Resurrection in Mauritius

By M J Jurand

Jack Stern’s second adventure is a continuation of the first in which three stories seemingly unrelated are intertwined to share a common theme: “DO NOT UPSET THE STATUS QUO”

Jack Stern and Fr Brendan O’Reilly holiday in Mauritius where they discover a decaying Alien church which Brendan brings back to life. Once the media cover the story thousands of pilgrims seeking salvation flock to the island from all over the globe much to the disdain of the Vatican’s power brokers who do not want a second coming of Christ and therefore act accordingly.

Jack Stern acts to protect and rescue Rome’s monetary investment in an Australian natural therapies company under siege by the health department with devastating political and biblical consequences.

Meanwhile Franck Max Climax, a faceless London vagabond, in addition to the Mafia in America, work hard to cripple the pharmaceutical industry by rendering all medications inactive and substituting their own.

Assassin Ivan Gallows, alias the D-Man, seeks to restore his destructive powers by all means possible and eliminate Jack Stern once and for all.
