Losing is Democratic: How to Talk to Kids About January 6th

By Kitty Felde

A Latina protagonist of spunk and smarts worries about her congressman father on January 6, 2021.

Fina Mendoza, our amateur detective, is in the middle of an investigation to find out who stole the 5th grade pizza. But all thoughts of detection go out the window as she, her sister Gabby, and grandmother Abuelita watch on television as a mob breaks into the Capitol. Is Papa okay? Most of Fina's classmates have parents who work inside that building as well. Their teacher calms their fears and the next day, turns the event into a teaching opportunity, looking back at the bitter presidential election rivalry between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. The students discuss the importance of both winning and losing, whether it's in a baseball game, a reading competition, or an election.
