Gary Coulton

ALLi Author Member

Location: United Kingdom (the)

Genres: Memoir

I'm a 67 year-long work in progress. Confused as much as capable. Intelligent but often prone to impulse. The keeper of secrets but none are much help.

Demons to Champions is the expression of the interplay of my inner and outer worlds. Each as important as the other, mostly at odds but synergising when it matters.

I'm an inveterate overthinker and infodumper which made writing easy but editing not so much.

I spent thirty year as an academic and eight as an Executive Coach. The central thread was my curiosity and love for people even when they might not have deserved it.

Suicidal in my twenties I was saved by the love of a monentously awesome women, Mel. Forty years later we're still married.

I watched my daughter struggle, becoming her anxious Dad. She is my tutor and when she was diagnosed at age 23 as autistic and ADHD it dawned on me that was too.

My book is published on all the usual online platforms.

It reads more like a novel than a memoir and is intended to be a mirror for others to see reflections of themselves and aybe find a new way forward.

I expect and welcome the fact that I will always be a work in progress!

Gary Coulton's books

Demons to Champions

"How I fell in love with my neurodivergent maverick mind"

Manuscript completed - editing process begun.

Estimated publish date - Oct/Nov 2024
