M Jayne LaDow

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Romance

Skills: Writing Workshop

In another world, I might have been your child’s middle school English teacher. In fact, I taught 7th and 8th grade English for more than thirty years, and basically turned to writing as a way to save my sanity. I started writing and publishing plays for 11 – 13 year olds while I coached the 1 Act Play. They are all comedies that feature teens solving problems and saving the day.

I retired, or as I think of it, graduated to real life, and started writing full time. My contemporary rom-com books combine both the old and new parts of my life. The setting and characters are grounded solidly in education, but the characters explore their romantic extra-curriculars outside of class.

I'm a member of the Romance Writers of America, The Romance Writers of Virginia, and The Chesapeake Romance Writers.

I’m married to a wonderful man who has put up with me for 33 years, and we have two children who are artistic, hilarious, and creative adults. We also share our house with my mother-in-law and our zoo of pets. I answer to Snack Wench and Cleaner in Chief.

When I’m not writing, you might find me taste-testing pastries at local bakeries, walking, or reading. I maintain a blog for my book club, so you can keep up with what we’re reading.

M Jayne LaDow's books

One Night Stands and Lesson Plans

Audrey, a meticulous English teacher with a penchant for color-coded lesson plans, clashes with Oz, a charming yet disorganized Algebra instructor. Their chemistry is palpable from the moment they meet at a faculty mixer. Attraction quickly turns to animosity through misunderstandings, rumors, and a few walks of shame to the principal’s office, but beneath the snarky banter and eye rolls lies a simmering attraction that neither can ignore.

As they navigate the minefield of middle school politics and their own insecurities, Audrey and Oz discover a love they never knew they needed. With a little humor, a tribe of meddling friends, a surprise confession in the copy room, and a few strategically placed dance routines, they might also find their happily ever after
