Erika Phillips Deshmukh

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Mind Body Spirit, Cookery & Diet, Children's general

Skills: Performance/Spoken Word, Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

Erika Phillips Deshmukh's books

All You Need Is Love

Two mice, Cheezit and Munchkin, are about to learn the greatest lesson of love - from a cat.

Cheezit and Munchkin are best friends. Mozzarella is the toughest mouse of Swiss Mouse Town. And Catastrophe the cat is about to change their world for good.

Hand-written and illustrated by a 6th grader, a long time ago.

Sachin: El viaje de un pájaro hacia la iluminación (Spanish Edition)

Sachin es un pájaro feliz que vive en una jaula a la que llama Hogar. Entonces un
día descubre un mundo fuera de la jaula y anhela la
libertad. Esta es una historia sobre el libre albedrío, el destino y el más profundo
significado de la vida. Es un libro para niños con hermosas ilustraciones.
que atraerá a los niños y impactará a los adultos.

Sachin: One Bird's Journey to Enlightenment

Sachin is a happy bird living in a cage he calls Home. Then one day he discovers a world outside of the cage and longs for freedom. This is a story about free will, fate and the deeper meaning of life. It's a children's book with beautiful illustrations that will appeal to children and resonate with adults.
