbo join the investigation to identify who killed Sarah Taylor and abducted her four-year-old daughter, Ella.

A group calling itself 4 Freedom claims responsibility for the abduction and demands an end to the vaccine mandates.

The investigators get a lucky break – but their celebrations are short lived. 4 Freedom strikes again, and they are left wondering if Ella’s abduction was a planned distraction – something designed to divert their attention away from 4 Freedom’s real agenda.

If you like a murder mystery with unexpected twists, you’ll enjoy Distraction, the second book in the Travers and Palumbo series.

Inspector West Collection One

The first three books of the Inspector West series: After; The Holiday; and Holy Death, bundled together in one volume to give you hours of murder, mystery, and intrigue – a third off the price of buying these three titles separately.

Inspector West Collection Two

Books 4 to 6 of the Inspector West series: Whisteblower; Twisted Justice; and The East Park Syndicate bundled together in a second volume giving you hours of murder, mystery, and Intrigue – a third off the price of buying these three titles separately.

Stella Bruno Investigates

The first six stories of the Stella Bruno Investigates series in one volume.
The Identity Thief
A Gun of Many Parts
Bones in the Forest
A Deadly Game of Hangman


Mysterious death reveals her secrets. Inspector West investigates the murder of school teacher, Josie Ford. Her husband, Paul, faces impacts beyond grief as Josie’s secrets are revealed. If you like mystery mixed with suspense, you’ll enjoy the intrigue and surprise in After.

The first book in the Inspector West series, After introduces Inspector Carl West through the story of Paul Ford dealing with the consequences of his wife’s murder and what it reveals.
