Lionel Snell

ALLi Author Member

Location: Africa

Genres: Mind Body Spirit, Narrative Nonfiction, Philosophy, Psychology, Self-Help/Personal Development, Other

Skills: Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Reading/Literary Event, Press/Media Interview

Lionel Snell's books

SSOTBME Revised - an essay on magic

Discussions around Science, Religion and Art break down unless the fourth factor, Magic, is recognised.

SSOTBME was originally commissioned by Christopher McIntosh (author of Eliphas levi and the French Occult Revival and other works on Hermetic and Masonic history) as an essay for a semi-academic collection of essays on comparative religion. That project never happened, but the material was expanded into a small book published by the author in 1974. The book was an immediate success with a new wave of practicing magicians in the UK, including Pete Carroll, Ray Sherwin and other members of what was to become the Chaos Magic movement. Further editions were printed including a German, two Polish and a US edition. This new edition, published in 2002, is considerably revised, expanded and brought right up to date

There's much food for thought here, whether you're just starting in on magic or consider yourself an old hand. If you've got friends,lovers, bosses, etc. wondering what all this weird stuff is about and you want to steer them towards an intelligent intro to magic - look no further than S.S.O.T.B.M.E..


'The Confession of a Right Wing Anarchist'

"A witch is a rebel in physics. A rebel is a witch in politics" Thomas Vaughan

Thundersqueak is a rant, a polemic, a revolutionary manifesto and, in simple terms, a book of instructions for freeing the soul and living a better, or more interesting, life. In places it is a dialogue between two contrasting aspects of the author's personality. Written in three weeks in 1978, six months after the author completed the Abramelin Operation, it leads the reader through the dark night of the soul to the paradoxical dawn of hope. Many people claim that this book changed their lives. It has also been described as "a good book to reader when you are young and feeling angry"

BLAST your way to MegaBuck$ with my SECRET Sex-Power Formula � and oth

Long out of print and much sought after, this important collection of essays was republished as a print on demand title

Why does there seem to be less magic in the modern world? Could it be because we are all better magicians?
Is it time to reinstate the charlatan in his vital role as initiator on the occult path?
Is scientific thought declining in favour of magical thought? And is this inevitable?
Have men traditionally played a leading role because of a deep sense of their own uselessness relative to women? And is this situation beginning to reverse?
Might we not be living with another’s virtual reality? How would this effect our under- standing of this universe?
Have I failed to blast my way to megabuck$ because you are standing reading this blurb rather than buying my book?
These and other questions are explored in depth in this volume that brings together essays written in the 1980s by one of the most original and creative contemporary writers on magic.

Open your mind to a breath of fresh air from Ramsey Dukes

Words Made Flesh - virtual reality

This is the book that first challenged our basic assumptions about the nature of the physical universe by suggesting that we might be living in a virtual reality.

This book that the virtual reality debate back in 1986 and is back in print - with four additional appendices.

It raises the question: Which is most fundamental - matter, energy or information? Are we living in a virtual, information-based reality? Or are we simply bound to believe that we are?

Independence, randomness and irrelevance are basic qualities expected of material reality, but costly attributes in a virtual reality where connectedness would be the expected norm – suggesting a magical universe where divination and action at a distance are to be expected. Do traditional notions of angels, gods, other dimensions and spiritual worlds, assume new significance in a virtual reality?

Ramsey Dukes takes you on a voyage of discovery and nothing will ever be the same. Everything will, however, be different

What I Did in my Holidays

Collected essays on black magic, Satanism, devil worship and other niceties

Is it ok for a national government to negotiate with terrorists? Should we be prepared to make a pact with the demon Terrorism - or should we remain forever sworn to the demon No Compromise? Many old and new demons lurk on these pages: black magic, sexism, elitism, satanism, publishers, prejudice, suicide, liberalism, violence, slime, old age, bitterness, war and the New Age. Some reviewer comments: "Ramsey Dukes has a clarity, and creativity, of thought that means each of the many and varied chapters of this book leaves you with something to think about long after you've finished reading." "He should be required reading for anyone considering a move into the dark byways of occulture - he smashes preconceptions and enlightens with one fell swoop." "Remarkable, inspirational and thought provoking"

The Good The Bad The Funny


Dualistic thinking presents us with a profound problem. The basic polarity of Good/Bad is the driving force behind most human conflict, where a potentially fertile opposition crystallizes into enmity and the enemy becomes a “demon”, totally evil and no longer qualified for human compassion or understanding. This is widely recognised, and the traditional response is a “call to unity” – either in the form of a return to common basics, or an advance towards an higher synthesis.

This book presents a different approach. It argues that unity, even in the form of a higher synthesis, is in essence a backward step that sacrifices the potential energy of duality for the peace and stasis of unity. What is really needed is a move forward: from dualistic to trinitarian thinking.

This approach is literally a “solution”. It is to seek a “third principle”, an analog of Mercury or the “Universal Solvent” that transforms a polarised and frozen duality into a flowing and dynamic trinity. Pure conflict becomes transformed into a dance, or game. It is to ask the question “how differently would we see this situation if we had been brought up in a theology of God, Devil and Trickster (The Good The Bad The Funny)?”

The idea is explored in depth, as a philosophy, as a psychology, as a practical way to heal the divisions in society and in our selves. The book provides practical suggestions for further work, including an entire revolutionary magical system based on a trinitarian instead of the traditional fourfold model.

285 pages with five chymical plates by Louise Hodson plus over 60 diagrams in text.

My Years of Magical Thinking

Understand magical thinking, and you will understand why the 20th century age of reason has lead us to a "post-truth" society.

We are taught to deny, demonise or even glamorise magic - rather than ever admit to thinking magically. But it is every bit as fundamental to human nature as science, religion or art.

Faced with the growing popularity of alternative healing, astrology and the New Age, people ask: "whatever happened to the Enlightenment?" They assume that "The Enlightenment" marked a break with a superstitious past; it was a forward leap for humanity after which any return to magical thinking would be regressive, or even impossible. It was a forward step, but it began by looking back two millennia to the Classical era, and re-discovering the foundations on which to build a culture of science and humanism that is considered to be the high point in human achievement.

The classical era was itself a high point in human culture, but it only spanned five centuries. The following, Roman, era saw a resurgence of magical thinking and laid the foundations for alchemy, astrology, alternative healing, and much of today's magical ideas and practices. Pontius Pilate famously asked "what is truth?" and two thousand years later postmodernist philosophers are raising similar questions.

Is the revival of magical thinking just a natural evolution of thought, to be expected after five centuries of rationalism?

The author was brought up in the materialist 1950s and educated in that sceptical Enlightenment tradition to become a Cambridge mathematics graduate. Despite that, he became increasingly interested in magic and the occult and is now recognised as an authority on the subject. So how is it possible to shift from our knowledge of scientific reality to an acceptance of magic? The book describes the author's own subjective experience of how that evolved over his lifetime.

Parts One and Two outline some of the important influences on his thinking and Parts Three and Four expand on CP Snow's idea of two cultures (Art and Science) to propose four cultures: Art, Science, Religion and Magic. Part Five looks at the conflicts and misunderstandings between cultures and reasons why magic gets a raw deal, or is simply denied as a culture.

Part Six summarises the case and the Part Seven looks at contemporary trends and assumptions to show that the rise in magical thinking goes far deeper than just the visible popularity of astrology columns and alternative healing. A penultimate chapter provides practical suggestions for those willing to explore the value of magical thinking - or simply wanting to survive in a post-truth world.

How to See Fairies: Discover your Psychic Powers in Six Weeks

Ramsey Dukes unleashes his formidable expertise to create perhaps the most practical book ever written on developing psychic powers. Taking the form of a six-week course, Dukes' exercises lead the reader on an exploration of magic as the art of adding meaning to our lives. Amazingly concise, he shows us how to master pendulums, tarot, auras, nature spirits, and much else besides. In Dukes' hands, psychic powers are revealed to be the gateway to a profound enrichment of ordinary experience.

The Little Book of Demons: The Positive Advantages of the Personification of Lifes Problems

n his own inimitable style Ramsey Dukes takes us through the advantages and dangers of hobnobbing with Demons. However for him Demons are very much our own creations; lifes problems and challenges personified and given form. We can either be their slaves or strike bargains and get back into the driving seat. With his characteristic wit and wisdom, Uncle Ramsey takes us on a rollercoaster ride through our own subconscious in a sustained effort for us to accept and negotiate with lifes challenges.

The Abramelin Diaries

The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage is a 15th-century grimoire, or book of magic, that includes instructions on how an individual can make contact with their Holy Guardian Angel. Although the instructions may seem quite simple, few have managed to complete the operation – even the highly experienced occultist Aleister Crowley failed to do so.

Over a six-month period in 1977, Ramsey Dukes attempted this Abramelin operation. The challenge was to adapt the ritual to 20th-century conditions, and The Abramelin Diaries is his record of the struggle and the outcome. Looking forward, the book offers practical advice for anyone wanting to attempt this notorious operation themselves. Looking back, the author comments on the operation’s legacy: what happened after, how it changed – and continues to impact – him and his life.

Is spiritual retirement still relevant today? Or is it just nostalgia for a simpler, more meaningful lifestyle? Why does technological empowerment threaten our sense of purpose? Many intriguing questions are raised as we read of one man’s struggle to shape a simple, significant lifestyle routine from the chaos of normality.

Thoughts on Abramelin

The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage is a 15th-century grimoire describing how an individual retire for six months and encounter the Holy Guardian Angel. Although the instructions may seem quite simple, few have managed to complete this operation. In 1977 the author attempted to adapt the ritual to twentieth century conditions, and his diary is now published by Aeon Books as The Abramelin Diaries.

While the Abramelin Diaries was being edited and published, tthe author made a number of short YouTube videos about his experiences. These created so much interest, that the author has edited the transcriptsto create Thoughts on Abramelin.

Thoughts on Post Truth Politics and Magical Thinking

They used to call it Satire, they now call it Fake News. The difference is that we have forgotten how to laugh. 
A collection of essays exploring post-truth politics, the future of humanity, panarchy, conspiracy theories etc in the context of the current rise of magical thinking.
