
ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: LGBTQ+, New Adult, Young Adult (YA), General Fiction, Erotica, Historical Fiction, Romance

Skills: Press/Media Interview

Fifty-six years designing plastic parts or product using plastic parts including F-22 prototypes. Served in Thailand during Vietnam war. Not religious but have a religious family. Love diversity in people. Start writing at seventy-nine. Survived two rounds of cancer, a heart attack and a stroke. Three wives, one still tolerates me. Five kids, but just as interesting. Grandkids natural and not. One great grandkid.

Gezr's books

Five Wooden Spoons

Earlier generations contribute to an appreciation of sex as entertainment. Summer has a legacy of friends and relatives that consider sexual gratification as enjoyable and pleasant. Her mother is supportive and accepting of her daughter's choices. Opportunities and personal choices lead to a career as a porn star as a logical solution to relieve perceived congestion in her life. She follows a unique path and gets to enjoy a multifaceted caring man of conviction who values her and her friends. She and he share the driving psychology of achieving their personal best and persevering with their choices regardless of external opinions. He contributes to her a family and an appreciation of friendship and continuance. Her sail is full of the wind of friendship which she learns to cherish above all.
