N. Z. Nasser

ALLi Author Member

Location: United Kingdom (the)

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Literary Fiction

Skills: Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Reading/Literary Event

Nillu Z. Nasser was born in London, UK, to Indian parents.

She studied English and German Literature at Warwick University, followed by European Politics at Humboldt University, Berlin. After graduating, Nillu worked in national and regional politics, but eventually reverted to her first love: writing.

Nillu writes literary fiction. Her stories often take place in rich settings and explore the search for identity from an outsider’s perspective. Her debut literary fiction novel, All the Tomorrows, was published in 2017, followed by Hidden Colours in 2018. Her third literary fiction novel, An Ocean of Masks, is soon to make its way into the world.

Nillu also writes fantasy fiction under the pen name N. Z. Nasser. Her paranormal women’s fiction series Druid Heir was released in 2021-2022, followed by the Majestic Midlife Witch trilogy in 2023-2024. Her fantasy stories are atmospheric and magical, with a dash of humour, found family and a romance sub-plot. She is currently working on a romantic fantasy series, Ink of the Fae.

She loves the balance that the two strands bring to her work. Literary fiction is often about surviving the world. Fantasy is about saving it. It’s atmospheric, magical and escapist, and a whole heap of fun to write.

First and foremost, though, Nillu is a reader. She is happiest barefoot with a book in hand. They are the first thing she unpacks when she is somewhere new.

She lives in London with her husband, three children, two cats and a dog. If you fly into Gatwick and look hard enough, you will see her furiously scribbling in her garden office, where she is working on her next story.

N. Z. Nasser's books

Midlife Dawn, Druid Heir 1

Shivers of excitement shot up my spine. It was time to draw a line under the past and find a new me.

By forty, Alisha thought she’d be living her best life. When her idiot husband gambles away their savings, she divorces him and throws herself into teaching her night class in godforsaken London. That is, until her mum dies in a car crash and Alisha suspects foul play. To top it all, the Metropolitan Police don’t seem to have heard of the detective investigating the case. Alisha’s first instinct is to have a nap and hope it all goes away, but she’s her mother's daughter. Secrets set her off like a bloodhound.

When a mysterious man tells her she’s the last of an ancient magical druid lineage, she laughs in his face, but she’s intrigued. She wants to believe there’s more to life than a messy divorce and a dead-end career. It doesn't seem crazy to follow him into the undergrowth in Crystal Palace Park. Not even when she hears her cat telling her to stop.

To avenge her mum and survive a new magical world, she just needs to pull on her control pants and hold on for the ride.

Midlife Tremors, Druid Heir 2

“You have neither your grandmother’s talents, druid, nor her beauty, but you can make something of yourself yet.”

Alisha and her friends might have saved the day against a vengeful god, but she still doesn’t know the first thing about the Otherworld. There’s training sessions with her mentor Ezra, history lessons with the vampire Orpheus, plus her haunting dragon dreams. It’s not easy to stay on track, especially given how distracted she is by Ezra’s crinkly eyes and hot bod. Who knew that a new love at forty would give her dewy skin and a renewed zest for life?

When a series of earthquakes hits London, the Prime Sorcerer advises Alisha to focus on her upcoming magical trial at Wildwoods. But she’s her own woman, and her instincts tell her to dig deeper even before the goddess Gaia invites her to tea. It’s not like she’s going to pass the trial anyway. She’d already made enough enemies in the Otherworld to fill a granny annex.

To find her place in the Otherworld, all Alisha has to do is gather her allies and trust herself. How hard could that be?

All the Tomorrows

-Sometimes we can’t escape the webs we are born into. Sometimes we are the architects of our own fall.-

Akash Choudry wants a love for all time, not an arranged marriage. Still, under the weight of parental hopes, he agrees to one. He and Jaya marry in a cloud of colour and spice in Bombay. Their marriage has barely begun when Akash embarks on an affair.

Jaya can’t contemplate sharing her husband with another woman, or looking past his indiscretions as her mother suggests. Cornered by sexual politics, she takes her fate into her own hands in the form of a lit match.

Nothing endures fire. As shards of their past threaten their future, will Jaya ever bloom into the woman she can be, and will redemption be within Akash’s reach?

Hidden Colours

-Each evening, nestled in Berlin's Treptower Park, the immigrant circus comes to life.-

When Yusuf fled Syria, he lost everything. Now the circus, with its middle-eastern flair, is the only home he knows. When the lights go on, the refugees dazzle their audience, but off-stage tensions flare.

Ellie is passionate about the circus and drawn to its broken people. Even so, if she wants to keep her job at the newspaper, she must head up a campaign against it.

One night, in the midst of a show, two young circus boys come to blows. With the circus at risk of closure, Ellie must convince her readers that we can have compassion for those we fear, or Yusuf will be forced to uproot again.

Midlife News, Druid Heir 3

“You are an accomplished woman, but even you cannot withstand a current that has been churning for centuries.”

One minute, I’m just your average forty-year-old Londoner, past my sell-by date and going nowhere. The next, I’ve animated a dragon, kicked a few godly backsides and become an overnight sensation. My head is spinning. What I need is peace and quiet to catch my breath and enjoy the first flushes of my relationship with half-werewolf half-wizard Ezra. What I get is a taste of being a celebrity. And I don’t like it one bit.

As if midlife couldn’t get more challenging, dark omens appear quicker than I sprout grey hair. First, Ezra is called in to investigate dead wolves found on pack land. Then the last raven leaves the Tower of London, provoking fears that Crown and country will fall. But the senate couldn’t care less, and their breezy indifference means my middle finger gets a workout.

As enemies close in, the goddess Gaia is too busy in pursuit of the perfect cup of chai to be of any use. I can’t deny that I’m a druid with a flair for magic, a nose for trouble and a drawerful of big knickers unlikely to impress a new lover. Can I put my own needs aside and prove once and for all that I’m a match for anyone in my path?

Midlife Drift, Druid Heir 4

“Real power is not grasping or vengeful. It is quiet, but it is still fierce. It is a whisper you hear inside yourself.”

By now, my hopes of a quiet life in the Otherworld are dead and buried. I’ve accepted that I’m the prophesied eternal girl, but Ezra wants me to keep it under wraps. We can’t be certain unless I step into a tank with the magical octopus, and I’ve had quite enough of batty Wildwoods rituals, thank you very much.

When I receive an offer to turbo charge my druid training, I jump into the deep end and don’t flinch. A new threat is rising. I can feel it in my waters, even before Dad is kidnapped and I’m forced into working with my wayward brother. To make matters worse, a rogue goddess emerges to take Londoners to their watery grave.

With Ezra now a senator and Marina knee-deep in researching how to keep me safe, my allies are few and far between, but I still have my trusty leopard. A visit to an otherworldly chiropractor to fend off the midlife aches and I’m ready to live up to my true potential. I’ll be damned if Dad and countless others succumb to dark undercurrents on my watch.

Midlife Portals, Druid Heir 5

I’d animate gargoyles and vampire finches if that’s what it took to keep my loved ones safe.

I have earned the grudging respect of London’s Otherworld, and I'm ready to enjoy my second chance at love with Ezra. But trouble still comes knocking. The old gods are rising, even the ones I’ve defeated before. They haven’t forgiven me for thwarting them. I might be a druid wielding Death’s sword, but without the Jericho necklace, I’m as exposed as a middle-aged jogger without a sports bra.

Not even Wildwoods is a haven anymore. Especially when suspicions mount up that the Prime Sorcerer is acting against us. A woman in her midlife knows how to stand her ground, but confronting him is a dangerous game and risks ripping a chasm through the magical community.

When my friends are sucked into the orbit of danger, it’s clear that none of us can escape unscathed and I'll have to take greater risks than ever before. Will we walk away with our lives, or will I be left with a knicker drawer full of regret?

Midlife Eclipse, Druid Heir 6

“Dreams are such fragile things. Nebulous wishes oxygenated by slumber. You enjoyed a taste of your dream. Now I will turn it into blackened ash.”

So the Father of the Gods is alive, and Gaia kept it a secret from me. Not only that, but the Earth goddess is now ashes in the wind, and it’s up to me to figure out how to resurrect her. As the solar eclipse nears, the trees at Wildwoods curl unnaturally, but the senate is too busy clashing over its next leader to notice.

Like all women in midlife, I juggle balls like a circus act. There's my broken heart to nurse, a lusty vampire to fend off and a grieving fire fairy to parent. Not in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be a mother. The world might need the eternal girl, but Mirabel needs plain old me. Her grief threatens to ignite an inferno, and part-time mothering just isn’t going to cut it. Especially when the dream god and his djinn target her.

I yearn to win back Ezra and give Mirabel the home she deserves, but I have to live up to my gran’s legacy and stop the gods. My gran, who put magic above everything. With my personal life and magical destiny colliding more than ever before, will I be forced to walk away from the daughter I’ve always wanted?

Midlife Battle, Druid Heir 7

My nails made little moons in my palms. Middle-aged women might have froth and bubble on their upper layers but underneath, we were tidal waves.

Death is coming for me, of that there is no doubt. My hair greys quicker than before, as if she already has a grip. Life with Ezra and our daughter is joyful, but the city is strange. Footsteps trail in the snow where no man has walked.

An unexpected migration of birds clouds the London sky. The book buried in the grove of the cottage whispers to me, even though I ignore it.
When the Wild Hunt sounds its horns and the blue goddess rides, the drumbeat of doom fills the Otherworld. Gaia is jittery, more bride than warrior. I am her champion, though I have no experience of leading an army.
Though I prefer compassion to my obsidian blade. As magical factions take sides, the only constant is treachery. The new Prime Sorceress wants an alliance, but after her betrayal of Ezra, how can I trust her?

As my power curls within me, Rayna’s diaries illuminate a way out of the darkness and I dare to hope destiny favours me. It all comes down to this. Blood, graft, loyal friends and a handful of multivitamins. Together, we’ll stop the rogue gods from reforging humanity in their hateful image. Together, we must find a way to cheat Death or lose it all.

To Save a Sister, Majestic Midlife Witch 1

My sister was magic. They killed her. They say we are magic too.

Three sisters living together in their forties has its challenges. Life is humming along just fine if you overlook our clashing personalities, codependency issues and romances that fizzle out before they ignite.

When our oldest sister’s personality changes overnight, we plan a boozy lunch to chase away the midlife blues. We find her in our kitchen, battling a troop of men dressed like Indian royalty. Sitara summons a tempest from the washing-up bowl to protect herself. But it’s not enough to save her life.

There’s no time to work out if magic is real. Her killers whisk us away to a hidden kingdom ruled by a seductive raja. Here, we must prove we’re not witches. I may be from a sleepy English coastal town, but I can hold my own. I flirt with danger, hell-bent on uncovering the truth of my sister’s death.

Will I find out what lurks beneath the golden silks and exotic colours of our kidnapper’s home before I lose another sister to this perilous, new world?

To Curse a Rival, Majestic Midlife Witch 2

Three magical sisters. A raja with claws. A labyrinth of deceit.

Darkness wakens in Jalapashu. In this kingdom, silks are soaked in blood, and bones bend like boughs. To survive, my witch sisters and I must buckle up and learn fast.

The seer is gone. Her parrot warns that we must find her before time runs out. We unravel the raja’s tangled web of corruption, discovering how many people he has wronged. None more so than the enigmatic general, whose terrible curse means he can’t shift into his true form. I take refuge in his soft kisses, but our deepening chemistry is just another secret to keep.

With black magic closing in, the raja’s wrath is one misstep away. I captivate him, but he is suspicious. He and his courtiers–including my grandfather–aren’t afraid to fight dirty.

But a woman in midlife stalks her own path. Will I rescue my friends from the raja’s clutches before he wises up to our treachery, or will he ensnare me, too?

To Trick a Raja, Majestic Midlife Witch 3

A kingdom divided. A rebellion rising. A crown ripe for the taking.

My witchcraft made a fortress soar from the earth, fracturing the kingdom in two. Once, the raja pictured me as his queen. Now, I lead the resistance against him. He plots against us in his white-washed palace, leveraging secrets to gain power, and it’s only a matter of time before he comes for us.

The kingdom is crying out for justice, but the seer’s visions have been off kilter since the reunion with her brother, and not all the rebels trust me. They know that the ancient gargoyles I command once spilled the blood of the people. They know that the raja excels at sinister games and even the brave fall to their knees before him. Like Deven, who has captured my heart, but whose battle to control his shifter self endangers us all.

As betrayal snakes towards us, we discover traitors within the rebel ranks and allies in unfathomable places. I make ever darker choices to protect my loved ones. Am I truly the queen this kingdom deserves if I resort to violence to claim the throne?

Garden of Ink and Ancient Stone, Ink of the Fae 1

Ysadora is the daughter of a calligrapher in a world where writing has become a lost art. Her elderly father shuns his coveted skill, but she doesn't ask him why. After her mother’s disappearance, they shy away from conflict. Each day, they tend to their bookshop. Each night, after her father retires to bed, Ysadora reads from a forbidden shelf in the cellar.

When her father vanishes during a wild winter storm, Ysadora finds spilled indigo ink on the icy ground and a message written in what could only be his hand. A message that tells her to stay away from the dark forest. A message that tells her to run.

Alone and distraught, Ysadora tracks her way into the forest, towards a bewitching land she thought existed only in stories. In the faerie realm, calligraphy skills are not only highly prized but dangerous. Ysadora meets Zephyr, whose cruel allure proves more perilous than any fae magic. If she is to save her father, she might very well lose her heart.
