What Now?: A Young Adult's Practical, Spiritual, and Somewhat Unusual Guide to Finding God's Will

By Hannah Duggan

As young adults, we question every decision. We live in the fear that our futures will crash and burn. We’re terrified of messing up and missing out. Our lives are characterized by hard questions, and we’re disillusioned with cliché answers.

But what if I told you that you’re right where God wants you? What if I told you that He’s not afraid of your hard questions? What if I told you that God’s will is right front of you?

What Now? is equipped with practical tools, spiritual breakthroughs, and somewhat unusual tips on how to find direction—not just for our futures—but in every area of our lives. If we dared to live the life God offers us, we could:

Abandon our insecurities
Break free of the lies that deny us our destiny
Forge relationships that last
Take on the future fearlessly

The greatest revivals in history started with a few young adults who took God at His Word. There is no end to what He can do when we’re brave enough to ask Him, “What Now?”
