Can God Trust You with Trouble?
It was an Abnormal Sunday.
As Pastor Stanley Moore entered the sanctuary with the processional, everything seemed surreal.
• The church was so packed, that people filled the aisles sitting in folding chairs.
• The choir sang to the heavens with a melody that sounded like angels.
• The air in the church felt electrified.
It was an Abnormal Sunday because a transcendental question was asked to Pastor Moore:
Can I Trust You with Trouble?
That’s the question Pastor Stanley Moore heard God ask him as he sat in the pulpit. This was just before preaching the Sunday sermon to a packed church, but shortly after hearing his youngest daughter brutally murdered over the phone.
Losing over 60 percent of his female family members in the next 11 months, Trouble became Pastor Moore's constant companion, embracing him at every turn.
Enduring monumental grief and personal illnesses during the next three years, Pastor Moore continually fought to maintain a more suitable companion: Faith.