Nathalie M.L. Römer

ALLi Author Member

Location: Europe

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, General Nonfiction, General Fiction, Erotica, Mystery, Other, Womens Fiction, Short/Flash Fiction Collection, Horror, Memoir, Romance

Nathalie M.L. Römer is an author based in Gusselby, Sweden. She lives here with her partner, Anders. Before this, she has lived for over two decades in Britain. She was born and initially raised in the Netherlands.

Nathalie considers herself a multi-genre author who primarily writes epic fantasy, futuristic science-fiction, mystery, horror and romance.

Nathalie M.L. Römer's books


Kelly is supposed to be the popular girl at university. She's supposed to have many friends. Smart. Pretty. Happy...

None of them knows she hides a secret that she battles with every day. When she gets home, and the front door closes behind her, and the curtains are drawn, she is alone.

Silence is the only thing that surrounds her. Emptiness is her only solace. When she's alone she's hidden...

Tainted Truth

When truth and lies have been used as a weapon. When you fight an enemy from the past using lies, and truth becomes the weapon with which you fight that enemy. The story takes you to an ancient land under siege.

The history of Keldarra is long but forgotten. A distant past when someone knew the Wolf Riders would rise. They also knew they would come to an end.

The Truth: Words spoken.

Still spoken to speak a lie.

Marrida. Alagur.

Each individual has a reason for wanting change. But can the reasons co-exist without clashing? Can truth prevail when each of them exists because of lies? When they discover similarity it reveals a hidden past, a past that means so much more than either knew.

Chase The Dream

Every day is the same for Ella. She’s told by her boss, who also is her step-mother, to work late, repair the junk or else. Every day, Ella obeys her step-mother…

However, one evening her routine is disrupted by the cleaner, Max, who subsequently helps her to discover some secrets that her step-mother hides from Ella.

A few rollercoaster nights later, and she’s head over heels in love, plotting revenge, and discovering that sometimes fairy tales happen…

Donta Naughty

Donta ‘Naughty’ is Don Quixote’s second cousin who’d decided to replicate Don’s famous antics, and obviously disobeying his father’s wishes by doing this.

However, he doesn’t get far in his travels, when an encounter with Carlotta, a tavern keeper’s daughter, changes everything he’d ever known and puts his plans on hold.

She persuades Donta to comply with her own strange plans. But the outcome of these plans changes everything for both of them…

Stolen Truth

Far in the north there is a city untouched by the Wolf Riders. But it has its own battles to fight, its own history to unravel.

Alagur only knows it as the North City. Marrida has never heard of it.

Centuries it was a magnificent city, rich in history and wealth. It was the bastion of power for the Callers.

But something happened that the Keepers cannot even see in their visions. The city is not just closed physically, but in the visions as well. It is rumoured to be where the corruption of the Wolf Riders started.

How or why. That is a mystery.

Marrida and Alagur visit the city for answers. They find mysteries instead.

They must unravel the past to know what goes on in the city now...

Truth of a Betrayer

The coastal city of Achellon is one of the last strongholds of Keldarra.

It is protected by Magi, who seemingly keep it safe from attack by Wolf Riders.

When they arrive at the city they are greeted with suspicion, doubt, fear. Marrida already knows what fate awaits her in the city. When her predictions come true it is up to Alagur to gain the trust of the citizens.

The South Spires is the bastion of Magi. What Alagur discovers quickly is that it does not serve as a haven but as an instrument of fear.

He has tried to put aside his old life as a Wolf Rider. This city forces him to confront this past...

Revelations of Truth

Elsana is a city with a past shrouded by mystery and secrets.
It is where Marrida and Alagur have to travel to unravel other secrets.

For centuries, they have used Elsana as a weapon…

A Seer begins Marrida’s journey towards an ancient hidden truth. The revelations come from unexpected sources.
But the city also teaches its scholars that truth is often the hardest lesson they must deal with.

To most, the Caves of Elgorra are mythical in nature. But the truth that they were hiding from the world is the beginning of a prophesied future…

Marrida and Alagur

Marrida Kayrsan and Alagur are the protagonists of The Wolf Riders of Keldarra, an epic fantasy series. Marrida is a Keeper of Truth at the Temple of Truth in Ruh'nar, where she lives with her younger brother, Esbara, and sister, Kalisa. Alagur is a Wolf Rider who arrives one day in the city during the latest attack by the Wolf Riders. He is wounded by a defender, and Marrida takes him in, and heals him back to health. It is during this period she reveals to him and her siblings who and what she is at the Temple of Truth.

This novella features two stories, one about Marrida and the other about Alagur. The story about Marrida will give a deeper insight to life within the Temple of Truth. The story about Alagur will take you back to the time when he went to get Yalla, his loyal wolf companion, from South Valley of Miza just south of Northern Blades.

Emelyse and Bergas

She fled from a city with a dark secret where the wolves and their masters would later decide the fate of Keldarra. Emelyse is a woman with a skill that she had to hide for so long from those around her. She saw a future for herself in the west where safety awaited her. She would later meet Marrida and Alagur, and the latter would forever be bound to her own destiny through her son Bergas, who he would be safe from a life as a Wolf Rider. But before Bergas was in the City of Wolves, he had another life and his own hopes and dreams. And a father he deeply loved...

This novella features two stories, one about Emelyse and the other about Bergas. The story about Emelyse will give you insight of the events that tie two cities together. It tells of a woman who learns to cope with a skill she never asked for. The story about Bergas tells you of a boy who knows what fate awaits him but that he cannot accept.

Bring On The Love

They claim you’ve to be lucky to meet the right guy on that blind date.

But I didn’t know - yet - that the man walking beside me had his heart broken a few too many times…

So… the girl he decides to chat up, is the one who has to show him what true love is really all about.

Challenge accepted…!

Twelve Faded Candles

It's the early years of the 1920s.

Just a few years since the Great War has ended. Slowly, the Red Light District of Amsterdam has come back to life, but behind the red-tinted windows there are certain women who have fallen on hard times… and others who ended up there against their will.

Using the premise of a fairytale she had heard as a child, a woman coming of age searches for someone among them…

The Race

They came to our world a hundred years ago. Before we knew it they overran the world, destroyed our infrastructure and now we live in habitats. That's the best we can call our living accommodations. They terraformed the world…

What remains of humanity whispers about a plan to evacuate some of us. They claim that scientists hid away in a bunker somewhere where they retro-fitted one of their spaceships.

We don't know if it's true, but as we watch them lead away groups of humans from the nearest habitats, we decide to chance our escape.

No One Knew

For more than a decade, the arguments have caused my mother and I to have become estranged. The reason why - she has an irrational hatred for my father.

After an argument with her, I visit my father who I last saw as a child. A tragedy causes me to have to confront his secrets. With some rather unexpected end results…

Cities of the Sailors

After leaving Elsana, Alagur and Marrida travel on to Tachumir, the last functioning seafaring port. Marrida feels an immediate familiarity with the city, then they realise why this is…

The city reveals how extensive Darius Kayrsan's influence was in the south. The city also offers Marrida a crucial clue about the origins of her family, as promised by the Voice.

Alagur takes things in his stride, giving the cities of the southern coast an undignified nickname. But it's their chance meeting before reaching the city that sets in motion the coming events…

Heart of a Raven and Other Shifter Tales

And so it begins...

Two kingdoms still reel from a recent brutal war…

After both rulers have died from their wounds it leaves the young, inexperienced Queen Astrid alone learning to rule her people, and to find a way to create a lasting peace with the neighbouring kingdom.

She's been left with few choices and she's facing a rebellion from dissidents. She appeals for the mercy of Odin, to send her wisdom for her task. He sends her Muninn…

This is the first of the stories in the book about Astrid and her lover Muninn. He tells her one evening about all the other amazing animals that were given the skill by Odin to live among us, to become a human. And so Muninn tells her stories to amaze, to terrify, to compel you to be happy...

The Mystery of Priory Mansion

When Lucas moved to a small village in the middle of nowhere, he did not expect that it to present him with a mystery that would unravel some of his own family history.

Aided by his girlfriend Louellen, he sets about to discover why so many in the village are as curious about the house.

One evening he walks past the house to hear sounds coming from within. Lucas and Louellen discover quickly that it connects the house with a dangerous past that should better stay buried and undiscovered…

Subject 37

Five hundred years ago, they talked about "shit hitting the fan"… whatever that means. But I, Steven Burgard, have an idea of what it could have meant when I look at the world, I live in.

Nothing of what they said back then, in the books they had, was true. They didn't predict a world where 99% of the population was gone in a matter of years.

They didn't even know why it was happening to them. My world is broken, empty, full of mysteries and dangers that drove my parents to do something so dangerous it caused my mother to leave me when I was eleven. Now, a decade later, I'm Subject 37… whatever that means.
