DM Fike

ALLi Author Member

Location: United States of America (the)

Genres: Fantasy/SciFi/Speculative

Skills: Press/Media Interview, Reading/Literary Event, Self-publishing Workshop/Training, Speaking Engagement/Lecture, Writing Workshop

DM Fike wanted desperately to join the X-Men growing up. Barring that, she would have enjoyed riding a unicorn or at least meeting a fairy. Since none of that happened, she decided to write books about everyday people discovering magic through a series of epic adventures. She’s currently living out her own happily-ever-after with her husband and two wonderful children in Oregon.

DM Fike's books

Mom of the Chosen One

A magical secret, a hidden world of fae, and a single mom on the edge.

Welcome to my midlife crisis.

I love my smart, kind, and funny daughter. We may not have much, but we get along without any of the normal teenage drama.

Or at least we did, until my daughter got curious about her biological father.

Now our world is falling apart. A handsome client threatens my employment. A monstrous black wolf shows up on our doorstep. A mysterious masked woman begins stalking us.

And that’s not mentioning the fae.

I didn’t expect to have a midlife crisis involving magic, but it doesn’t matter. I may be just a single mom, but I’ll do anything to protect my daughter.

Even if it kills me.


Join Melissa Hartley as she goes on a magical journey only a mother could take. For readers of Paranormal Women’s Fiction who like strong female protagonists, witty banter, and a hint of romance.

Mom on a Quest

I deal with fae magic the same way I deal with everything else…with a strong cup of coffee.

I may have stopped one pair of fae from snatching my daughter, but that doesn’t mean life returned to normal. Other sketchy strangers are still gunning for my family. Oh, and my daughter’s rich bio-dad also suddenly wants to contact her. Fun times!

Fortunately, I’ve got my fae co-workers at Stronghold, Incorporated to help me navigate this treacherous situation. It doesn’t hurt that my gargoyle CEO is giving me hot flashes that have nothing to do with menopause.

But I have to tread carefully. If there’s one thing I’m learning about the fae, even those who pose as friends may have their own secret agenda.


Melissa Hartley continues her quest to protect her daughter Regan from magical forces. For readers who like action-based urban fantasy with romance.

Mom in Shining Armor

How many more skeletons are in my family’s closet?

I’m about to find out.

Life doesn’t get more stressful than magical training with my mother Barbara, knight extraordinaire. She wants to make sure my teenage daughter Regan and I are ready for any fae headed our way. That means running laps for miles, endless pushups, and, of course, yelling. Lots and lots of yelling.

I’ll grin and bear it if it makes us stronger. Our enemies will definitely not pull any punches, not when Regan’s existence holds the literal key to the Old Realm, the fae’s homeland.

But when Barbara insists we train at a secluded monastery, her tragic past comes back to haunt her. My gargoyle boss Gabriel warns me not to go, but we have no choice if we want to go toe-to-toe with the fae pursuing us.

I just hope it’s worth the price Barbara wants us to pay.


Check out this Paranormal Women’s Fiction series that readers are calling a “well-crafted magical adventure” and a “breath of fresh air” from overused tropes.

Mom's Last Stand

At first, I just wanted to just save my kid. Now I have to save the world.

I didn’t mean to get involved in a magical war. I was just a single mom living an ordinary life until the fae showed up on our doorstep. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d have to fight for my family…with magical powers no less.

But I will fight, not only for my kid, but for every man, woman, and child on this planet. My teenage daughter Regan will be right beside me, alongside my gargoyle protector Gabriel, my warrior mother Barbara, and all our friends.

If this is my last stand, let it stand for something.


Read the EXCITING CONCLUSION of single mom Melissa’s epic journey.

Magic Portal

Avalon's tragic past holds a magical mystery…one that could transport her to another world.

Avalon’s life seems over before it has even begun. At 18 years old, her parents are dead and she’s dropped out of school. She lives in her car, hoping to earn enough money at her carnival job to get off the streets.

But then her lonely existence unravels. A bedraggled beggar begins stalking her every move. A childhood illness flairs up after being dormant for years. And a lifelike fairy statue shows up inside the Hall of Mirrors, unlocking strange abilities that Avalon struggles to control.

As Avalon gets pulled toward a secret world where others covet her legendary powers, she must decide whom to trust—an amnesiac knight, a shapeshifting trickster, or even her former doctor—all of whom may only be exploiting her for their own gain.

Get lost in this YA portal fantasy adventure, perfect for readers of all ages who still believe magic exists somewhere at the edges of our mundane lives.

Magic Curse

Now that Avalon knows about Llenwald, can life ever go back to normal?

With her legendary powers mysteriously gone, Avalon goes on a journey which leads her right back to where it all began: Llenwald, the land of magic on the other side of the portal. Only this time, she doesn’t have the safety of anonymity. Bedwyr’s dark henchmen hunt her, believing she still holds the key to enslaving humans. Her former allies want nothing to do with her. Besides a ragtag group of misfit friends, she’s on her own.

But Avalon won’t quit, not until she gets answers about the Jaded Sprite Statue. What she doesn’t realize is that someone she trusts may betray her… far worse than Bedwyr ever could.

Legends of Llenwald is a YA portal fantasy trilogy filled with mystery and adventure. Travel with Kay the fairy knight, trickster Nobody the gremlin, Vimp his impish familiar, and a cast of other colorful characters in an adventure with unexpected surprises.

Magic Prophecy

What sacrifice would you make for a world that does not want you?

It’s a question that haunts Avalon even as she knows that Llenwald is crumbling around her. She has no ties to the Aossi fairy folk. She could choose to go home and forget everything about that strange magical world.

But she can’t. Even if she shouldn’t have legendary powers, even if she didn’t ask for it, she knows she could save a land on the brink of a devastating civil war.

Because unlike on Earth, magical prophecies have a way of coming true on Llenwald.

Enjoy the heart-pounding conclusion to the Legends of Llenwald YA portal fantasy trilogy.

Chasing Lightning

The other nature wizards wield fire, earth, air, and water to protect the forest.

Only I bring the lightning.

My name’s Ina, and I command the elements like an honest-to-goddess nature wizard. I’ve defeated my fair share of creepy cryptids that go bump in the night, but now a monster with a Medusa gaze preys upon the Oregon coast. It’s going on a murder spree against the native fauna. It doesn’t help that game warden Vincent Garcia has noticed an uptick in endangered carcasses and blames me for poaching them.

I do have an ace up my sleeve with my unique lightning magic. The only problem: it’s like using a stick of dynamite to kill a house spider. I’m not supposed to use it, but the supernatural predator grows stronger every day. Either I banish this horror show soon, or there won’t be much forest left to protect.


Chasing Lightning is the first in the action-packed Magic of Nasci series that explores the magical dangers that lurk deep in the woods. It’s like Avatar: The Last Airbender and urban fantasy had a superhero love child.

Breathing Water

Why did the latest supernatural predator have to show up underwater?

Mastering the four elements is no joke. My mentor Guntram has me practicing hours each day drawing the underwater breathing sigil, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t get it right. Why is it so hard to draw one stupid magic symbol?

I don’t have a lot of time to perfect my form, though, not when I’m facing off against a creature who swims like a fish. Too bad it also has claws and a vicious personality. Game warden Vincent Garcia thinks he can help me fight it, but what can a vanilla human do? I’ve got all the magic in the world, and this vaettur’s always one step ahead.

Here’s hoping I get the hang of water magic soon before this thing drags me under… permanently.


Breathing Water is the second in the action-packed Magic of Nasci urban fantasy series that chronicles Ina’s journey to becoming a full-blown nature wizard. If you like sarcastic protagonists, colorful side characters with secrets, and the allure of forest magic, this series is for you.

Running into Fire

Unnatural forest fires are raging across the Pacific Northwest, and it’s gonna take a nature wizard like me to stop them.

I may be getting better about banishing mythical creatures from another world, but this time is different. Funky portals pop up in the most random places. Forest fires burn out of control all over the Oregon coast. And defeating one vaettur just leads to another one taking its place.

Worst of all, Guntram won’t let me fight everything head-on because he thinks I’m too impulsive. He’s probably right, but this is what I signed up for as a shepherd of Nasci. Either I’ll recruit game warden Vincent Garcia to help me, or I’m stopping this problem on my own, no matter what it takes.


Running into Fire is the third installment in this action-packed contemporary fantasy series. If you ever felt magic out in the woods, the Magic of Nasci is for you.

Shattering Earth

Some magic is forbidden for a reason. I might learn why the hard way.

Who told the evil mythical creatures from Letum that hunting season was open on Earth? These supernatural creeps are popping up all over the forest. Worse still, our normal nature wizard tricks have little to no effect on them.

The good news is, I know how to stop them. The bad news? My new sigil goes against my sacred vows. If my mentor Guntram knew I was using it, he would bind me for good.

But what he doesn’t know, can’t hurt him or the other shepherds. Besides, what could be more important than protecting the Talol Wilds from beasts that go bump in the night?


Shattering Earth is the fourth book in the action-packed Magic of Nasci urban fantasy series. If you like characters that grow over time, unforeseen plot twists, and a slow burn romance subplot, check out this series.

Soaring in Air

I really screwed up this time. How can I fix everything that happened on Mt. Hood?

I don’t know how Guntram and the other shepherds can ever forgive me. There are some mistakes you can’t rewind, some actions that can never be repaired.

But I feel a storm on the horizon, as clearly as if that annoyingly elusive kitsune fox were standing next to me. Vincent thinks I have to embrace my responsibilities. But how can I redeem myself? And even if I wanted to, do I have enough magical juice left to make a difference?


Soaring in Air is the fifth and final book in Ina’s journey as a rookie shepherd of Nasci. With unexpected allies, an underdog heroine, and plenty of action, this book reveals whether she succeeds in becoming a full-fledged nature wizard… or dies trying.

Rising Scorn

Just when I think I’ve seen it all, life throws a jackal with bat wings at me.
To be fair, banishing the interdimensional monsters that invade the Pacific Northwest wilderness is a pretty typical day for a nature wizard like me. Lately, though, something’s off. The mythical creatures from Letum have a rabid bloodlust I’ve never seen before.

To make matters worse, I still have Darby to deal with. She’s suffering through the anger stage of grief, and she’s focused all that rage on me. Darby will stop at nothing to get me kicked out of the magical shepherd club.

But my elemental magic has grown leaps and bounds. I know people have my back: Vincent the game warden, Guntram the grumpy old augur, and Sipho the talented forger. Here’s hoping we're enough to keep the supernatural (and Darby’s allies on Mt. Rainier) at bay.


Fans of Avatar the Last Airbender will love this unique book series that explores the true depths of nature magic hidden in the forests of our modern world.

Gathering Swarm

The only thing worse than one nasty vaettur is a swarm of them.

They say that time heals all wounds, but the open lesion pits left by Rafe refuse to close. Not only are these spiritual cesspools attracting more magical atrocities from Letum, they’re making even the weak ones tougher to banish.

My fellow nature wizards and I are battling around the clock to give Sipho the forger and her new apprentice time to close the lesions, but we’re simply not prepared for the threat looming on the desert horizon. It’s going to take an unusual alliance outside of the Pacific Northwest to defeat our latest enemy.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned as the only lightning shepherd, it’s that you sometimes have to break the rules to win the day.


The Magic of Nasci is the not-so-urban fantasy series that takes you out of the city and into the dark corners of the world’s last wild spaces.

Howling Storm

A storm is forming on the horizon, greater than any we nature wizards have ever faced.

It’s been an exhausting couple of months, fighting off supernatural monsters from another dimension that have become drawn to our territory. You’d think fate would finally throw us a well-deserved break.

But you’d be wrong. Instead, a legendary vaettur has come clawing at our door. This terror has killed greater shepherds than me before. It will take all of us to stop it, but with the northern and southern homesteads still divided, we’re not exactly overflowing with teamwork around here.

As the only lightning shepherd, I may have a shot at taking down this threat. But I can’t do it alone. And I can’t do it without unlocking the magical secret still buried inside me.


The Magic of Nasci is a wild ride that takes readers into an action-packed adventure through Earth’s untamed forests. Filled with found family and a slow-burn romance, it’s a new take on superhero fantasy.

Extending Branches

I’m supposed to form alliances with other magical people. I’d rather get ambushed by a monster.

I should be careful what I wish for.

My relationship with game warden Vincent Garcia is just getting started, but there’s a huge catch: I’m supposed to build bridges between his elementally-gifted family and my druid community. We need to work together against the supernatural creatures that stalk our forests.

The only problem: Vincent’s family hates me.

But with a new threat lingering in the woods, I don’t have a lot of time to play diplomat. If I can’t convince Vincent’s family we should work together, people could die…and Vincent’s loved ones will be the first to fall.


Ina, the lightning shepherd, returns in this stand-alone story about nature wizards. Readers who enjoy strong female leads who grow over time will love this not-so-urban fantasy series.
