Kalani Shimizu

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: LGBTQ+, Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, New Adult, Academic, Narrative Nonfiction, Memoir, Contemporary Fiction

Skills: Reading/Literary Event, Press/Media Interview

Kalani Shimizu is a queer, disabled writer, academic, lifelong student, gamer, cat mom, and, most recently, content creator. She got her start writing fanfiction as a child, creating an awareness of tropes, characterization, and the importance of retellings. From there, she refined her analytical skills both in academia and through fandom with critical analysis of media to gain a better understanding of how the parts of a work come together to form its whole. She has degrees in psychology, writing, higher education administration, and is pursing a PhD with a research focus on critical disability studies through a queer lens. In her free time, she’s a lifelong gamer, particularly of JRPGs, many of which have shaped her storytelling strategies and love of media.

Kalani Shimizu's books

Riyati Rebirth

With great power comes your past incarnations and future self playing chess with your existence.

Kylie Rae thought she was an average honors high school student but discovered during a life-threatening incident that she’s the reincarnation of an ancient magic kingdom’s crown princess. Now people she’s never met want her dead, and she must learn how to survive in this new world while maintaining the façade that nothing’s changed. Forget making A’s, how will Kylie survive to the end of the year when she’s constantly looking over her shoulder?

Riyati Rebirth is the first book of a contemporary new adult dark fantasy series that seeks to explore themes of identity, legacy, the greater good, and finding your own path in life; it includes multiple first person perspectives and queer representation, which will expand even further as the series continues! Please note that there are potentially triggering subjects discussed during this novel.

Book 1 of Riyati series.
