Julie Day

ALLi Author Member

Location: United Kingdom (the)

Genres: Memoir, Other, Mystery, Romance, Womens Fiction, Young Adult (YA), Children's general

Skills: Performance/Spoken Word, Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

I live in SE London and am a full-time writer. I write letters to magazines, and magical realism for adults and children.

Julie Day's books

The Railway Angel

After a game of dare at a train station goes tragically wrong, fifteen year-old Lizzie Hammond becomes a lost angel, until she i

The Racing Angel

When a car race goes terribly wrong and seventeen--year-old Danny Usborne crashes into a wall, he dies and becomes a lost angel. He’s then sent back to Earth to prevent another teenager from doing a foolish act and ending up like him. With persuasion and newly-found powers of transportation, Danny passes his test and becomes a trainee guardian angel.

The Railracing Angels

Danny and Lizzie are now ready for their pair test. They have to stop two teenage boys from being killed by trams when one of them sticks to it with suckers wearing roller skates while the other races with it. With persuasion and transportation skills, Lizzie and Danny pass, but not before they face a new enemy who wants them to fail and get the teens killed. Back at the school, owner Jerry tells them that he thinks it is something called a ‘Black Angel’ that is trying to get the school to fail and they now need be on alert.

The Leaping Angels

How would you stop a group of teenagers from leaping from a hotel balcony to another? That's Lizzie and Danny's next mission – the group test. With graduate, Alex, they use their persuasion skills, memories and concentration on getting to the hotel where the teenagers are. They lose Alex in a dark tunnel, transporting to the hotel. But with concentration and focus on where they have to be, they get him to find them again. Then when they do reach the hotel where the boys are, it's to find that their enemy, the Dark Angel, has got there first. For during their memory challenge, it starts to go wrong. The teens leap faster and faster from one balcony to another until one boy falls. With 'what if' scenarios and flashbacks, Danny persuades the leader to stop his gang. But then a rival gang arrives. It's now Lizzie turn to prevent them from doing the same. With memories of her death and what just happened, she persuades them to leave, but the Enemy pushes one of the boys to fall. Alex flies to the rescue, and using transportation skills on other boys, he makes them land on bushes and hedges on the ground. But both boys are hurt, one of them going into a coma. Two groups saved in one day. They have passed their group test.

One Good Turn

Who says there's no magic left in modern romance? When Geraldine Simmonds dies of cancer long before she wants to and finds herself kicking her heels in the dreary waiting-room to paradise, she can only think of being reunited with her one true love, Keith. But the Head of Security at Heaven Inc. has other ideas. Geraldine has been selfish and uncaring for much of her life, and her family barely notice that she's gone. She is told that if she wants to get through the gates to find eternal happiness, she is going to have to prove her worth. There are hidden gems among her young relations, who have lost their sparkle. It is up to Geraldine to find out these jewels and bring them the joy and happiness that will make them shine. Only then will she have earned her place with Keith. One good turn deserves another, after all.

The Fire Angels

A final test, with the lives of friends and family in the balance!

In this final installment of Julie Day's Guardian Angels series of fantasy novels, Danny and Lizzie are nearing their graduation to full Angel status. But one final assignment stands between them and ascension. Spurred by the memories of Danny's and Lizzie's deaths, their friends have decided to protest the ongoing citywide riots. Lizzie's friends, Kate and Marianne, have joined Danny's best friend Harry, all equally determined to hold a candlelight vigil in the face of the violence to honour their departed friends. And to make matters worse, Danny's baby brother Kevin has stowed away to accompany them! Danny and Lizzie have been granted amazing new angelic powers, but will they be enough to shield their loved ones from danger? And can they overcome the power of the mysterious Dark Angel?

The Quest

Delta is a self-centred mermaid. Always thinking of herself and not of others, especially her parents.
Then when she reaches her 16th birthday, she finally gets her adult tail, but it is only pale green not emerald. She is handed a present but it comes with one condition. She has to find her soulmate and prove she’s worthy of him within a week, or it will stay pale and she will lose it. Not wanting to lose the tail she’s yearned for, Delta is determined to keep it, no matter what.
On her journey to find her soulmate, she encounters Zane, the vain merman, who is even more vain than she is; Evan the slobbish merman, who leaves his home a mess and expects her to clean it for him; a flash merman much like Zane, then Finlay the useless merman, who can’t keep up hard work as much as she can. In turn, the faults she sees in them, she sees in herself and starts to rectify her behaviour.
Delta is now upset and desperate, as her tail has begun to disappear. Not wanting to fail ‘The Quest’ Delta discovers that the answer is closer to home than she thought. She meets Jonty, the merman –next-door. Watching him, she realises how self-centred she has been, and when she has to help him, that attitude is tested. Delta discovers her true self, and finds love and her soulmate, and gets to keep her tail, which glows emerald.

The Vanity Quest

If there's one thing that Krysta the mermaid adores more than jewellery it's her long, blonde hair; it's her crown and glory. She combs and cares for it every day and can't stand for it to be messed up. Then comes her sixteenth birthday. Her parents give her a jewellery set but it comes with a condition – she has to find her soul mate within a week or she will lose her hair. Krysta's determined to find him. On the first day she meets Mr Scruffy, the second day she meets Mr Smelly. The third day encounters Mr Too-Fussy. On the fourth day, she meets Mr Paranoid, and it makes her realise that some of the mermen's faults are hers, too. When this dawns on her, she gets to see a shadow of what her soul mate looks like. She decides to start to change he ways and feels her hair beginning to grow again.

It's the final day of the quest. She meets Mr Liar, and realises that she has lied to all the mermen she has met, only to get away from them. So when she finally meets her love, Logan, she tells him the truth about her and is a better mermaid as she helps him with his rescuing job. Her hair has grown back to its long and shiny length once more, but Krysta now knows that there's more to life than thinking about her hair – her love and a career.

More Fish in the Sea

When 25 year-old Mandy Knowles sees her mum and ex-boyfriend together, the pain and heartache of their betrayal and the loss of her baby is brought back. But help is at hand...in the guise of her aunt Geraldine. Only thing is, her aunt is dead and is in a photo. Her aunt comes to life to give Mandy the advice, ‘There’s plenty more fish in the sea,’ which leads Mandy to realise that her colleague, Russ, more than likes her, and get to know him – falling in love.

Life in the Old Dog

Dolores Weybridge is in a quandary. Her husband, Roger, isn't talking to her after a row but she can't remember what it was about, so doesn't know how to put it right. Then her dead sister, Geraldine, visits her, and tells her that she needs to show him there's 'life in the old dog' yet by romancing him again and reliving their memories. Dolores cooks a romantic dinner with all of Roger's favourite foods. Then she organises a singing party with her old group. But there's a twist. Dolores has also planned a gig in a pub with the landlord being Roger's old love rival. And if anything will get Roger talking to her again, it's seeing him again.. It works. Only to reveal that the argument was all about what she's just done to romance him – sing.

Don't Get Mad

What do you do when you feel sad that your marriage failed to a control freak? Sandra Robertson has let herself go and won’t go out. Until her aunt Geraldine comes along and tells her ‘Don’t Get Mad, Get Even’. She should show Jim what he is missing. Sandra decides to get fitter, slimmer and healthier and joins the local gym, where she meets Troy, a personal trainer. Over a couple of months, Sandra falls in love with him, and her daughter meets him and likes him, too. Then when Sandra has got fitter and slimmer and more confident, she and Troy make her his star pupil in his class where Jim is. Sandra finally stands up to Jim in public and wins. She has not got mad but even.

A Trouble Shared

Harry Chambers is a workaholic and perfectionist, and it is these traits that leave him stressed at a time of fun – Christmas. He wants to get the office’s directory done by the deadline but it isn’t working out, until his aunt Geraldine comes along and tells him ‘A trouble shared is a trouble halved’ and he doesn’t need to work alone. Harry discovers that colleague, Carol is there to help, and she does, getting him more organised. As she helps him day by day, Harry falls in love with her, and realises that ‘A trouble shared’ is certainly a trouble halved.

A Friend in Need

When Faith's Aunt Geraldine says she is 'A friend in need' and should find a 'friend in deed' after more abuse from her boyfriend, Darren, it proves life-changing. Her colleague Jenny suggests she takes self-defence lessons with their colleague, Ben. Over lessons, Faith falls in love with Ben, who helps her to defend herself and encourages her to start a career in counselling. Ben is that 'Friend in deed'.

Endocarditis - My Journey

Want to learn how to cope with a serious illness? Especially one to do with the heart? Then this book is for you.

From 2020 to 2021 Julie Day had an unknown serious illness involving weight loss, muscle pain and tiredness. Despite various tests and scans, no one seemed to know what was wrong. Until a blood test in 2021 revealed an infection in the blood which was life threatening. But where? Following advice Julie admitted herself to her local hospital. After an echocardiogram it was discovered her heart had been affected and she was transferred to King's College Hospital, London. There Julie had another procedure that revealed she had endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart and/or valve, and it had so severely damaged her aortic valve that it needed replacing. She was then transferred to St Thomas's Hospital under their Adult Congenital Heart Disease team.

Follow Julie's journey from the symptoms, tests, then hospital stays that included surgery and a pacemaker being fitted, to recovering both in hospital and at home. All during a pandemic. Julie has included tips on how to cope with the symptoms, being in hospital and recovering from home, which can be used for any serious illness.

This book is for anyone who wants to learn about heart conditions either personally or medically, and/or to raise awareness.

Endocarditis - My Journey

Want to learn how to cope with a serious illness? Especially one to do with the heart? Then this book is for you.

From 2020 to 2021 Julie Day had an unknown serious illness involving weight loss, muscle pain and tiredness. Despite various tests and scans, no one seemed to know what was wrong. Until a blood test in 2021 revealed an infection in the blood which was life threatening. But where? Following advice Julie admitted herself to her local hospital. After an echocardiogram it was discovered her heart had been affected and she was transferred to King's College Hospital, London. There Julie had another procedure that revealed she had endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart and/or valve, and it had so severely damaged her aortic valve that it needed replacing. She was then transferred to St Thomas's Hospital under their Adult Congenital Heart Disease team.

Follow Julie's journey from the symptoms, tests, then hospital stays that included surgery and a pacemaker being fitted, to recovering both in hospital and at home. All during a pandemic. Julie has included tips on how to cope with the symptoms, being in hospital and recovering from home, which can be used for any serious illness.

This book is for anyone who wants to learn about heart conditions either personally or medically, and/or to raise awareness.

Endocarditis - My Journey

Want to learn how to cope with a serious illness? Especially one to do with the heart? Then this book is for you.

From 2020 to 2021 Julie Day had an unknown serious illness involving weight loss, muscle pain and tiredness. Despite various tests and scans, no one seemed to know what was wrong. Until a blood test in 2021 revealed an infection in the blood which was life threatening. But where? Following advice Julie admitted herself to her local hospital. After an echocardiogram it was discovered her heart had been affected and she was transferred to King's College Hospital, London. There Julie had another procedure that revealed she had endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart and/or valve, and it had so severely damaged her aortic valve that it needed replacing. She was then transferred to St Thomas's Hospital under their Adult Congenital Heart Disease team.

Follow Julie's journey from the symptoms, tests, then hospital stays that included surgery and a pacemaker being fitted, to recovering both in hospital and at home. All during a pandemic. Julie has included tips on how to cope with the symptoms, being in hospital and recovering from home, which can be used for any serious illness.

This book is for anyone who wants to learn about heart conditions either personally or medically, and/or to raise awareness.

Endocarditis - My Journey

Want to learn how to cope with a serious illness? Especially one to do with the heart? Then this book is for you.

From 2020 to 2021 Julie Day had an unknown serious illness involving weight loss, muscle pain and tiredness. Despite various tests and scans, no one seemed to know what was wrong. Until a blood test in 2021 revealed an infection in the blood which was life threatening. But where? Following advice Julie admitted herself to her local hospital. After an echocardiogram it was discovered her heart had been affected and she was transferred to King's College Hospital, London. There Julie had another procedure that revealed she had endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart and/or valve, and it had so severely damaged her aortic valve that it needed replacing. She was then transferred to St Thomas's Hospital under their Adult Congenital Heart Disease team.

Follow Julie's journey from the symptoms, tests, then hospital stays that included surgery and a pacemaker being fitted, to recovering both in hospital and at home. All during a pandemic. Julie has included tips on how to cope with the symptoms, being in hospital and recovering from home, which can be used for any serious illness.

This book is for anyone who wants to learn about heart conditions either personally or medically, and/or to raise awareness.

Endocarditis - My Journey

Want to learn how to cope with a serious illness? Especially one to do with the heart? Then this book is for you.

From 2020 to 2021 Julie Day had an unknown serious illness involving weight loss, muscle pain and tiredness. Despite various tests and scans, no one seemed to know what was wrong. Until a blood test in 2021 revealed an infection in the blood which was life threatening. But where? Following advice Julie admitted herself to her local hospital. After an echocardiogram it was discovered her heart had been affected and she was transferred to King's College Hospital, London. There Julie had another procedure that revealed she had endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart and/or valve, and it had so severely damaged her aortic valve that it needed replacing. She was then transferred to St Thomas's Hospital under their Adult Congenital Heart Disease team.

Follow Julie's journey from the symptoms, tests, then hospital stays that included surgery and a pacemaker being fitted, to recovering both in hospital and at home. All during a pandemic. Julie has included tips on how to cope with the symptoms, being in hospital and recovering from home, which can be used for any serious illness.

This book is for anyone who wants to learn about heart conditions either personally or medically, and/or to raise awareness.

Endocarditis - My Journey

Want to learn how to cope with a serious illness? Especially one to do with the heart? Then this book is for you.

From 2020 to 2021 Julie Day had an unknown serious illness involving weight loss, muscle pain and tiredness. Despite various tests and scans, no one seemed to know what was wrong. Until a blood test in 2021 revealed an infection in the blood which was life threatening. But where? Following advice Julie admitted herself to her local hospital. After an echocardiogram it was discovered her heart had been affected and she was transferred to King's College Hospital, London. There Julie had another procedure that revealed she had endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart and/or valve, and it had so severely damaged her aortic valve that it needed replacing. She was then transferred to St Thomas's Hospital under their Adult Congenital Heart Disease team.

Follow Julie's journey from the symptoms, tests, then hospital stays that included surgery and a pacemaker being fitted, to recovering both in hospital and at home. All during a pandemic. Julie has included tips on how to cope with the symptoms, being in hospital and recovering from home, which can be used for any serious illness.

This book is for anyone who wants to learn about heart conditions either personally or medically, and/or to raise awareness.

Endocarditis - My Journey

Want to learn how to cope with a serious illness? Especially one to do with the heart? Then this book is for you.

From 2020 to 2021 Julie Day had an unknown serious illness involving weight loss, muscle pain and tiredness. Despite various tests and scans, no one seemed to know what was wrong. Until a blood test in 2021 revealed an infection in the blood which was life threatening. But where? Following advice Julie admitted herself to her local hospital. After an echocardiogram it was discovered her heart had been affected and she was transferred to King's College Hospital, London. There Julie had another procedure that revealed she had endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart and/or valve, and it had so severely damaged her aortic valve that it needed replacing. She was then transferred to St Thomas's Hospital under their Adult Congenital Heart Disease team.

Follow Julie's journey from the symptoms, tests, then hospital stays that included surgery and a pacemaker being fitted, to recovering both in hospital and at home. All during a pandemic. Julie has included tips on how to cope with the symptoms, being in hospital and recovering from home, which can be used for any serious illness.

This book is for anyone who wants to learn about heart conditions either personally or medically, and/or to raise awareness.

Endocarditis - My Journey

Want to learn how to cope with a serious illness? Especially one to do with the heart? Then this book is for you.

From 2020 to 2021 Julie Day had an unknown serious illness involving weight loss, muscle pain and tiredness. Despite various tests and scans, no one seemed to know what was wrong. Until a blood test in 2021 revealed an infection in the blood which was life threatening. But where? Following advice Julie admitted herself to her local hospital. After an echocardiogram it was discovered her heart had been affected and she was transferred to King's College Hospital, London. There Julie had another procedure that revealed she had endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart and/or valve, and it had so severely damaged her aortic valve that it needed replacing. She was then transferred to St Thomas's Hospital under their Adult Congenital Heart Disease team.

Follow Julie's journey from the symptoms, tests, then hospital stays that included surgery and a pacemaker being fitted, to recovering both in hospital and at home. All during a pandemic. Julie has included tips on how to cope with the symptoms, being in hospital and recovering from home, which can be used for any serious illness.

This book is for anyone who wants to learn about heart conditions either personally or medically, and/or to raise awareness.
