Mastering Your Scenes

By JA. Cox

This book was written with one main purpose, to help give authors and writers a creative boost in their scene writing and toss writers block into the oblivion of the abyss. In order to accomplish this each chapter is written in a workbook like format so that the steps provided can easily be implemented after they are explained. For each element of scene writing that is presented J.A. Cox explains the How, Why and When of its use along with his own description so that the information is easy to assimilate. He provides copious examples from his own writing of these elements in action as well as from shows and movies.

Here are the elements that you will be learning about:


His purpose is not to force some new-fangled way of writing but to help you realize things that you are likely not seeing as you struggle to come up with ideas to prime that creative pump. He is persuaded that as you make your way through these pages and consider these elements that you will end up in a state where it is difficult to shut down the tsunami of ideas that will come your way.

Last but not least, J.A. Cox provides a completed outline format that can be used over and over for every scene you write to keep that creative pump primed. Therefore, you will no longer have to fuss over figuring what prompts or hooks to use to start that chapter as it will come to you as you outline your scenes from the various questions he provides for you to ask with each element.

It is his aim to revolutionize the way you look at your scenes in the future.
