JA. Cox

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Health & Fitness, Religion, Writing & Publishing

Skills: Press/Media Interview

J. A. Cox is a husband, father and disabled veteran. He is passionate about Jesus Christ and has a desire to allow God to use his writing to bring glory to his name and reach others for him. His other passions lie in: 1) Empowering people by teaching about things that he is knowledgeable in in a simple and fun as well as interesting manner. 2)Inspiring others that they may realize how the true potential to overcome their perceived dilemma lies right between their ears and how they allow it to manipulate what their eyes behold. 3) Helping people to realize that being healthy truly begins with realizing how important it is for them to be intimately acquainted with their own body in order for others to help them resolve its maladies that beset it. Along with those, he enjoys entertaining with fiction based on the concept that fact is stranger than fiction and then stretching it just a tad to create some memorable page turning moments that you will likely recall for some time to come.

JA. Cox's books

The Beauty of Tribulation

The Beauty of Tribulation was written to provide answers based upon scripture to help us understand things such as:

The purpose of tribulation in the life of a believer.
Reasons why it is necessary.
How God uses it for our edification and his glory.
How God is not the author of our tribulation.

At the root of it, the greatest purpose is to depict the beauty of our painful, frustrating, and most hopeless moments when we allow God to complete the work he is trying to accomplish through them. As you turn the pages of this book you will be taken on a journey that will delve you deep into the tribulation process and come away with a firm understanding of it, perhaps like never before. Every premise is backed with scripture, focused on what the bible says rather than my own ideas.

J.A. Cox hopes that all who read will walk away with a greater appreciation and devotion toward the Lord in regard to this troublesome subject and inevitable part of our lives.

Mastering Your Scenes

This book was written with one main purpose, to help give authors and writers a creative boost in their scene writing and toss writers block into the oblivion of the abyss. In order to accomplish this each chapter is written in a workbook like format so that the steps provided can easily be implemented after they are explained. For each element of scene writing that is presented J.A. Cox explains the How, Why and When of its use along with his own description so that the information is easy to assimilate. He provides copious examples from his own writing of these elements in action as well as from shows and movies.

Here are the elements that you will be learning about:


His purpose is not to force some new-fangled way of writing but to help you realize things that you are likely not seeing as you struggle to come up with ideas to prime that creative pump. He is persuaded that as you make your way through these pages and consider these elements that you will end up in a state where it is difficult to shut down the tsunami of ideas that will come your way.

Last but not least, J.A. Cox provides a completed outline format that can be used over and over for every scene you write to keep that creative pump primed. Therefore, you will no longer have to fuss over figuring what prompts or hooks to use to start that chapter as it will come to you as you outline your scenes from the various questions he provides for you to ask with each element.

It is his aim to revolutionize the way you look at your scenes in the future.

Eat Your Way Slim and Enjoy Every Bite

Eat Your Way Slim and Enjoy Every Bite is a derivative work created from the brilliant writing of Donald G. Cooley. Cooley’s work was exceptional, and J.A. Cox has managed to enhance much of his original dietary wisdom, and in some places, bring things up to date.

At the heart of it you will get much more than some advice on how to shed some pounds. What makes this a unique read is the important connection made between what you are not getting from your daily diet and its impact on your health. Important conclusions are drawn to the lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet to the conditions that they produce in your body. What makes such knowledge essential is because many are quick to run to the doctor for things that can with proper care be easily rectified by a change in their diet with correct guidance.

Air Purifiers Exposed

Air Purifiers Exposed was written to help clarify the misunderstandings that are attached to purchasing an Air Purifier. The greatest of these is the sole reason for buying it, which is the purification of your air. Through its pages you learn the truth of why it is not possible for this machine to purify your air and taught what it is really doing with your air. Aside from that, you are taken on a journey to be able to properly identify what the true threats to your indoor air quality really are and come to understand how to mitigate each of them.

Along this journey you will come to realize that it does not take a lot of money but simple ingenuity to create a healthy and healing environment throughout your home and reduce the ever-present impact of the hidden dangers that put you and your family at risk on a daily basis.

By the time you complete this book you will have learned various methods of how to remove harmful pollutants from your air with and without an air purifier as well as some cost-effective ways to live a healthier life in your home. As a bonus, you will get a crash course in botany as you are introduced to the plants that will aide in transforming your indoor air quality as well as how to take care of them.

Fulfilling A Vow: Looking for Answers (Coming Soon)


The pressure of her teeth pressing into her bottom lip snapped Manitra out of her daze. She stopped short of biting through the skin. That indelible memory from her childhood haunted her still. But just as she had vowed so long ago, Doshnatha, vengeance or revenge, a rough translation of her native Etheren tongue. She peered through x – ray binoculars. The height of the building she laid upon provided a great vantage point for the observation of the activities of the warehouse along the harbor. This was the place. She had found Utentherin’s ship. Security dressed in black fatigues armed with laser rifles patrolled the interior perimeter. It was run by The Davmon Corporation which was one of the many companies acquired by the billionaire entrepreneur, Traes Dylan. His acquisition of enterprises ranging from medical, military, technology to agricultural earned him an esteemed position in influencing global affairs not to mention his more than generous gestures of philanthropy. A high rectangular wall surrounded the facility leaving the only entry and exit at a single guarded booth to check personnel as well as visitors in and out. The inside perimeter extended the full length of a football field which a quarter of it before and behind was reserved for parking. A wide, rectangular, eggshell-white warehouse spread out at its center.

A week ago she had acquired information on the group responsible for her parent’s demise, Qwan Zwanas. After 50 long doulans and many of those spent working for the Xytlen agency she had learned of Ranthorus’ connection to her parents demise. All she was able to obtain from the information broker was that one of his elite officers was heading to Earth and the whereabouts the ship would depart from. Manitra concealed herself amongst the ship’s cargo. However her cover was blown and she bailed out not long after it entered Earth’s atmosphere. Before she escaped she managed to sabotage the engines and placed a tracking device.

No time to waste!

Manitra leaped from the roof. A soft hum permeated the air as her hover boots came to life swiftly propelling her above the expressway below. Brakes screeched and horns honked as the traffic jerked its way along the road during rush hour. A few angry threats from exasperated and impatient occupants were hurled followed by waving hands with obscene gestures. Yet, no eyes seemed to notice the crimson donned beauty vanish from view. Red, nylon like fabric and caramel-brown skin alike rippled into a shimmering shroud of optical camouflage as clear as the air itself.
