Coffee House Mafia

By Jennifer Jelliff-Russell

Nomey Tanner: college graduate, café owner — Mafioso? With the passing of the Hinkle Law, caffeine is outlawed and the Enforcement Bureau, an agency specializing in the investigation and seizure of caffeinated paraphernalia, is born. What’s a café owner to do in times like these? Why turn to a life of crime, of course!

Coffee House Mafia follows the evolution of Nomey Tanner from a moderately successful café owner to a savvy, prosperous Mafioso. However, turning her café into a haven for caffeine drinkers while maintaining a plausible front proves more difficult than expected with competing coffee shop owners, a nosy detective ex-boyfriend, and an Enforcement Bureau Agent hell bent on putting her behind bars.

We've seen the type of mafia that builds its foundations on the sale of illegal alcohol. Now witness a mafia that rises from a love of coffee.
