The Ghost of Kellytch Hall

By Linda Montgomery

Available in paperback, Kindle and audio formats.


See where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. (Arthur Ashe)

Fast-paced. A fun read with lots to think about. The Ghost of Kellytch Hall, the second book in The Domino Series, has it all. A ghost! An adventure story about the sea travels of a young girl to China. A black-hearted villain. Animals working hard to protect their human friends although the humans do not know it.

The tale is so astonishing that it takes two stories to tell it.The first story is about the mysterious Louis Kellytch who lived in Brewster Gap many years ago. Kellytch’s presence was more felt than seen while he was alive. Reclusive and secretive, he dwelled in the shadows behind the scenes. But make no mistake, his all-consuming pursuit of power made life a misery for many people in Brewster Gap. His home, Kellytch Hall, is now a dilapidated, abandoned, boarded-up mansion on land owned by Brewster College.

You may wonder how Domino gets involved with the troubles at Kellytch Hall. You will need to read the story to find out the details.

The second story is about Alva Brewster, the founder of Brewster College. She wrote a journal in a strange code that was difficult, but not impossible, to crack. Once the journal was decoded, an amazing story of her childhood emerged.She wrote extensively about her early years in Brewster Gap, her unforgettable sea voyage to China, the friends she made in Shanghai, and how she became entangled with Louis Kellytch.
