John Russell
ALLi Author Member
Location: United States of America (the)
Genres: Mind Body Spirit, General Nonfiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Religion, Other, Memoir, Advice & How To, Autobiography, Essays, Confessional Poetry, Experimental Poetry, General Poetry, Humorous Poetry, Inspirational Poetry, Spiritual Poetry, Other Poetry
Skills: Performance/Spoken Word, Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Speaking Engagement/Lecture
John Russell is a member of The Authors Guild and the Academy of American Poets.
His poetry has been published in: Black Cat Tales; Shadowplay; Poetry.com; Bay Windows; Haiku Headlines; Night Roses; Moose Bound Press; Hobo Stew Review; Art Lovers Network; and The Mainichi Daily News (Japan), among others.
Autumn’s Twilight Memories is John’s first book of poetry.
Essays/short stories have appeared in: FATE Magazine; Treasure Search magazine; Nugget; Options; Better Business Bureau newsletter; and Twin Mountain Quarterly, among others.
He has authored four multi-award-winning nonfiction books on the paranormal, all of which are available at all booksellers online: Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead; A Knock in the Attic; 20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities, which was the #1 best seller on Amazon in Ghosts & Hauntings, and it was also a bestseller at Barnes & Noble, hitting the Top 100 Bestselling Books list; and The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock.
In addition to favorable reader and editorial reviews his books have received endorsements from world famous psychic Uri Geller; George Noory of Coast to Coast AM; Phyllis Galde, publisher of FATE Magazine; Mike Ricksecker, author-researcher-filmmaker, and many others.
He’s completed writing his fifth nonfiction book on the paranormal (to be published in 2025), The Can Sack Ghost, and is working on a crime fiction/horror novel as well as continuing to write poetry, including having authored his second and third poetry book manuscripts: Sentient comes the Storm, and A Ghost on the Sand, and is writing his fourth, September’s Song.
In addition to being an award-winning author John is an internationally known psychic and paranormal investigator who was filmed for a TV pilot for The History Channel and has been a featured guest for 18 years on multiple radio and podcast interviews; and a snake once saved him from a beatdown.
John Russell's books

Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead
Now, as the award-winning, best-selling author of the nonfiction book Riding with Ghosts, Angels, and the Spirits of the Dead, I'll bring you along with me on a magical ride as I travel thousands of miles off the beaten path to explore the paranormal from the seat of a motorcycle. Imagine if everywhere you roamed ghosts, angels, and the spirits of the dead came to greet you, communicating intriguing messages to you and providing you with an incredible array of otherworldly manifestations.
Imagine...making a phone call to a ghost. Encountering—and having interactions with—multiple UFOs. Ride along with me as I experience mystical weather events that are so bizarre that it makes me wonder if storms are controlled by intelligent entities, or if the tempests themselves may be cognizant.
Join me as I ride to a historic Civil War battlefield and share in my amazement when I'm treated to one of the most authentic battle reenactments possible...conducted by the phantoms of the soldiers who fought there.
How about a day's ride filled with mind-blowing supernatural interactions instigated by the intelligences behind crop circles. Hike with me as I experience a lifesaving encounter with a ghostly owl and a Native American Indian Spirit in a haunted forest. And then let's enjoy a day's ride from my home base in Florida to Georgia, ultimately arriving at Savannah's famed Bonaventure Cemetery for a revealing paranormal investigation that left me astounded at the words that a spirit voice spoke to me.
You don't have to be interested in motorcycles to delight in these stories. And, these thought-provoking recollections of true experiences offer inspiration and entertainment for believers and non-believers alike: You don't need to believe in ghosts to enjoy a good ghost story.

A Knock in the Attic
A Knock in the Attic—my second award-winning book—is, as Uri Geller stated, "a fascinating true story of incredible psychic experiences."
In these entertaining and adventure filled stories I'll tell you what it was like to grow up with a powerful and accurate psychic gift that sometimes spooked the adults around me, leaving them bug-eyed and slack-jawed; and I'll relate some of the emotions I experienced while encountering hair-raising visitations from ghosts on a regular basis.
I'll share with you the times when my own Guardian Angels not only protected me from physical harm but when they also literally saved my life with a belated Christmas Miracle, to the astonishment of others who said I had lived through the impossible.
Travel with me to Roswell where I have my very own "'UFO' encounter" at the Roswell UFO Museum, an encounter that validated the fact that the Roswell UFO crash was a real event and also explained why many witnesses to UFOs are reluctant to come forward.
Plus: I'll tell you what it was like to meet Uri Geller; give you a behind-the-scenes look at filming the TV pilot for The History Channel; take you along with me to a haunted horse barn; and then...what was that knocking in the attic...?
You'll enjoy more than a few spine-tingling moments as you join me to experience these astonishing true stories of the unknown...incredible paranormal events that you will not soon forget.

20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities
My third book, 20 Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities, is a series of practical how-to lessons in psychic development that will take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the learning process as you discover how to: successfully learn and practice psychometry; accurately interpret your dreams; begin to understand and read the Tarot cards; safely conduct your own seance; practice effective candle magic; make your own amulets and talismans; practice healing; record spirit voices; attract the perfect mate; and much more.
As an internationally known professional psychic I'm frequently asked by my worldwide clientele, "How can I develop my own psychic abilities?" In response to those requests I've authored this book to help anyone to increase their own psychic powers, and to apply those powers in practical ways in order to better their lives and the lives of others.
The reader doesn't have to have any psychic knowledge or training to be able to use this book right away. The complete beginner can begin with the first chapter and learn to practice psychometry successfully, and then proceed through the book and learn other exciting, entertaining, and useful techniques such as cloud busting; healing techniques; utilizing salt for protection and cleansing; and more! And someone with above average psychic abilities and understanding will still find some useful theory and knowledge that they can apply, as well as new food for thought.

The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock
"The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock is a mesmerizing journey into the mystical and unexplained. Authentic, heartfelt, and truly extraordinary."
"John Russell stands as a distinctive voice in the realm of paranormal literature, crafting narratives that transcend the ordinary and delve into the mystic aspects of the psychic and paranormal realms. With an illustrious career that merges real-world psychic experiences with rich storytelling, Russell's works are a treasure trove for enthusiasts of the uncanny and the supernatural." — New York Weekly
My fourth book, The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock, is a collection of mind-blowing true tales of the supernatural, such as the night that my precious and beloved deceased cat, Gizmo, came back in the flesh to visit me yet once again, proving that there is a powerful spiritual continuum in our lives that endures and provides additional truths and reassurances that our souls do indeed live on.
Enjoy the hair-raising supernatural event that happened to me when I was just a boy, running my paper route on my bicycle...in the dark; the magic rocks I've found over the years that wrote me messages on their surfaces; an incredible story of the Devil himself dancing with several women in a West Texas nightclub during Cinco de Mayo; guidance from the Other Side that enabled me to save the life of a young child; and...the bizarre story of a snake that saved me and my buddies from a beatdown!
And then, there's those pesky UFOs! Read about my own up close and personal encounters with these strange craft and my subsequent observations that have led me to draw distinct conclusions about their behaviors. That's just a smattering of the amazing true tales you'll enjoy reading in my newest book, The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock.