Novel Writing Made Easy With PowerPoint

By Paul Burridge

Writing is not a natural process. We think in images not words. So why not start writing your book in pictures, and transition to words at a later stage?

Ok the title is of this book is a bit of a misnomer. Maybe it should be Writing a Novel Made Easier with PowerPoint. But when you are faced with that blank sheet, and so much to express, and the words won’t come…?

Our worlds are made up of sensory impressions, not words. And our predominant sense is vision. So instead of a blank sheet of paper, why not start with an image? Which will lead to another, and another. Start to describe them, and off you go, romping away, writing a novel.

The creators of PowerPoint did not intend it for this purpose. But I couldn’t contemplate writing without this aid to imagination. I’ll show you how it works for me, and how it could work for you.
