Howard Fomby

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Thriller, General Fiction, Crime, Mystery, Children's general

Rene Fomby practices criminal law and civil litigation across the state of Texas in partnership with his son, Adam Fomby, at the Fomby Law Firm in Houston. After earning an MBA from the University of Texas Graduate School of Business, Rene held a number of senior management positions in high tech and pharmaceuticals. At Xerox Office Systems / Palo Alto Research Center, Rene helped design the stand-alone graphical computer that was later outlicensed to Apple and became the Macintosh. Later, he pioneered the use of marketing analytics in the pharmaceutical industry, headed up global planning for one of the world’s largest drug companies, and drove the biggest product launch in biotech history, a protease inhibitor that transformed HIV from a killer to a chronic disease. Rene also created the world’s first handheld computer for doctors and served as Director of the National Healthcare Database under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

At the University of Texas School of Law, Rene was recipient of the Oscar and Ethel Schwartz Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Law and the Thomas C. Clark Academic Scholarship in Law, as well as the Patton and Boggs Fellowship in Humanitarian Law. Rene was also recipient of the Dean’s Awards for Highest Achievement in Telecommunications Law, Healthcare Law and Advanced Criminal Law, and was honored as the law school’s Best Litigator. Rene's very first law suit, filed on the day he was sworn in as a attorney, is now enshrined as a key case in consumer law lawbooks.

Rene has dedicated his life to helping people in need. In addition to his work defending the rights of those in need and in trouble, Rene has founded and led a number of non-profit companies providing healthcare and basic communications services to the poorest members of our society. Rene was a founder of USFon, Inc., a non-profit joint project of the University of Texas Schools of Law and Engineering that provides telephone and Internet service to those who otherwise couldn’t afford it. He also co-founded Texas Mission of Mercy, which provided high quality healthcare to the poorest citizens of Central Texas at no cost. Currently he also serves as a board member and legal counsel for Vive Les Artes, a community theater in Central Texas.

More importantly, Rene is a winemaker, sailor, private pilot, helicopter dad and loving husband, and is currently owned by three rescue dogs and one very feisty Maine Coon cat.

Howard Fomby's books

Resumed Innocent

”A scathing indictment of the Texas criminal justice system” — Kirkus Reviews

Samantha's client is facing the death penalty for the triple murder of his wife and two children, and even Sam believes he's stone cold guilty.

But as dawn breaks over tiny Blair County, a guilty verdict is the least of her concerns. The Texas justice system has taken dead aim at getting her off the case - even if it means taking dead aim at the back of her head.

And Samantha Tulley is in way over her head. Starting a career as a small town criminal attorney would be tough enough, but as a widowed mother with no income and very little in the bank, Sam never seems to catch a break. From court appointed clients who rarely show up for court to pro bono clients with seemingly unwinnable cases, every day is a new struggle to figure out the subtle intricacies and intrigues of the criminal justice system. And then suddenly the system turns against her, and Sam and her daughter are left running for their lives.

Torn from the author's own case files, Resumed Innocent offers a revealing and sometimes frightening inside look at just how our fractured justice system works to punish the innocent and reward the wicked. And for the poor there simply is no justice at all.

Private Eyes

"A tale guaranteed to have you on the edge of your seat" –​ Modern Cat Magazine
If you liked The Secret Life of Pets, you'll love Private Eyes!

It’s Saturday morning in the Windy City, and Moose is running out of time. In less than 48 hours, his best friend has a date with the needle, the kind of date you don’t walk away from with a kiss. Moose has to find out who framed his pit bull buddy for the savage slaying of a French poodle — and then convince the humans that he’s nailed the right guy.

But with no leads and little evidence to go on, there’s only one person in Chicago that has a prayer of hunting down the real killer in time: Antonio Gattogrosso, legendary proprietor of Felinevestigators, the Feline Detective Agency.

AKA Fat Tony.

Private Eyes is a fast-paced thriller that will keep you turning pages until well in the night. Dogs and cats have put aside their differences and prejudices to discover who really slashed Penny's throat. And why. The dark, crime-ridden underbelly of Chicago comes alive in this classic tale of sacrifice and redemption. And no humans were actually harmed in the writing of this book.

The rave reviews keep pouring in:

"It's a great fireside read. Just like me, you'll want to keep an eye out for it!" - Fisheye Martinez
"I predict it will be a smashing success, dahlinks!" -Madame LuLu, astrologer to the stars
"Buy dis book if you knows what's good for youse." - Fat Tony Gattogrosso

The Game of War

The devil wears camo. A slow burning Hitchcockian thriller that will confuse you, startle you, and in the end leave you gasping for breath!
Marc and Dave have the perfect idea for a new Xbox game, but they're missing just one thing. Rights to a critical piece of code now controlled by a major defense contractor. They're willing to sell their souls to get it... but the company has a far more dangerous price in mind. And as they sign on the dotted line, they have no idea what that price truly is.

In a world where drones and robots are quickly replacing human soldiers on the battlefield, The Game of War could very well be torn from tomorrow's headlines. Love, tech, mystery and gore - this book has it all. A perfect under-the-covers read for a cozy fall day. And now available for free on Kindle Unlimited!

The Chi Rho Conspiracy

An ancient and powerful force is stirring, and only three people can stop it from enslaving the planet once again.A 1st century Christian symbol has suddenly reemerged across southern Europe, raining death and devastation on everything it touches. Sam, Gavin and Andy are in a desperate race to uncover the roots of a conspiracy that threatens to put the continent to the torch. And in the process discover the final hiding place for the lost treasure of the Knights Templar, a treasure that could contain the oldest secrets of the Christian faith.

The signs are everywhere.

A bestselling drug suddenly becomes a viscious killer.

Navy satellites discover a mysterious artifact buried deep in the Sahara Desert.

A young lawyer fights to save a client accused of raping a young girl, a man with no possible way to prove his innocence.

A secret chamber is found stashed beneath an ancient fortress, quite possibly the long-sought final resting place for the lost treasure of the Knights Templars. A treasure that could include the Holy Grail itself, and the priceless Library of Solomon.

Meanwhile, Samantha Tulley races to save her daughter's inheritance, only to find herself racing for her very life.

And a symbol that traces its roots to the earliest days of the Christian faith promises to unlock the secret to it all.

The Chi Rho.

With epic legal battles ripped from the author's own case files, this long-awaited sequel to the best-selling Resumed Innocent redefines the legal thriller genre as it takes readers on an unforgettable ride through history, science and mysterious foreign lands. Well-researched and breathtakingly paced, The Chi Rho Conspiracy is a tantalyzing mirror to Christianity's long-forgotten past and a foreboding vision of its future.

Buy The Chi Rho Conspiracy today and set sail on a hair-raising voyage of discovery, adventure and mortal peril. And brace yourself for the upcoming third book in this series, New Rome Rising.

From Russia With Fur

The Russians are coming! ​
Russian Wolfhounds have invaded Chicago, intent on disrupting the upcoming presidential election. All part of their diabolical plan for world domination. The four-legged world, that is.

Aussie Terrier Moose McGillicutty goes undercover to ferret out the Russian plot and hopefully stop them in time—but he has just 48 hours to save PETSEC. And save the world.

A great spring and summer read for children and sophisticated adults alike, From Russia With Fur is a fast-paced new take on the classic spy adventure by award-winning author Rene Fomby that will keep you turning pages until well in the night. Dogs, cats and even squirrels have put aside their differences and prejudices to hunt down the Russian mobsters and stop them from taking over PETSEC, the secret pet protection agency headquartered in the Windy City. Moose has teamed up with old friends Fat Tony and Tommy Tuxedo—and it's a good thing, because at only ten pounds soaking wet, Moose needs every bit of muscle he can find.
The dark, crime-ridden underbelly of Chicago comes alive in this classic tale of sacrifice, love, redemption—and the even darker side of pet politics. And no humans were actually harmed in the writing of this book.

The rave reviews keep pouring in:

"My word! This book has definitely NOT been sanctioned by my estate!" - Ian Fleming, author.
"A cat as a Double-O agent? Preposterous! You'll be hearing from my lawyers!" - James Bond, secret agent.
"Buy dis book. Please. I really need the money!" - Fat Tony Gattogrosso, the world's greatest cat detective, and cash-strapped candidate for president of PETSEC.

New Rome Rising

The thrilling conclusion to the award-winning Sam Tulley trilogy!

He's back. And this time he's brought an army.
A firestorm is set to sweep across Europe, and William Tulley is holding the match. Can Samantha figure out a way to stop him before the entire world erupts in flames, when even NATO's combined forces can't slow him down?
Even as resentment over austerity measures and the mounting tide of Muslim refugees swells across southern Europe—resentment fueled by Tulley’s stolen billions—a newly elected pope is sounding a clarion call for a global war to exterminate Islam. A war taken straight off the pages of The Revelation of St. John, threatening nothing less than the annihilation of the human race. And only two people stand the slightest chance of stopping it. The problem is, Tulley knows who they are. And, even worse, he knows where they live.

The riveting final chapter in the award-winning Resumed Innocent trilogy, New Rome Rising is a heart-pounding tale of espionage and intrigue, of religious and secular ambitions intertwining to threaten the very future of humanity. A political and social tsunami ripped straight out of today’s headlines. As sociopath William Tulley labors step-by-step behind the scenes to manipulate the frustrated, forgotten masses of Europe, his goal is no less than a resurrected Roman Empire with him at its head, Europe’s leaders seem powerless to control the mounting chaos.

Meanwhile, a wave of cryptic Christian symbols has finally completed its long journey from Turkey to the Spanish seashore, and Tulley’s daughter-in-law Samantha and her friend, disgraced FBI agent Gavin Larson, are racing across Europe and North Africa digging up clues buried in long-forgotten secrets of the Christian faith. Secrets the Church and William Tulley would rather keep buried.

As the crisis mounts, Sam and Gavin find themselves always one move behind Tulley’s intricate game of global chess, and the timer is ticking. Even worse, Tulley now has them both in his sights. The hunters have now become the hunted.

Religion, politics, sex—nothing is sacred any longer to William Tulley and his mercenary army. It’s a win or die trying proposition, so losing isn’t an option for either side. And at the very heart of this furious fight to the death is one of the oldest, most historic cities of all. New Rome.

New Rome Rising finds Sam and her friends fighting desperately to stem a rising tide of nationalism and bigotry that infects seemingly every corner of today's world, even as Samantha dreams of returning to a simpler life back in Texas. But William Tulley has other dreams, other plans, plans he's been nurturing for many years. With both the Catholic and Orthodox churches as allies and with billions of dollars he stole from his infant granddaughter as leverage, William is finally emerging from a year hidden deep within the earth. And he's emerging onto the biggest stage of all. Even though he's been marked as America's most wanted criminal, a man wanted for the cruel deaths of thousands and, more specifically, the deaths of two FBI agents, Tulley's strategy is every bit as audacious as it is crazy—he plans to put himself above the law, make himself too big to fail. And as he finally pulls the lever on Project Eschaton and launches his global religious war, his plan seems to be working all too well.
