His Brother's Wife (Days of the Judges Book 2)

By Mary Ellen Boyd

Her husband is dead.

She is free at last.

Hannah would have liked a child, but if barrenness is the cost of her freedom, she will gladly pay it. The farm is hers, and she has earned it.

Then the village elders arrive at her door and remind her that in Israel, the land now belongs to the brother. And so does she.

Joshua grieves the loss of his brother. Guilt plagues him. He had loved Levi’s wife from afar, and hidden it from everyone. Now Hannah is his.

Surely God cannot reward him for coveting her. There must be some punishment to come.

And there is, but not at God's hand. At Levi's. He just never expected to die before his greatest act of malevolence played out, and Joshua and Hannah are left caught in his scheme.

This is a beautiful tale of romance, recovery and healing. Don’t miss it!
