Start With the Draft

By DIxie Carlton

If you want to write a book, whether you plan to do this yourself, or find a book ghost writer to help you, you need to start at the very beginning. Start with the Draft. The first draft of a non-fiction book is not something you can just ‘magically do’ without a plan. So, here’s how to do the first things first, and start with the draft of your manuscript, by working through the easiest planning process to get that content out of your head and into the hands of your readers.

This book takes you through the preplanning – who your readers are, why they want this book, what you can do to help them take action making changes, and what kind of book it will be. Then you develop your contents using the very easy Tri-Variant FrameworkTM that Dixie Carlton has been using and teaching for more than 15 years.

Start with the Draft is also about how to start with the end in mind, so that your non-fiction manuscript draft can work hard for you as a marketing tool beyond the book you wish to write.

This book also covers:
- how to avoid the top mistakes authors make,
- how to overcome writers block,
- the value of pre-formatting your book draft,
- how to prepare it for the editing and production phase
- how to test content with beta readers before you finish writing a book.

A step-by-step easy process for planning, writing, and preparing a nonfiction book ready for publishing.

Dixie has worked with more than 200 authors, assisted in the publishing of at least that many books, across multiple genres and many have become best selling titles, award winning profile tools for authors who are leaders in their industries, across a range of topics.

Part 1 – Before You Start
Dear author
Why do you want to write this book
Imposter syndrome
Your temperature checks
Worksheet #1: Thinking Through Your Book Details
Creating your book plan
Workshseet #2: Planning Your Contents
How many chapters?
FAQs, Fun Facts, and Case Studies
Using the plan to write your book easily
Writing a book pitch

Part 2 – Writing Your First Draft
The big question of size
Writer’s block
Sharing your work
Word vs Google Docs
Titles and subtitles
Perfection kills creativity
Don’t keep it a secret
Writers are readers
Author quicksand
Review your content
Your test pilots
What to do next
