Mary Ellen Boyd

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: General Fiction, Womens Fiction, Historical Fiction, Romance

Mary Ellen Boyd is a romance author of Regency and Biblical fiction, although if the muse strikes, she will happily branch into other genres. Her special passion is building fictional stories around factual accounts.

She has been happily married since 1982, in May, the prettiest month of the year. She and her husband have one son, and an elderly cat who has retired from catching mice.

Mary Ellen Boyd's books

Temper the Wind

The city has fallen.

And the enemy is coming through the gates.

Taleh knows what it’s like to be a woman of Ammon. No rights, no worth, no say. Not even over the fate of their own children. But at least she is not a slave.

Until Israel’s victorious army begins searching the houses. It’s just a matter of time before she is found.

What will she become then? Will they even let her live?

Javan has no family.The Ammonites killed them all.

He at last has his vengeance. But the beautiful woman hiding in her house undermines his revenge. He can go to his devastated home alone. Or he can use an obscure law and make her his wife.

Going back to Israel is one thing. Being accepted by the village is a whole other challenge. The villagers are not happy to have an enemy in their midst. His land is worse than he remembered. And Taleh is hiding a secret.

But there is worse ahead. Unbeknownst to either of them, another soldier had also spoken for Taleh, and he will stop at nothing to get her for himself.

His Brother's Wife (Days of the Judges Book 2)

Her husband is dead.

She is free at last.

Hannah would have liked a child, but if barrenness is the cost of her freedom, she will gladly pay it. The farm is hers, and she has earned it.

Then the village elders arrive at her door and remind her that in Israel, the land now belongs to the brother. And so does she.

Joshua grieves the loss of his brother. Guilt plagues him. He had loved Levi’s wife from afar, and hidden it from everyone. Now Hannah is his.

Surely God cannot reward him for coveting her. There must be some punishment to come.

And there is, but not at God's hand. At Levi's. He just never expected to die before his greatest act of malevolence played out, and Joshua and Hannah are left caught in his scheme.

This is a beautiful tale of romance, recovery and healing. Don’t miss it!

A Man to Marry

Will she wed her father's choice? Or will she find a man she can love?

Miriam ruined her reputation three years before by chasing after a married man.

The villagers have long memories, and her mistake haunts her.

Then she meets a widowed man in the market when she finds his young son.She quickly discovers he does not know her history, or that she is the daughter of the richest man in the village.

A series of clandestine meetings begin.

But she cannot keep her identity secret long.

How can a former slave with no money and a child even consider this woman?

Then disaster strikes the vineyards, the source of her father's wealth. Hophni needs a successful son-in-law to pay her dowry so he can start over. He picks a prosperous old man.

Kemuel has no idea how to compete with that choice. He and Miriam concoct a wild plan.

It will take time, with no guarantee of success.

And she will be wed to her father's choice in two weeks.

This book is a sequel to His Brother's Wife, but can be read as a stand-alone. Characters from both Books 1 and 2 of the Days of the Judges series appear here.

Warrior of the Heart

Civil war has just ended in Israel.

The tribe of Benjamin has lost. Only 600 men remain.

An unusual solution is set out: At the annual celebration in Shiloh, any man of Benjamin who can capture a maiden in the dances can keep her.

Aksah knows the reason behind the war. And she is not ready to forgive any of Benjamin.

After all, the war started over a murdered woman. She will not be a captive bride, will not help this unfaithful tribe who would not come to the defense of a helpless woman rebuild. So as she joins the dances, she watches . . .

Eliab hides with his fellows in the vines. And waits for the signal to rush the dances.

He will do his part to rebuild his tribe. So he needs a wife. And the lovely woman who spots that signal seems to be running right into his trap.

He does not expect a willing wife. But neither does he expect a woman with the will and courage to fight him every step of the way until he can prove his worth.

To Heal a Wounded Rogue

The knock brought bad news.

And so early in the day.

Can life get worse for a poor family? Yes, Verbena discovers, it can, especially if it involves keeping a vital secret from the wealthiest family in the village. Adding to that burden, she now has another mouth to feed on her meager resources.

Worst of all, Father is home from the sea.

Wealthy Damon never asked to be the heir. But his brother is dead, and now it’s up to him to marry well and ensure the family line continues.

He doesn’t want to marry well. He wants the poor beauty at the end of the lane. Surely his wealth will offset his injury.

So what is she hiding? Where has she gone? And how can he find her and get her to say yes?

The Thief's Daughter

Her long lost father is back.

And he’s dying.

With his last breaths, he says he has provided for her.

Tessa wishes she could believe him. A poor seamstress in 1814 London can use all the help she can get. Sadly, she could not trust him before. What makes this time any different?

Then she finds his provision. And it’s worse than she could have imagined. It could get her killed.

She needs help to undo her father’s folly. And there is only one person she knows who can. No matter what she does, the risks are enormous.

The beautiful seamstress intrigues Lord Warrenby.

But a true gentleman does not abuse the defenseless. The young woman at his mother’s favorite modiste threatens his willpower. When his biggest temptation shows up with her impossible quest, he struggles to believe her claim of innocence. Worse yet, she knows his own scandal, one that can ruin others.

Who is this beautiful young woman? Is Tessa as virtuous as she appears? He hopes so, because something is growing between them, something that he cannot bear to lose.

This Time Love

It was just an antique mirror.

Or was it?

Grace Harding is an independent modern woman. She loves her work, loves making old things new.

Then she purchases a very unique mirror. And suddenly finds herself in a country party in 1810 England.

Thrust into this new world with nothing but the mirror and her wits, Grace has to learn to fit in and quickly. She takes a risk, and trusts the truth to a larger-than-life old man who matches the stories passed down from her grandmother.

She's desperate to find a way back home. What she doesn't need is to fall in love.

Who is this woman, and how did she get here?

Garrett Atherton, Earl of Fairfax and determined bachelor, is definitely not enjoying his own country party, a sop to his parents’ demand he finally wed. However, when a mysterious woman who strongly resembles one of the wealthiest families in England appears, uninvited and spouting odd opinions, his whole world flips upside down.

No one seems to know her or where she's from. Worse, she claims to be from the Americas.

Yet she is the only woman in the Marriage Mart ever to intrigue him. He may lose his heart just in time to lose her forever.

Time for a Viscount

Olivia thought the antique iron was the perfect decoration.

She didn’t know its secret.

Until she found herself in a strange house, challenged by a handsome man she had never met before.

And he thought she was a spy! A spy for what? For whom? Olivia soon added another question to her list: a spy when? Because the room had no electricity, no outlets of any kind—and a horse and carriage sat outside the window.

Which was bad enough, but then she heard a plot to murder someone . . .

Miles Stewart, Viscount Langley, was tired of fighting with his father about his presumed rakishness. How was he going to explain the beautiful young woman in his bedroom, a woman who claimed to be from America?

She must know tension were rising between their countries. What was she here to find out?

Why didn’t she remember how she got here?

And why does she insist his life is in danger?

Time for a Viscount

Olivia thought the antique iron was the perfect decoration.

She didn’t know its secret.

Until she found herself in a strange house, challenged by a handsome man she had never met before.

And he thought she was a spy! A spy for what? For whom? Olivia soon added another question to her list: a spy when? Because the room had no electricity, no outlets of any kind—and a horse and carriage sat outside the window.

Which was bad enough, but then she heard a plot to murder someone . . .

Miles Stewart, Viscount Langley, was tired of fighting with his father about his presumed rakishness. How was he going to explain the beautiful young woman in his bedroom, a woman who claimed to be from America?

She must know tension were rising between their countries. What was she here to find out?

Why didn’t she remember how she got here?

And why does she insist his life is in danger?

Time for a Viscount

Olivia thought the antique iron was the perfect decoration.

She didn’t know its secret.

Until she found herself in a strange house, challenged by a handsome man she had never met before.

And he thought she was a spy! A spy for what? For whom? Olivia soon added another question to her list: a spy when? Because the room had no electricity, no outlets of any kind—and a horse and carriage sat outside the window.

Which was bad enough, but then she heard a plot to murder someone . . .

Miles Stewart, Viscount Langley, was tired of fighting with his father about his presumed rakishness. How was he going to explain the beautiful young woman in his bedroom, a woman who claimed to be from America?

She must know tension were rising between their countries. What was she here to find out?

Why didn’t she remember how she got here?

And why does she insist his life is in danger?
