Nico Silver

ALLi Author Member

Location: Canada

Genres: Commercial Fiction, Thriller, LGBTQ+, Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Short/Flash Fiction Collection, Horror, Romance

Skills: Writing Workshop, Reading/Literary Event

Nico Silver lives like a hermit on the edge of the woods, but haunts used bookstores like a wraith. They fully expected to be found someday as a mummified old corpse crushed under a toppled to-be-read pile, but the rise of e-books has made that somewhat less likely, though the books will always outnumber even the dustbunnies.

Nico will read just about anything, including the instructions on the back of medicine bottles, but has a particular fondness for good stories with a hint of magic. They write dark, sexy urban fantasy and fantasy romance, and sometimes dream in black and white.

Nico Silver's books

Daughter of Foxes

She’s one of those things that goes bump in the night; if only she knew what kind of thing that was…

When Su met Evgeny, he was a newborn vampire fleeing a mad scientist maker, and she was something not entirely human with no memory of her past.

They’re happy spending their days trying to figure out where each of them came from, and how they best fit together in bed, when Evgeny vanishes, stolen by a vampire cabal that wants to use his rare ability to metabolize witch blood to make themselves invincible.

Rescuing her new lover from a secret research facility seems to be an impossible task, but Su might just be an impossible creature, and if she fails, Evgeny’s best case scenario is to become a mindless blood filter.

Born of Ghosts

They’re trying to stop an abomination, but the solution might be worse than the problem…

After saving half the other community from a vampire cabal that wanted to experiment on them, Su and Evgeny really deserve their happily ever after.

Unfortunately, some of the very people they rescued—a group of witches that includes Su’s ex-lover—see Evgeny as an abomination for his mix of witch and vampire heritage. They unleash an ancient evil on him, intending to use it as a weapon against him. Instead, the evil gains sentience and becomes a sort of demon, and it has its own motive: to take over Evgeny’s body by taking over his mind.

Su will have to convince her ex-lover to help her new lover, but it could mean that Su will lose her own freedom in trying to save Evgeny’s, because to be strong enough to face the demon, she’ll have to join her power to Alex’s.

And the process may be irreversible…

Heir of Witches

What if the secret to her best friend’s happiness is the source of her own worst fear?

Su made the ultimate sacrifice to save her lover from a fate worse than death: she allowed her witch friend Alex to bind her fox-self as a familiar, tying their powers together, with Alex holding the leash.

Alex is willing to reverse the binding, but she doesn’t know how, and neither do the other witches she knows, so they’ll have to travel overseas in search of the one person who must have the answer: the legendary, and possibly entirely mythical, Witch of the Hexenwald.

But Alex has her own motive in seeking the witch, who just happens to be her ancestor: she wants to learn, to become the strongest witch she can be. But doing so could put her firmly on the side of keeping Su bound.

Because foxes make excellent witch’s familiars, and hexenfuchs like Su make the best familiars of all…

Brother of Demons

The voice in Evgeny’s head should have been silenced, but it’s not. Instead, it’s getting stronger…

A demon born of the slaughter of innocents lies imprisoned inside Evgeny’s mind. It’s supposed to be quiet, dissolved back into the ghost-memories of which it was made, but lately those ghosts are stirring, causing nightmares. And worse, the demon is reconstructing itself.

The year-round carnival on Wonder Island seems an unlikely source of help, but it hides a community of non-humans and magical beings, some stranger—and more dangerous—than Evgeny or his demon.

The island also hides a building far older than it should be, a building that houses secrets known to only a few. A building that can contain Evgeny safely while he battles the demon in his head.

If he can’t subdue the evil presence by absorbing the horrors it’s made of, Evgeny will lose more than his mind; he’ll also lose his body and everyone he cares for.

And even if he can defeat the demon, he will not emerge unscathed…

Son of Wolves

Her family was murdered. His has disowned him. Can they make a new life together?

Su’s vampire lover survived having a demon trapped in his head, at the expense of their relationship. Now she’s left to continue investigating her parents’ murder—and her little sister’s disappearance—without his help.

Fortunately, Su’s sexy werewolf neighbor is there to fill in. But Magne has his own problems. His witchy girlfriend has dumped him, and his family is ready to cut him loose, too, unless he starts doing what they want. But that would mean betraying everything he believes is good and right.

Can one fox shifter who still hasn’t regained her memories, and one werewolf who has memories he’d rather forget, join forces to find Su’s sister and create a new life for all of them?

Chosen of Gods

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: A werewolf walks into an art gallery…

Raine is happy running her small art gallery and frame shop, and flirting with the handsomest customers. She doesn’t want anything permanent, let alone a relationship that comes with built-in issues before it even starts.

But when Thorstein walks into her gallery, looking like a giant blond Viking and acting like he’s afraid he’ll break something, she finds herself wanting to put him at ease. Except Thorstein’s life is not his own, because he’s not only a werewolf, he’s a berserker, and his father has kept him on a magical leash, used him as an enforcer, for nearly a century.

To escape his father’s control and take back his life, Thorstein and Raine will have to ask the one person Thorstein has been unable to face for decades, a man he nearly killed under their father’s direction, and who has every reason to hate him: his younger brother Magne.

And if Magne won’t help, then there may be no future for Thorstein and Raine. And even if he will, it could be too late.

Heart of Outcasts

Change is coming to the Autumn County werewolves, and someone would kill to keep it from happening.

Justin thought a nice long run in the woods would help sort out his problems; he’d get some fresh air and exercise, and if he just happened to disappear then he wouldn’t need to worry about losing his job, his apartment, and his future. But when he wakes up in the dirt, bloody and confused, with a naked man leaning over him, asking if he’s all right, he suddenly wants very much to live. Because even if Bjarni is way out of his league, he can’t deny the spark between them.

Bjarni is the asshole of the family. He’s the middle of three werewolf brothers, and a womanizing, hard-drinking, fight-starting disgrace. So when he finds a newly-changed werewolf in the woods, everyone he knows would have expected him to just dump the young man on his older brother and pack leader. Instead, Bjarni finds himself unexpectedly attracted to Justin.

When it comes to light that someone in the Autumn County pack is changing humans into werewolves without their consent, Justin may be the only one who can figure out who it is. But he’s busy trying to cope with his new werewolf abilities and his doomed attraction to his mentor, and he’s messed up everything else in his life anyway, so what can he do? But if he doesn’t do something, more wolves will end up dead.

A Vision of Air

A sinister magical plot could destroy order in the Nine Monarchies. Foiling that plot could destroy something even more precious.

The only seer born to the bird folk in seven generations, Fionn has spent his entire life in an impenetrable, remote abbey, learning to control his visions and to heal the sick. He has never met his parents, has never even seen another of his people, and has never known anything beyond the strict order within the abbey walls.

When Kiernan, the half-human son of the forest Sidhe, is sent on a secret mission to the abbey, he finds himself trapped within the walls. He is blinded, weakened, and stripped of his magic—and forced to rely on seer-healer Fionn for everything. To the Sidhe, the bird folk are lesser beings, thought to be barbaric and barely civilized. But Kier doesn’t know Fionn is one of them, and he finds himself attracted the gentle young man he can’t even see.

When Kier remembers his mission to foil a plot that threatens both his life and Fionn’s, he has to choose: save the young man he is coming to care about, or carry out the vital task he was sent for, even if it means losing Fionn.

A Taste of Earth

Facing the reality of life apart, Fionn and Kiernan grab at the chance to be together, if only temporarily. But can they choose their own happiness over the wellbeing of two Monarchies?

Kiernan has made the fatal mistake of defying his mother, the Queen of Morven Forest, and in return, she has chosen the one punishment that is worse than death for a Sidhe. Severed from his connection to his beloved forest, Kier must learn to cope without his deepest magic.

Fionn, separated from the man he loves, has no choice but to attempt to fit in at the Eyrie. There—instead of fulfilling his true calling as seer and healer—he is expected to act as a symbol, a figurehead to bolster his King’s rule. But his presence is not the only thing his King requires, and Fionn isn’t sure he can continue pretending to adore the vain and possessive monarch.

When the Vogel Monarchy is invited to send a delegation to Morven Forest, Fionn knows it is his chance to see Kiernan again. What he doesn’t know is whether or not Kier still wants him. After all, the half-fey is a Prince, a creature of court and forest, and has surely realized by now that he can have anything—or anyone—he wants.
