Hugh Lansdown

ALLi Author Member

Location: United Kingdom (the)

Genres: Illustrated/Photography, Nature/Science, Children's general

Skills: Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Reading/Literary Event, Press/Media Interview

I'm a Welsh wildlife photographer who has travelled extensively, and my images have appeared in hundreds of books, magazines and other publications across the globe.

I'm also heavily involved in conservation at home in Wales, working for local wildlife charities, carrying out habitat management work and giving talks about wildlife conservation.

I am currently working on the fourth volume of a series of childrens's books about the wildlife I've photographed in various different countries around the world.

Hugh Lansdown's books

Wildlife of the World: China

From remote plateaus to freezing deserts, snow-covered mountains to
tropical rainforest, China probably has more habitats for wildlife than
anywhere else in the world. So it’s not really surprising that it’s home to
so many different weird and wonderful creatures!

Everyone is familiar with the endangered giant pandas, but other animals
like the bright orange snub-nosed monkey and scary golden takin are
almost unknown outside China.

In this book, expert wildlife photographer Hugh Lansdown reveals some of
the most interesting and unusual wildlife to be found in this vast and
fascinating country.

Wildlife of the World: Costa Rica

With misty cloud forest and marshy wetlands, sandy beaches and tropical
rainforest, Costa Rica is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world…
which means an incredible range of fascinating animal life lives there.

Sleepy sloths and noisy howler monkeys chew leaves in the treetops, while
colourful birds and poisonous frogs hunt strange insects through the
undergrowth… and there’s much, much more!

In this book, expert wildlife photographer Hugh Lansdown reveals some of
the most interesting and unusual wildlife to be found in this beautiful,
tropical country.
