Helen Harper

ALLi Author Member

Location: Unknown

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative, Thriller

Skills: Performance/Spoken Word, Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

Helen Harper is an English teacher currently living abroad in Malaysia. As a long time reader of urban fantasy, she finally bit the bullet and began to develop her own series of novels.

Helen has always been a book lover, devouring science fiction and fantasy tales when she was a child growing up in Scotland. "I always loved the escapism provided by those genres," states Helen. "No matter how bad life gets, you can always find a route out, even if only temporarily, in the pages of a good book."

The growth of urban fantasy fascinated her - the mix of reality and fantasy along with strong heroic female characters appealed from the very beginning, and inspired her to write her own.

Helen Harper's books


Mackenzie Smith has always known that she was different. Growing up as the only human in a pack of rural shapeshifters will do that to you, but then couple it with some mean fighting skills and a fiery temper and you end up with a woman that few will dare to cross. However, when the only father figure in her life is brutally murdered, and the dangerous Brethren with their predatory Lord Alpha come to investigate, Mack has to not only ensure the physical safety of her adopted family by hiding her apparent humanity, she also has to seek the blood-soaked vengeance that she craves.


After escaping the claws of Corrigan, the Lord Alpha of the Brethren, Mack is trying to lead a quiet lonely life in Inverness in rural Scotland, away from anyone who might happen to be a shapeshifter. However, when she lands a job at an old bookstore owned by a mysterious elderly woman who not only has a familiar passion for herbal lore but also seems to know more than she should, Mack ends up caught in a maelstrom between the Ministry of Mages, the Fae and the Brethren. <br>
Now she has to decide between staying hidden and facing the music, as well as confronting her real feelings for the green eyed power of Corrigan himself.


begins her training at the mages' academy in the hope that, by complying, the stasis spell will be lifted from her old friend, Mrs. Alcoon. However, once there, she finds herself surrounded by unfriendly adults and petulant teenagers, the majority of whom seem determined to see her fail.

Feeling attacked on all fronts, Mack finds it harder and harder to keep a rein on her temper. Forced to attend anger management classes and deal with the predatory attentions of Corrigan, the Lord Alpha of the shapeshifter world, her emotions start to unravel. But when she comes across a familiar text within the walls of the mages' library, which might just provide the clues she needs to unlock the secrets of her background and her dragon blood, she realises that her problems are only just beginning...

Blood Politics

You'd think that life would finally be dealing Mack Smith a kind hand. Living in London, and with the opening of the new improved city version of Clava Books mere days away, things appear to be settling down. Other than the terrible nightmares about dragons, that is. Or the fact that she's being constantly tailed by a string of mages, shifters and faeries, all of whom are constantly demanding her attention. And that's without even bringing the temptation of Corrigan, Lord Alpha of the Brethren, into the equation. <br>
Then, when a local dryad asks her for some help, things really start to fire up. There are some long hot summer days ahead...


Life's no fun being a dragon, especially when you are forced into responsibilities that involve trying to keep the peace between an array of shifters, mages and faeries in order to bring down the scariest and deadliest foe the Otherworld has ever seen. And that's not to mention the fact that your own soul mate hates your guts...

Mack Smith, a fiery Draco Wyr, is battling to come to terms with her emotions, her heritage and her true capabilities. All she has to do is defeat Endor, win back Corrigan and live happily ever after. From the streets of London and Russia, to the beaches of Cornwall, will she be able to ever win the day?


William Shakespeare once wrote that, �Cupid is a knavish lad, thus to make poor females mad.� The trouble is that Cupid himself would probably agree� As probably the last person in the world who�d appreciate hearts, flowers and romance, Coop is convinced that true love doesn�t exist � which is rather unfortunate considering he�s also known as Cupid, the God of Love. He�d rather spend his days drinking, womanising and generally having as much fun as he possible can. As far as he�s concerned, shooting people with bolts of pure love is a waste of his time�but then his path crosses with that of shy and retiring Skye Sawyer and nothing will ever be quite the same again. Eros is a seductive re-telling of the classic Greek myth, Cupid and Psyche.

Dire Straits

Bo Blackman is a rookie private investigator working for the London based firm of Dire Straits. She doesn't often get triber-based assignments, which is just as well. Vampires and daemons don't interest her as much as humans do. However, when she has to serve a summons on a dodgy daemon called Devlin O'Shea and she ends up saving his life instead of being framed for his murder, her life takes a shocking turn for the worse. And when the vampire Families start involving themselves too, Bo no longer knows where to turn...

New Order

Bo Blackman is not adjusting to her new life as a fledgling vampire particularly well. Drinking blood sickens her and, despite her new enhanced physical skills and the attention she's receiving from Lord Montserrat, she's desperate to find a cure. When her illegal search takes her to the door of Fingertips and Frolics, a small family-run magic shop, she becomes embroiled in a dangerous game of tit-for-tat with murderous consequences. To complicate matters further, she's forced to also take on a case of apparent kidnapping. But with no ransom demand and a client she despises, it may be more of a struggle to solve than she realises.

High Stakes

It may be less than a month since the doors of New Order opened but that doesn't mean Bo Blackman isn't busy. It's not just daft allegations about vampire dogs and complicated relationships that she has to deal with, however.

When a woman is brutally assaulted, barely escaping with her life, Bo ensures she forms an integral part of the investigation. The trouble is that she may end up being confronted with a darkness that she's simply not ready for...


Yuri, a half Japanese-half English girl, has struggled ever since her beloved father drowned when she was a child. The circumstances of his death were anything but natural - he was drawn into a storm by the sensual singing of a group of sirens and Yuri's life has been overshadowed by the threat of the gods of Olympus ever since. However, when she meets Ozzy, a soulful singer who goes on to become one of the country's biggest rockstars, she attempts to put her past behind her. Unfortunately, fate has not finished messing with her just yet.

The second book in the Olympiana series, although able to be read as a stand-alone, Lyre follows the classic tale of Orpheus and Eurydice.

Corrigan Fire

The Blood Destiny series has sold over 100,000 copies. Now read the novella of the events of Bloodfire from the point of view of the predatory Lord Alpha.

Corrigan may have only just started in his role as Head of the Brethren, the de-facto rulers of the country's shifters, but it's already clear he's not going to be in for an easy ride. Between brutal deaths in both Cornwall and London to deal with, alongside a certain curious were-hamster who has far more strength, power and mouth than should be possible, he's got his hands full.

He thought his greatest desire was to modernise the shapeshifter world - but that may be starting to change...
