The Buccaneers of St. Frederick Island, Sibby's Secret

By Linda Maria Frank

The Buccaneers of Saint Frederick Island are back. If you loved the first
Buccaneers of St. Frederick Island, "Sibby's Secret" will capture you too.
Join the fun, danger and escapades of Lily, Frank, Leon, Ryan and
The Buccaneers rival any private investigator of the time. When Sibby
Fintail, fisherman and bay constable, goes missing, Lily, code name,
Sprocket and Frank, code name Wing Nut, come to the rescue. They
follow his trail to one of the island's caves where he had been harvesting
crystals for his artwork. They find an unconscious, badly beaten Sibby.
Who did this and why?
Becca Dawes. Sprocket's mother discovers that unknown persons are
seeking to take the caves away from the native tribe that has owned
them forever. What is it about the caves?
When strangers come to Frederick Island, and kidnap Becca, the Buccaneers
go into high gear to solve these attacks.
The Buccaneers will draw you into their world of clever sleuthing and
unlocking the secrets in the clues they find. It's adventure, fun and great
crime science.
You will be laughing at some of the Buccaneers' antics and gasping at
what those brave eighth-graders face to solve the mystery. The story is
rich with colorful and engaging characters as well as the flavor of 1947.
