Bonnie Blue Button is a Bully

By Michelle Olson

Genres: Children's fiction, Children's general

Age Groups: 5-8

Bonnie Blue Button may be tiny, but that doesn’t stop her from being a colossal bully. Having been sewn on a beautiful dress with two other dazzling buttons, she’s become arrogant and cruel to other clothing fasteners. But, when the dress is left carelessly on the floor one night, Bonnie experiences a traumatic event that leaves her scratched up and covered in drool. Now unexpectedly shunned by her fellow dress buttons, she must apologize to those she has wronged if she wants to make new friends.

"A lively story with a worthy message about kindness" -Kirkus Reviews

Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-7323707-7-7
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7323707-9-1




Kirkus Reviews

Abutton learns that looks aren’t everything in author/illustrator Olson’s picture book. Norman, a red button, tells a bedtime story to a group of young buttons. He says that there was once a trio of shiny blue buttons on a lace dress who were unkind. Miss Bonnie was particularly mean, ridiculing the appearance of other buttons. One day, a dog plucks Bonnie off and chews her until she looks “a mess.” When Bonnie returns to the lace dress, the other shiny blue buttons reject her. She cries, “I will never be loved if I’m ugly and maimed.” When a red button teaches Bonnie that “love is earned by your goodness inside,” she apologizes to the buttons she mistreated. They forgive her and accept her offer of friendship, a subtle message about not judging by appearances. Olson tells the story through playful rhyming quatrains (“If you want to make friends, / then I’ll give you a tip. / If your words are not nice, / you should button your lip”) that add to the fun, though a too-small font and dark-mode format may make it less appealing to read aloud. Readers will enjoy Olson’s creative photography: Mixed-media artwork shows buttons with cartoon eyes against unique backdrops, such as a crafts table filled with tools and accessories.
