Kurt Lovelace

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Literary Fiction, Academic, Narrative Nonfiction, Other Poetry

Publisher at Pierian Springs Press, writer, and research mathematician, his work has appeared in The Lascaux Review, North Dakota Review, Full Of Crow, Red Fez, GW Review, Aletheia, Glass Mountain, and other publications.

Kurt Lovelace's books

Halfway Between Everywhere

Of Kurt's first collection of poems, essays, and translations, Tony Hoagland says, "Kurt has a linguistically intricate ear and a forceful passionate intellect, and when they work together the poems blaze with a fluent originality" and DeWitt Henry, founder of Ploughshares, says, "Kurt Lovelace dips his poet’s tongue into the honey of intelligence and witness. His voice is authentic; and his arresting collection has the heft and range of a tome.”
