Sophie is still Missing (A Jacaranda Dunne Mystery)

By Joan Fallon

Dark, thought provoking, yet light hearted in places, ‘Sophie is Still Missing’ is an intricate crime mystery which delves into the shadowy world of the Costa del Sol, people trafficking and modern slavery. Jacaranda Dunn is an ex-Metropolitan police officer who has moved to Spain to open a detective agency in Málaga. JD to her friends and colleagues, she is tough, resilient, manipulative and brave and her love life is complicated. She is having an on-off relationship with Federico, a captain in the Guardia Civil, who loves her but feels she is just using him in order to have access to police resources. Tim, a local reporter, is constantly inviting her to go out with him, and Jacobo, who makes television documentaries, is an ex-lover who is still her best friend. But JD is haunted by the death of her husband five years previously, and won’t consider a permanent relationship with anyone until she discovers who was behind his brutal stabbing. She also has another worry; Thomas Steed, a drug dealer sentenced to fourteen years in a maximum security prison as a result of her testimony, has been given early release. The last words she’d heard him say were a public threat to her safety. At first the work of the agency is fairly routine, missing dogs, stolen passports, unfaithful husbands. Then one day a woman comes into the agency and wants JD to find her missing daughter.
