Gabriela Casineanu

ALLi Author Member

Location: Canada

Genres: Mind Body Spirit, Self-Help/Personal Development, General Nonfiction, Art & Crafts, Biography, Narrative Nonfiction, Health & Fitness, Religion, Illustrated/Photography, Advice & How To, Other Poetry, Psychology, Writing & Publishing, Memoir, Business

Skills: Performance/Spoken Word, Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

Certified professional coach, award-winning author, and artist, Gabriela Casineanu considers life as a self-discovery journey worth exploring. Her creative and curious soul didn't care much about the MBA and 18 years experience in the technical field (engineering, IT, quality assurance). It found a way to turn things around, leading to coaching (individuals, teams), training, creative entrepreneurship, artistic expressions, and writing.
Through her coaching practice, Gabriela helped thousands of professionals to advance their careers, and creative entrepreneurs to understand how to use the power of their mind to become more successful.
Gabriela loves to combine creativity with concepts and techniques from various fields and she's passionate about building a better world by tapping into introverts' strengths.
She finds strength in nature and loves nature photography, outdoor activities, intuitive painting, visiting sacred places, the Holographic Universe concept, and... wearing that turquoise ski jacket! :-)

Gabriela Casineanu's books

Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search (Introvert Strengths Book 2)

• Readers' Favorite® 2018 International Book Awards Winner • Endorsed by Recruiters, Career Advisers, and HR Managers •

Is your job search challenging? Do you feel frustrated, confused, less motivated…?
This book is for you!

It’s thorough and practical! Presents all the aspects of the job search process… so you can identify the weakest points and strengthen them!
Gives you the power back! It shows how to get faster results... by becoming the project manager of your job hunting process!
Helps you create a strategy mix specific to your situation… to meet the employer midway while staying true to your introverted nature!
What's inside the book?

A more holistic approach to job search (often overlooked)… which boosts your energy and motivation
Resume & interview tips … to increase your chances to stand out (without feeling salesy)
Suggestions on how to proactively use Linkedin for job hunting… combined with 20 strategies fitting your personality
Real examples of successful job-seekers… to better understand how these strategies work
150+ introvert strengths and how to apply them in job hunting… to tap into the hidden job market
Many self-reflective exercises, flowcharts and tables, so you can customize these strategies to your own situation… for a more powerful impact!
An introvert herself, Gabriela Casineanu navigated successfully several career transitions (Engineering, IT, Business, Coaching, Employment Counseling and Management). With this book, she brings a powerful coaching perspective to employment counseling, presenting proven strategies that helped thousands of job seekers.

The book Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search will give you the roadmap you need to navigate more successfully your job search, and build a meaningful career!


"A thought-provoking book for both those who are seeking a job and those who are in the position of hiring. As a former hiring manager, it was always easy to "read" the extrovert individuals, but it was much harder to ascertain the introverts’ true personality and working style. This book addresses this issue and offers wisdom to introverts to be able to land the best job for them. The author offers practical advice that is relevant in today's job market." ~ Kandi Johnson

”Rich, Intelligent, Enlightening and Valuable for (not only) the introverted job seeker! What makes this book stand out is its unique fusion of concepts, techniques, exercises and real-life examples. If all my introverted clients read this book, our collaborations may prove more fruitful!” ~ Mihaela Ignat, Founder & Executive Director, Global Talent Placement Inc.

"Gabriela has created a caring guide that leaves you feeling empowered and proactive. She never expects you to be an extrovert, instead helps you leverage your strengths. I feel this author is very detailed and thought of everything." ~ Rebecca of Amazon, HALL OF FAME, TOP 500 REVIEWER, VINE VOICE

"A hands-on book with excellent exercises that really answers your questions about your aptitudes, strategies and most importantly your career. I wish someone taught me these strategies in high school. What I learned helped me tremendously in my job search: I applied the strategies best suited for me, and I've got a great job!" ~ Natalia Bantiuc

Quiet Lessons for the Introvert’s Soul (Introvert Strengths Book 1)

Do social interactions drain your energy? Do you consider yourself quiet or different?

The traits that you might think are holding you back could actually be your superpowers! You just need to see them in a different light.

An introvert herself, the award-winning and best-selling author Gabriela Casineanu will guide you along the path to discover your unique strengths—like being on the Hero’s Journey for the introvert!

Through a series of interviews with successful introverts, Casineanu reveals the strengths that come from being quiet and reserved.

Authors, professionals, entrepreneurs and even a top sales performer share how they overcame their challenges in a world that assumes that successful people are extroverts.

Casineanu invites you to reflect on these stories and identify which introvert strengths helped her subjects become their best selves. You’ll also be encouraged to reflect on your journey so far, to discover what abilities you've relied on in tough situations.

This awareness will make you better appreciate your introvert strengths, and will inspire you to bring out the best in yourself to be more successful!

Learn to overcome shyness and genuinely connect with people, even at networking events
Understand how to manage your energy so you can have more for the projects you love
Discover tools and strategies you can draw upon to overcome your challenges
Gain new perspectives on the introverts' characteristics and why the world needs them

Gabriela Casineanu has a deep understanding of introverts and how they can tap into their hidden talents to thrive in all aspects of life. Using her coaching expertise, you’ll be challenged to unlock your talents and inspired to put them to the test.

Conversational, witty and fun, Quiet Lessons for the Introvert’s Soul shines a light on how introverts can contribute to building a better world—even if they do it quietly!

Not an introvert? The increased awareness about the introverts’ rich inner world that comes from reading this book will make you understand and collaborate better with the introverts you come across in your life.

Curious to find out more? You’re just at a click away!

Bonus: List of Introvert Strengths (100+)

Editorial reviews

I absolutely love this book! I especially treasure the author’s takeaways at the end of each interview. As an introvert myself, I can identify with so many! I so appreciate how she made the connections between what has been said and how this applies to other introverts. This book helps us understand, appreciate and further develop our own unique strengths. What a true gift this book is, both to introverts and those seeking to learn more about them.
~ Eevi Jones, Founder of Children's Book University

A self-inspection kit for introverts! This book keeps one spellbound as you read and learn from different introverts. The author’s notes highlight strengths often overlooked by the introverts themselves. Being part of the book was a great exercise in self-awareness. Casineanu has great intuition, distills essential truths and her focus on solutions is remarkable. ~ Louise VN Liebenberg, Transformational Coach, Bestselling Author of Hamster Wheel Relationships for Women

Meeting With My Self: Self-Coaching Questions That Invite Wisdom In (Photo Coaching Book 1)

Do you feel down sometimes? Stressed, frustrated or stuck in a situation you can’t control?
This book is for you!

It will take you on a journey through inspiring photographs and powerful coaching questions… to help you reconnect with your inner self! That wise part that lies within you, which is hard to access when you feel down, stressed, frustrated or stuck.

This combination of questions and visuals will open you up to understand why you feel that way and—even more important—what you can do to feel better and improve your life!

The power of this little book consists in the experience it creates for the reader. You will need to slow down to really grasp the wisdom shared with generosity by your inner self!

You can use this book over and over whenever you feel the need for some guidance or to generate new ideas. You will just open the book at chapter 1, start browsing and stop to reflect only on those pages that resonate with you at the moment (they might be different from those that captured your attention the first time).

Ready to reconnect with your wise inner self? Scroll up and click “Buy” to get started.

Editorial Reviews:

As a psychologist I feel very fortunate to have found this unique and inspiring book, not only for my clients but for myself. The beautiful photos invoke emotional and intellectual responses. The questions lead to insights and ah ha moments. ~ A.C.

This is not a book in the traditional sense; it’s a tool for communicating with your own inner wisdom. I used this tool to coach myself through different types of questions—both personal and professional. It’s been an amazing tool no matter what question I posed. ~ Rebecca Cuevas

The book helped me realize that I was in full transition and transformation and that there are two parts of my life: the first one full of struggles and the second one more serene… which helped me to regain my hope! ~ N.W.

I first used this book when I had lost my job. When I made it a daily practice to look at it and my intention became clearer, I began to change the way I thought about my circumstances. Instead of grieving, I thought of the possibilities. I realized I was limiting myself and I have so much more to offer. This Photo Coaching book helped me to stop whirling around in circles and to create a map of where I want my life to go. ~ A.L.

If you’d like to capture your insights for each question, there is a separate workbook on Amazon: Meeting With My Self (Workbook): Self-Coaching Questions That Invite the Wisdom In

While grouped in series, all Gabriela’s books are stand alone.

Navigating the Relationship Landscape (Photo-Coaching Book 2)

Do you experience relationship issues with your mate, friend, colleague, parent ...? Feeling frustrated by a stale relationship or a situation that keeps getting worse?
What if there is a way to create a more fulfilling relationship?

The best-selling author and professional coach Gabriela Casineanu invites you to a self-discovery journey through your relationship landscape!
This is not a book in the traditional sense. It's a tool that helps you pinpoint the aspects of your relationship that can be improved. The combination of photographs and deft coaching questions will inspire you to explore your unanswered questions in fresh, stimulating ways, and act on what you discover.

What's inside:

• Eight essential pillars that can sustain a relationship through winter times until spring is back
• Four toxic behaviors that can affect any relationship and one that helps ... a lot!
• How to create more intentionally the type of relationships you want
• And much, much more!

If you're into personal development, rest assured that each relationship that comes into your life brings great triggers for self-growth! Are you open to recognizing them? With this little book, you'll learn more about yourself and how you can improve if you want more fulfilling relationships in your life!
With over a decade of experience in Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC™) and as an artist photographer, Casineanu gives the reader a refreshingly way to cultivate empowering relationships. In fact, her book might change the way you think of approaching any relationship.

With special consideration for presenting various aspects that make up a relationship, this book can be a tool to revisit every time when you experience relationship challenges.

Editorial reviews:

Very inspiring and thought-provoking! It gives a feeling of hope that we can overcome our interpersonal challenges. ~ Rita Czarny, Family Mediator

I read Gabriela's book on relationships and loved it. It is so simple and yet so profound. I shall return to it often in the future for help in a variety of different relationships. I liked the innovative style of linking beautiful photography with minimal script. As a former professional psychologist, both in education and in employment, I do feel this book is to be treasured in many situations because of its potential for everyone and anyone. ~ Evelyn Sinclair

Metaphors: An Emotional Journey (Photo Coaching Book 3)

Have you experienced a deeply painful setback? Or do you know someone? Are you feeling stuck with negative emotions, unsure of how to express them?

Based on a true story, Metaphors: An Emotional Journey—by award-winning author Gabriela Casineanu—takes you on a visual journey to understand how to make peace with these feelings. And when you’re ready, how to let go of what’s holding you back.

With over a decade of experience in professional coaching, Casineanu skilfully taps into the readers’ emotional reservoirs, allowing them to gain clarity of their inner world, and create their own unique path to healing.

The book portrays Casineanu’s emotional healing journey, from struggling with frustration and anger from a job loss… to refocusing her soul, which helped her to regain happiness and experience life with a fresh outlook.

Author of several Amazon bestsellers, Gabriela opens her world to you—one where you’re invited to explore, laugh, cry and come away with your own sense of clarity!

Through a series of nature photographs woven with lines of poetry, you’ll be inspired to examine the darker corners of your soul—which you’ve perhaps been afraid to look at… until now.

After peering into Gabriela’s unique view of the world, you’ll discover that emotions are like the ocean’s waves: you can learn to ride their ebbs and flows for a more enjoyable life journey!

Hauntingly beautiful images, colours and verses will give you the opportunity to tap into a deeper place and emerge with a new perspective of what your soul needs.

Casineanu shows you that anyone can turn hardship around; this unwavering optimism may inspire even the staunchest pessimist!

A must-read (or a beautiful gift) for anyone who deals with a job loss, divorce or another major setback in their life.


A beautiful journey of transformation. ~ Paola

So much insight and meaning. ~ Gervend

Such feelings of hope and light! ~ Jolie

Thank you for your universal and timely journey! ~ Robyn

Powerful, insightful, and full of life. ~ Haleh

Touching! We all could find ourselves in this visual journey. ~ Bianca

Spiritual Concepts: A Visual Representation (Photo Coaching Book 4)

Tap into your creative mind and learn to see the world in a whole new light!

You’ll lose yourself in this beautiful journey, awakening with a stronger sense of your place in the universe, and what your mind, body and soul really need.

Gabriela Casineanu, award-winning author, coach and artist, discovered how to reignite her creative fires and—through her expressive painting—has been able to visualize concepts and ideas that take her spirituality to new heights.

In this photo-coaching book, you’ll browse through several beautiful paintings—which capture the essence of the author’s wisdom—while meditating on words, colours and shapes.

A visit to the famous impressionist painter Monet’s garden reawakened Ms Casineanu’s creative mind. Through intuitive painting, she learned how to use her art to gain a clearer perspective on spiritual concepts and life.

Meditating through this book may help you awaken your inner creative child too!

The author invites you to look at art differently, not as a critic or student, but simply to discover how the artwork and vibes makes you feel. From these feelings come thoughts, and those thoughts may bring whatever you allow into your life.

Take your time as you focus on each brightly coloured, expressive work of art on each page, letting their messages reveal themselves to you.

Through her professional coaching techniques, Ms Casineanu will guide you through the paintings and meditations, but leaves the path open for you to explore on your own. You are free to decide where it leads you!

"Spiritual Concepts: A Visual Representation" makes a great gift for anyone who enjoys exploring original artwork and spirituality.

Bonus: Free ebook that dives deeper into "The Three Levels of Reality" concept, to take your spiritual journey even further.


A spiritual journey in few pages. Beautiful story and inspiring pictures. Intriguing and asking for more exploration. ~ I.B.

Beautiful and powerful healing work integrating soul/spirit and art. Uplifting! ~ T.N.

Stunning paintings, very meaningful and very transformational for me. I received healing from many of them. ~ L.R.

Amazing paintings and inspiration! The artist’s true essence manifested in these paintings. ~ A.H.

Gabriela Casineanu delivers through a visual message (her paintings) the meaning of spirituality in her life. She embraces the idea of a focal point that generates everything we perceive around us, and that focal point comes from within. A healthy, balanced, and spiritually immerse existence, could enhance our skills or make us discover ones we were not aware of. "Spiritual Concepts" is the result of such a personal transformation. ~ Claudiu Murgan, author of Water Entanglement

While grouped in series based on similar topics or concepts, all Gabriela's books are stand alone.

Job Fairs: How to Get the Most of Your Participation

Reignite your career goals with a blueprint to landing your dream job!

Award-winning author Gabriela Casineanu unlocks the secrets to a job hunter’s secret weapon: the job fair!

Learn how to stand out from the crowd—while your competition simply hands out resumes that will get lost in the pile. Even if you’re an introvert, Casineanu shows you how to master networking techniques that will have you wowing potential employers!

This book shows you:
• How to save time and frustration in your job search
• Unexpected opportunities you can uncover at job fairs
• Goal-setting techniques to help improve your chances of landing an interview
• Common mistakes that could cost you a job offer

What’s inside:
• Leveraging social media to get noticed before you even set foot in the job fair
• How to present yourself—in person and on paper
• What to do before, during and after a job fair to maximize your chances of success
• Insight into what employers are really looking for in a candidate
And much, much more!

With over a decade of career coaching experience, Casineanu gives the reader refreshingly honest and candid advice on navigating the job fair environment. With special consideration for introverts, immigrants and frustrated job hunters, this guide shows how a job fair can be rocket fuel for your job search. In fact, her advice will change the way you think of approaching employers in all situations.

Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned job seeker, this book will arm you with the tools you need for job fair—and career success!

Bonus: Checklists What to do BEFORE, DURING, AFTER a Job Fair

Editorial reviews:

Over the years I have mentored many people of all ages seeking jobs. This book is one I would highly recommend as a comprehensive roadmap to maximize the job fair experience, including ways to network. It is thorough and insightful. ~ LT

A must-read for anyone looking for a job at a job fair, whether just graduating or multiple job fair attendee. Every possible scenario is explained. I particularly liked the use of an actual encounter with a fellow looking for a job and his reactions to the book ideas. I can't imagine anyone who follows these strategies not finding a job. ~ CN

The Key Factor: Understanding the Employer’s Perspective on Hiring

Tired of sending resumes in vain?
Whether you’re an experienced professional willing to take your career to the next level or a student looking for your first job … this book can give you an extra boost to succeed!


Throughout 10+ years experience in coaching and employment counseling, the author noticed several common themes that act like blind spots on the job hunting process.
The most important one? Misunderstanding the factors that influence the hiring decision, leading to more time and energy spent on getting the desired results.
When you open yourself up to understanding the others’ perspective (employers, recruiters, services providers), you’ll be more willing to adjust your job search accordingly—which increases your chances to get hired!

What you’ll find inside:
• Employers’ point of view on the recruitment process, and factors that influence their decision
• Recruiters’ perspective, and how their services could affect your job search
• Service Providers’ point of view (employment counselors, career coaches, etc.), and how to benefit the most from their services
• Several job search tips for the introverted and shy, addressing their specific challenges

Blind spots of the candidates’ perspective, and how to uncover their wisdom to accelerate your job search!

BONUS: The free book ”You’re Hired: The Faster Way to Find a Job”. It teaches you a powerful coaching concept (often overlooked) that will accelerate your job search!

What’s not included in this book:
1. How to leverage your strengths to attract the employer’s attention
2.Twenty-one efficient job search strategies
3. Detailed tips and advice on each phase of the job hunting process
4. How to save time by applying project management concepts to your job search
5. Attitudes for effective communication during the interview
6. How to combine online and offline job search strategies to get better results (like the proactive use of LinkedIn’s website to figure out the next offline step).

The points 1—6 are covered in Gabriela’s international bestseller ”Introverts: Leverage Your Strengths for an Effective Job Search”.


How a shift in perspective affects job search result
”The author skillfully presents the job search journey from different perspectives. Whether you've read tons of literature on the subject before opening this book or not, be prepared for an epiphany; like that individual mentioned in the book who was so tired of unsuccessful job hunting that he avoided eye contact due to his self-confidence vanishing… until his coach (incidentally the author) gave him an advice that changed the way he perceived himself.
A must read!“ ~ F.K.

Every job seeker should have this book
”This is not just a book about understanding the perspectives of the employer. It will also help the job seekers ask and reflect on themselves, their approach, strategies, and attitude in the job hunting process. I love the practicality of this book as it's also based on the first-hand experience of the author which makes the book a more interesting read. It is clearly written and enriched with examples and tips to make one understand the cycle of the hiring process and most importantly the employer's point of view. Every job seeker should have this book.” ~E.M.

Rencontre avec soi-même: Outil de communication avec la sagesse intérieure (Photo-Coaching t. 1) (French Edition)

Te sens-tu parfois démoralisé? Stressé, frustré ou bloqué dans une situation que tu ne peux pas contrôler?
Alors, ce livre est pour toi!
Il t'emmène dans un voyage inspirant en utilisant des photos et des questions puissantes de coaching… pour t’aider à te reconnecter avec ton âme — avec cette sage partie à l'intérieur de toi qui est difficile à atteindre quand on se sent démoralisés, stressés, frustrés ou bloqués.

Cette combinaison de questions et de visuel va t’aider à comprendre pourquoi tu te sens comme ça et — plus important — ce que tu peux faire pour te sentir mieux et améliorer ta vie!

Le pouvoir de ce livre consiste en l'expérience créée pour le lecteur, donc tu dois ralentir pour capter vraiment la sagesse de ton âme, partagée avec générosité.

Et tu sais quoi? Tu peux utiliser ce livre autant de temps que tu veux, quand tu as besoin d’un peu d’orientation ou pour générer de nouvelles idées. Tu vas juste démarrer de nouveau au premier chapitre, commencer à feuilleter le livre et t'arrêter pour réfléchir sur les pages qui résonnent avec toi à ce moment-là (peut-être elles seront différentes de celles que tu avais déjà explorées la première fois).

Revues éditoriales:

“Ceci n’est pas un livre dans le sens traditionnel: c’est un outil de communication avec ta sagesse intérieure. J’ai attendu avant d’écrire ce commentaire jusqu’à ce que j’aie eu la chance d'utiliser cet outil pour me faire du coaching moi-même sur différentes questions (reliées à ma vie personnelle et professionnelle). Ça s’est avéré être un outil formidable peu importe la question posée!”~ R. C.

“Le chapitre 4 m’a aidé à comprendre qu’il y avait deux parties dans ma vie et que je suis en pleine transition et transformation. Les deux parties de ma vie sont: la première — avec plein de défis, et la deuxième — plus sereine. C’est ce qui m’a aidé à regagner de l’espoir” ~ N.W.

“J’ai utilisé ce livre pour la première fois quand j’ai perdu mon emploi. Au début, il m’a fait juste me sentir mieux. Après, en l'utilisant tous les jours, j’ai pu comprendre plus clairement quelle était ma nouvelle direction. J’ai arrêté d'être attristée et j'ai commencé à penser aux différentes possibilités. J’ai réalisé que je me suis limitée moi-même alors que j’avais beaucoup à offrir. Ce livre m’a aidée à arrêter de tourner en rond, à créer une carte pour savoir vers quelle direction je veux diriger ma vie … et comprendre les petits pas à faire pour y arriver!” ~ A.L.

Relations harmonieuses: Carte routière pour naviguer avec aisance (Photo-Coaching t. 2) (French Edition)

Très inspirant et stimulant! Ce livre donne un sentiment d'espoir que nous pouvons surmonter nos défis interpersonnels. ~ Rita Czarny, médiatrice familiale

As-tu des problèmes relationnels avec ton partenaire, un ami, un collègue, un parent, ...? Te sens-tu frustré par une relation périmée ou une situation qui ne cesse de s'aggraver?

Il y a des moyens pour créer des relations plus harmonieuses!

Gabriela Casineanu, auteure et coach professionnelle, t’invite à un voyage de découverte sur comment améliorer tes relations! Ceci n'est pas un livre au sens traditionnel, c’est un guide pratique qui t’aide à identifier les aspects de ta relation qui peuvent être améliorés. La combinaison de photographies et de questions puissantes de coaching t’inspirera à explorer ta relation d’une manière fraîche et stimulante et à agir sur ce que tu découvriras.

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur:

Huit piliers essentiels qui peuvent maintenir ta relation pendant les périodes hivernales jusqu'au retour du printemps
Quatre comportements toxiques qui peuvent affecter n'importe quelle relation
Comment créer plus intentionnellement le type de relation que tu veux
Et bien plus encore!
Si tu aimes le développement personnel, sois assuré que chaque relation qui entre dans ta vie apporte de grands déclencheurs pour la croissance personnelle! Es-tu ouvert à les reconnaître? Avec ce petit livre, tu en apprendras plus sur toi et comment tu peux t’améliorer si tu veux des relations plus harmonieuses dans ta vie!

Avec plus d'une décennie d'expérience dans le coaching de système (Organization & Relationship Systems Coaching - ORSC™), et en tant qu’artiste photographe, Casineanu donne au lecteur une manière rafraîchissante de cultiver des relations harmonieuses. En fait, son livre pourrait changer la façon dont tu envisages d'aborder n'importe quelle relation!

Avec une considération particulière pour présenter les différents aspects qui composent une relation, ce livre peut être un outil à revisiter à chaque fois que vous rencontrez des difficultés relationnelles.

Revue éditoriale: J'ai lu le livre de Gabriela sur les relations et je l’aime beaucoup. C'est tellement simple et pourtant si profond! Je reviendrai souvent à ce livre pour obtenir de l'aide pour mes autres relations. J'ai aimé le style novateur de lier les belles photos avec un script minimal. En tant que psychologue professionnel, dans les domaines d’éducation et emploi, je pense que ce livre va être apprécié dans de nombreuses situations en raison de son potentiel pour tout le monde et pour toutes les situations. ~ Evelyn Sinclair

Z Dezvoltarea armonioasa a relatiiilor interpersonale: Ghid practic (Photo-Coaching) (Volume 2) (Romanian Edition)

Intampini greutati in comunicarea cu cei dragi? Cu seful, collegii, clientii sau prietenii? Te simti frustrat intr-o relatie care stragneaza sau care se inrautateste?

Dar daca ar exista o modalitate de a crea relatii mai armonioase… ai fi curios sa vezi despre ce e vorba?

Aceasta carte introduce o modalitate practica de a obtine mai multa claritate, intr-un timp scurt, asupra problemelor care au aparut intr-o relatie. Este un instrument util, eficient si frumos conceput, care poate fi utilizat des pentru a ajunge sa intelegi mai bine oamenii de care-ti pasa si sa construiesti relatii mai bune.
Autor de succes si coach profesionist, Gabriela Casineanu te invita la o calatorie pentru a descoperi cum poti ameliora relatiile din viata ta!

Aceasta carte de self-coaching, care combina fotografii cu intrebari percutante, te va ajuta sa descopri singur ce poate fi imbunatatit in fiecare din relatiiile tale … si mai ales cum! Odata ce-ai explorat una din relatii prin intermediul acestei carti, vei putea apoi s-o rasfoiesti din nou pentru a intelege cum poti ameliora si alte relatii din viata ta.

Ce vei gasi in aceasta carte?

Cei 8 stalpi care pot sustine orice relatie, chiar si atunci cand trece printr-o perioada mai dificila
Numeroase aspecte legate de o relatie, inclusiv comportamentele care o pot distruge
Strategii care te vor ajuta sa contribui mai constient la crearea tipului de relatie pe care ti-o doresti
Si alte concepte si metode utile!
Daca esti pasionat de dezvoltarea personala si profesionala, vei fi probabil bucuros sa afli ca relatiile care intra in viata ta au potentialul de a te ajuta sa descoperi mai multe despre tine. Esti deschis la o asemenea revelatie? Parcurgand aceasta carte vei descoperi aspecte legate de comportantul tau care iti afecteaza relatiile, si cum le poti ameliora.

Combinand experienta de peste 10 ani in coaching-ul de sistem (Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching) si ca artist fotograf, autoarea ofera cititorilor un mod inedit de a cultiva relatii interpersonale mai armonioase. De fapt, aceasta carte va schimba probabil felul in care vei aborda orice relatie.

Editorial review:
Imi place foarte mult cartea Gabrielei. Este atat de simpla, si totusi atat de profunda! Voi reveni la ea pe viitor sa explorez si alte relatii din viata mea. Mi-a placut stilul innovator de a combina fotografii frumoase cu foarte putin text. In calitate de psiholog - atat in sistemul educational cat si cel profesional - am impresia ca aceasta carte va fi apreciata in multe situatii pentru potentialul ei pentru a ajuta pe oricine oricand. ~ Evelyn Sinclair

Z Intalnire cu mine insumi: intrebari ce deschid oaza intelepciunii (Photo-Coaching) (Volume 1) (Romanian Edition)

Te simti cateodata coplesit? Stresat, frustrat sau blocat intr-o situatie fara prea mult control? Aceasta carte este pentru tine!

Printr-o combinatie inedita de fotografii si intrebari de coaching, cartea aceasta te invita la auto-reflectie pentru a descoperi o lume mai putin explorata: lumea ta interioara. De asemenea, te va ajuta sa te reconectezi cu acea lumina interioara care este greu de accesat atunci cand te simti stresat sau frustrat.

Daca nu esti multumit cu viata ta de acum, cu ajutorul ei vei putea sa gasesti un filtru mai bun prin care sa-ti privesti viata ... pentru a putea face ajustarile necesare!

Puterea de aceastei carti consta in experienta pe care o creeaza, nu in numarul de cuvinte; asa ca va trebui sa o rasfoiesti intr-un ritm mai lent … pentru a putea accesa oaza de intelepciune din launtrul tau.

Si daca iti place ce obtii la o prima rasfoire a cartii, te poti reintoarce la ea de cate ori simti nevoia de indrumare, de solutii sau de idei noi. De aceasta data, probabil ca alte pagini iti vor atrage atentia, pentru ca depinde de intentia pe care ti-ai propus-o cand ai inceput s-o rasfoiesti din nou.

Ce spun cititorii:

“Am inceput sa utilizez aceasta carte cand mi-am pierdut serviciul din cauza crizei economice. Prima data, m-a facut sa ma simt putin mai bine cand o rasfoiam. Apoi, cand am inceput sa ma uit zilnic prin ea, mi-a devenit mai clar ce vreau, si-am inceput sa-mi schimb felul in care gandeam despre situatia prin care treceam. In loc sa continui sa ma ingrijorez, am inceput sa ma gandesc la posibilitati. Am realizat ca ma limitam singura si ca, de fapt, eu aveam atat de multe de oferit! Rasfoirea zilnica a aceastei carti m-a ajutat sa dau la o parte informatiile primite de la ceilalti (care incercau sa ma ajute cu idei care nu erau in concordanta cu ce-mi doream). Fara a avea o intentie clara in fiecare zi, sarcinile zilnice pareau imense si coplesitoare. Acum insa ma pot concentra si reusesc sa fac pasi mici, realizand ca ei ma duc mai aproape de ceea ce vreau. Aceasta carte de photo-coaching m-a ajutat sa ma opresc din caruselul gandurilor mele si sa creez o harta pentru ceea ce vreau sa realizez in viata.” ~ Amy Leclercq (SUA)

“Am folosit aceasta carte weekend-ul trecut. Wow, e incredibil ce a reusit sa scoata la suprafata!!! Mi-am notat toate raspunsurile, iar intentia mea incepe sa prinda forma. E fantastic! Multumesc!” ~ Lise Fillion (Canada)

"Titlul cartii m-a intrigat inca de la inceput si m-a captivat de la prima citatie despre reflectie pand la ultima pagina. Autoarea prezinta o serie de intrebari care te pun pe ganduri, complementandu-le cu fotografiile ei, creaind astfel o carte unica si interesanta. Am savurat fiecare pagina si perspectivele prezentate. O modalitate superba de a petrece timpul reflectand. Ma voi intoarce sa vizitez cateva pagini din aceasta carte din cand in cand, ca sa continui conversatia cu mine insumi." ~L.T. (SUA)

Meeting With My Self (Workbook): Self-Coaching Questions That Invite the Wisdom In (Photo-Coaching)

A Personal Workbook to capture the thoughts inspired by the first book in the Photo-Coaching series, Meeting With My Self: Self-Coaching Questions That Invite Wisdom In.

This book - available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats - takes the readers on a self-reflection journey through a powerful combination of photographs and compelling coaching questions. It's like a tool that helps you to tap into the wisdom of your inner guide, to understand how to improve your relationship with yourself ... and with your own life!

By having in one place all the ideas triggered by that book, this Personal Workbook allows you to group these thoughts into categories and prioritize them for easy implementation (and to avoid getting overwhelmed).

Curious how your life can be improved?
The book Meeting With My Self: Self-Coaching Questions That Invite Wisdom In and this Practical Workbook will help you get many ideas, and give you the necessary boost to implement them.
