Lily Bowers and The Uninvited Guest

By Jess Lohmann

Ten-year-old Lily Bowers has an extraordinary gift – she can talk to animals.

So when Mother Nature herself is threatened by animal cruelty, only Lily can save her.

To do this, she must mobilize all her new animal friends in her beloved forest. The same forest where the Brothers Grimm once traveled.

But first, there’s a horrible bully at her new school to overcome.

And Lily knows she’ll need to call on all her courage to convince the rest of the world that nature must come first.

Published on April 24, 2019, World Day for Laboratory Animals, 'Lily Bowers and the Uninvited Guest' is the first of a middle-grade eco fantasy series that shows kids they really do have the power and influence to make a difference and change the world. And save animals.

On December 10, 2020, International Animal Rights Day, the German version, 'Lily Bowers und der ungebetene Gast', was released. The Polish version, 'Lily Bowers i Nieproszony Gość', was published on November 11, 2021 and the Italian version: Lily Bowers e l'ospite indesiderato is currently being edited.

This eco fantasy eBook comes with 42 beautiful inside illustrations by the talented Antonia Drews.

And in the back of the book, you’ll read 15 easy actionable steps that will help you and your kids become a much needed voice for animals, information about the UN Sustainable Development Goals to help spread awareness and famous quotes about respecting all life forms for a healthy biodiversity.
